38 TAE Marine REVIEW cr ( PROPOSALS. U. S. Engineer Office, 57 Park $t., Grand Rapids, Mich., June 26, 1907. Sealed pro- posals for Repair of North Pier at Holland, Mich., will be received here until 3 P. M.. July 26, 1907, and then publicly opened. In- formation furnished on application. M. B. Adams, Col., Engrs. U.. S. Engineer Office,, Milwaukee, Wis., July 3, 1907. Sealed proposals for building crib breakwaters at Racine and Kenosha har- ie Wis., will be received here: until 2 P. August 2, 1907, and then publicly opened. eae furnished on application. W. V. Judson, Major, Engrs. 5, Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich., July 16th. Sealed proposals for dredging harbor at Cheboygan, Mich., will be received at this Oiice "unt 3 PB. Mi, August 15, 1907, and then publicly opened. Information furnished On application. Chas. -E:. L. B. Davis; Col. Engrs. U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N., Y., July 17, 1907. Sealed proposals for construction of stone-concrete superstructure on outer breakwater at Oswego, N. Y., will be re- ceived here until 11 a, m., August 17, 1907, and then opened. Information on application. H. M. Adams, Col. Engrs. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Light-House Board, Washing- ton, BD: C., until 2 o'clock P; M., Aucust 19, 1907, and then opened, for the construction of a single-screw steel steam light-vessel, to be delivered either at Charlevoix, Mich., De- troit, Mich., or Tompkinsville, N. Y., in ac- cordance with specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other information, may be had upon application to the Light- House Board, Washington, ' COAL HANDLING MACHINE ONE .BROWN RAPID. COAL Handling Machine for sale. Now in use at Toledo Docks. This Machine is in very fair shape-and is to be replaced by one of larger capacity. Will be glad to furnish any informa- tion to interested parties. CrB. Dufty, °P. A: Hocking Valley Ry. Columbus, O. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SERVICE STEAMERS FOR SALE. Tue LIGHTHOUSE STEAMER Haze, 145 ft. long, 27-ft. beam, 9-ft. draught, 500 tons capacity, 300 horse- power engine and boiler, suitable for passenger or freight business, fully equipped. Steam capstan, donkey boiler. Jacob Ullman, 46, Lloyd street... Bufialo, N: Y. STEEL TWIN SCREW PASSEN- ger and Freight, Steamer for sale for PRagust-- delivery. Length Z10 | ft; breadth .3] .{t.: draft loaded 774 ft: built in early 90s; speed 14 miles per hour. 26 staterooms; . 90... berths. Triple expansion engines, working pressure 180 Ibs. pen sq, in.. For fur- teer particulars apply to ..Wm.- E. Waterhouse, 15 Whitehall Street, New | York City. Ciey. Ob . TRAVERSE... BOR sale; passenger and freight steamer. Length, vl4-5 it. preadth, 43.2. 4: depth, 12.8 ft. Tonnage, 1,153. Stee- ple compound 'engine, 650 .h.~ p. Steamer in excellent condition.: Ow- ing to the character of the business vessel had been engaged in the past two seasons, many thousand dollars were spent in bringing her up to A-1 condition, $7,000 having been spent alone this spring. Will go as a rare bargain for cash. Ad- firess (tt Colby. 200 State Se. Chicago, III. A Whi ESTABLISHED LINE of excursion steamers near Boston, for sale cheap for cash. Can now be seen in commission. An_ excellent opportunity for an energétic steam- boat captain with a moderate capital. For further patticulars address "eteamboat, care of the -Marine Review, Cleveland, Ohio. VESSEL BROKER. J OAVE VESSELS. OF: MOST every kind--from 10 tons to 6,000 tons-- to sell for their owners, at reasonable prices. Anybody wishing to buy or sell a boat should call on or write Fred A. Bradley, 247 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Bell 'Phone, quppst 5933. 'BARGE WANTED SMALL STEAM BARGE WANT- ed for cash, to carry 500 to 800 tons. Address 'Cleveland,' The Marine Review, Cleveland, Ohio. TUG WANTED SVALL- TUG WANTED, NOT less than 16 x 18 engine, with good boiler. Write stating price and giving full particulars to the Mud Lake Lum- ber Company, Cleveland. Ohio. TUCS FOR SALE. TUG FOR SALE, 14 x 16 EN- gine, 44 ft. 4 in. length, beam, 11 it. 2 in.; depth, 6 ft. 5 in.; hull and boiler as good as new. Price, $2,500.00. Write F. Alberts & Sons, Muskegon, Mich. THE FOLLOWING cei, AT SATISFACTORY RICES Wm.E. Rooney, 12x12, .100 Ibs, of steam. Uncle Sam, 17x17, 90 Ibs. of steam. Frank. >...Butler,..18 x20, 100 Ibs. of steam. ; Fanny L. Baker, steam. American Eagle, 24 x 26, 125 Ibs. « of steam. For further information apply to L. S. Sullivan, 'Toledo, 0. 18x18, 125 lbs. of BOOKS TRUE! BEARINGS OF, CELES- TIAL OBJECTS FOR THE GREAT LAKES. By Frank Henrich, 315 Providence Bldg., Duluth. Price $3.50 postpaid. FOR SALE, MISCELLANEOUS. NEAFPIE & LEVY F-& A COM- pound 26"-50" 30" with Surface Condenser and Pumps. Will alter to 22-50" x 30% for high 'steam. 13% K. W.. Electric. Lighting .Set. Williamson Steering Engine. Two Hawser Pullers (Capstans). Two Providence Steam Wind- lasses. . Wheeler Surface Condenser. Blake Vertical 'Duplex Air Pump and Jet Condenser. 714" steam, 16" air, 12" stroke. Worthington Duplex Air Pump & Jet Condenser 9" x 12" x 10". D. C. Sturtevant Blower & Engine. Two Scotch Boilers 12° x 12'. Two Scotch Boilers 11' x 12'. Two Scotch boilers 1314' x 12'. MARVIN BRIGGS, INC.,, -154 Nassau Street, New York. WILLGOX, PECK & HUGHES SUCCESSORS CHAS. E. & W. F. PECK NEW YORK, No. 3 South William Street, Insurance Brokers. Average Adjusters. BUFFALO CLEVELAND MINNEAPOLIS SEATTLE REPRESENTED BY 'NEW ORLEANS Cc. T. BOWRING & GO., (Insurance) Ltd., 5 and 6 Billiter Ave., LONDON, and at "LLOYD'S"' LONDON. HULLS AND CARGOES. CHICAGO f TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS. ~~ Specialty: "Working on the Failures of Others" ria SIGGERS & SIGGERS 7232 suns Suite !!, National Union Ins. Bidg., Washington D.C. 25 Years Practice. | We place insurances in the most advantageous markets, hav- ing unequaled facilities for procuring, in the interests of our clients, the best obtainable rates and termsfrom the strongest Foreign and Home companies, We Represent the Assured nished. American Sawdolet Co. HIP FLOORING Sawdolet substances ) can be applied to steel decks cheaply. It is fire proof, water proof, dust proof, and vermin proof. Can be colored any tint and is practically indestruct- ible and monolithic. (made of wood fiber, and mineral Samples submitted and estimates fur- 902 Park Building CLEVELAND