2 "TAE. MarRINE REVIEW Morison Suspension Boiler Furnaces For Land and Marine Boilers Uniform Thickness--Easily Cleaned UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces t and Cayler Sts., NEW YORK Manufactured Wes THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS, °° xccsosttasisasc remes Valves for Severe Service The Williams Regrinding Valve for high pressures and temperatures excels all others. It has greater lift of disc to reduce friction, larger wearing surfaces and is stronger in construction. Do you want Valve economy? Then give the "Williams" a trial Catalog ? The D. T. Williams Valve Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. : ~\ Send for Illustrated Catalogs of our Machinery bo ts, barges and schooners. Borough of Brooklyn. yRuUsCcoT The Dependable Marine Motor Made to withstand the most severe and contin- uous service. A practical design characterized by the accessibility, compactness and simple ignition gas producing and oiling features. Per- fect control. Four cycle type, two and four cylinders, from 8 to 65H.P. Smaller sizes of the two cycle type. Catalogue and copy of The Launch for the asking. Department 46. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co. ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN. SHIP WINDLASS CO. Providence, R. I. 7 Established 1857 AMERICAN SHIP MACHINERY of the most improved type. Our AUTOMATIC STEAM TOWING MACHINE (Shaw & ~c egle Patents) is absolutely thef{best machine ever invented for towing vessels at sea. "PR VIDENCE" WINDLASSES, Capstans, Hoisting Machinery of all kinds, anchors and complete fittings for tug- We have a large iron foundry and can execute ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS promptly and at reasonable prices. We also build the Taylor Gravity Under-Feed Stokers.