"TAE. MarRINE. REVIEW 11 So long as there is water to feed, the U. S. Automatic In- jector will keep your boiler supplied. It is positively auto- matic. Operates at lower steam pressure and works to higher than any other. 100 percent efficiency ---and absolutely no waste. Saves work for the engineer---saves money for the owner. qe nie 300,000 Investigate and you will surely buy Baia | Engineers o ' S Automatic eJ.Injector 7 a "a Look for the name '"'U.S." Insist on the (EN Hy Certificate of Range and Capacity; it is your guarantee of satisfaction. The "U. S." Auto- matic can be bought from your dealer. Engineers' Reliable Red Book, Free This book is invaluable to every steam user. The information it contains is accurate, prac- tical, dependable. A postal card will bring a copy to you free. AMERICAN INJECTOR CO. DETROIT, MICH. Makers of "Moon" Automatic Grease Cups, '"'Never Fail'? Crank Pin Oilers, and full line of Water Heaters. Ejectors, Fire Plugs, etc. A RELIABLE INJECTOR Must be Instantly Ready for Service HALF A MILLION Engineers know this and use the "PENBERTHY"' because--"IT ALWAYS WORKS" % The 'XL-96" Ejector (a marvel of power) also our line of Oilers, Grease Cups, Water Gages and other Steam Specialties are fully des- cribed in Catalog No. 22. Also send for sample copy of "Engineer @ Fireman," a 32 page journal for Boiler and Engine Room Men. ; PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO. Largest Manufacturers of Injectors in the World DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A: BRANCHES CANADIAN FACTORY New York, N. Y- London, Eng. » Windsor, Ont., Can. Pittsburgh, Pa. 30% OF OIL SAVED By the Use of LUNKENHEIMER MECHANICAL OIL PUMPS : More Reliable than | Hydrostatically op- erated Lubricators, and are giving per- fect satisfaction | where others have failed. 4 THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER-TUBE BOILER CO. Marine Water Tube Boilers (Generators of the Highest Quality of Steam OVER 1500 IN USE Send f YL a ek: ahi = : FZ MAIN OFFICE 39 Cortlandt St. New York City : Phone 599 Cortlandt Easily at- tached and can be reg- ulated to feed any quantity of oil. local deal- er should have them. If not write LUNKENHEIMER COMPANY . Largest manufacturers of high grade engineering specialties in the world. SE General offices and works CINCINNATI, OHIO, Works: Red Bank, N. J. Cable Address Phone, 49 Red Bank '¢Bruniva" * NEW YORK, 66-68 Fulton St. LONDON S E., 35 Great Dover St