87. No. A vessel may be able to sail as close to the wind as four points. With the wind anywhere for'ard of the beam she could sail anywhere within eight 'points of the wind. The law governing the rules of the road, however, is the same for a vessel running closehauled as with the wind anywhere for'ard of abeam. 88. Yes. 89. To: port. 90. Moving or shoving it over to the port side. 91. To starboard. 92. One blast meaning that I am di- recting my course to starboard, by put- ting my helm to port; two blasts, that I am directing my course to port by put- ting my helm to starboard. 93. That I am going to SannO Te (by porting helm). 94. That she is on the starboard tack ° with the wind anywhere for'ard of abeam: 95. She will take the starboard side, and have the other boat on her own port side. 96. A cross-signal is where one blast is answered by two or. two blasts by one. A cross-signal is sometimes blown when one pilot misunderstands the signal of another pilot. That is, one pilot may think that the other blew two blasts when he only blew one, or vice versa. Accord- ing to law a cross-signal is not permissi- ' ble. In case of a pilot not understanding the signal of another instead of blowing a cross-signal, or to take the chances of blowing a cross-signal, he should first blow an alarm-signal. This indicates to the other pilot that he is not under- stood or that he does not deem it safe to pass on that side. Under these con- ditions both boats must check down and stop until they come to an agreement. Or in case they are in dangerous quar- ters one must give way to the other for the safety of both. QUESTIONS FOR MASTERS AND MATES.--NO. 39. 551. What is the difference in latitude between Duluth pierhead light and Chi- cago breakwater light? © 552. What is their difference in longi- tude? S53, What i is their actual difference in 'time? 554. What is the difference in inci standard. times? Why? . §55. 'A' ship from lat, 32° 40' N - sails to lat. 20° 47' N, what is the diff. of lat: made? 556. What is the difference in latitude between Buffalo and Chicago? 557. What is the difference in longi- tude between these places? 558. What is the length of a minute of latitude in nautical miles? 559. 19' W and sails to long. 86° 49' W, how If a ship starts from' long, 81°. THe Marine REVIEW much has she changed her longitude, and which way has she gone, east or west? 560. The compass course is south, the wind WSW, the leeway 34-pt., the Var. 16° Ely and. the Dey. 14° Ely, what is the true course the ship has made? SHIFTING FOR GRAIN CARGOES. One of the considerations which make the vessel owners slow to. offer their boats for grain even though the rate may be a fair one as compared with ore, is the probability that the boat in getting her cargo will have to shift from one elevator to another involving de- lays in. loading and possible tug bills. Especially is this true of the boats of smaller tonnage. Seldom however does such an extreme case arise as is illus- trated by the accompanying diagram, The boat in questidn having a capaci- ty of about 2,200 gross tons loaded grain at one of the Lake Superior ports get- ting a cargo of wheat for two different 25 Armenia in. Lake Erie about 33% miles N. W. by W. of Pelee Passage light and about the same distance N. \y of Pelee Island light. Depths of 23. to 26 ft. prevailed over the wreck, but one small spot showed only 15% ft. This finding shows the wreck to be still a dangerous menace to navigation, as it lies almost di- rectly in the course from. Detroit river light to Pelee Passage, and is not lighted. The buoy marking the wreck is still in position, a little to north and eastward of the remains. STEEL TUG FOR MAJOR FITCH. The Racine Boat Manufacturing Co., Muskegon, Mich., will build a steel tug for the use of Major Graham D. Fitch, government engineer, with headquarters at Duluth. All bids as originally submitted were in excess of the appropriation, but the specifica- shippers, the entire cargo containing tions were later amended to permit tere ek be 3. 4. 5. a a2 *% : i ; 16275 2 | ENcine Brey 7am. due22, | 6002 1 a oe 4)0 | | ConsouicAtep FE. cy. aa eo) 22131225 | agg Space i N Fircy Fe : 4990 lees ! | i TAM. dur 23. TON30AM, NW ge ag aes 120000 | 291 i 1592122 O) a Fintan £00 yoke ____ 20000. 2213142 20000 ae Sea? = 961747" Boe Wuear, 20121 DIAGRAM OF A GRAIN CARGO TAKEN FROM LAKE SUPERIOR RECENTLY, 88,174 bu. and a few pounds over, The total time elapsed during loading was 35 As shown by the diagram the hours. boat had five hatches and began load- ing at Elevator "B' at 7 A. M. Monday receiving 1,872 bu. and 50 pounds in No. 1 hatch and 16,275 bu. and 50 Ibs. in No. 4 hatch. She then shifted over to the Consolidated elevator where 6,412 ° bu. were received in two hatches as shown. The second shift took the boat to elevator "E" where one shipper's en- tire cargo was received in hatch No. 2 and the third shift to elevator "K". By this time it was Tuesday morning. To load the 3,490 bu. in hatch No. 1 and the 2,444 bu. in hatch No. 4 at "K" re- quired in actual loading time 4% hours as. compared with about 6. hours for loading 35,547 bu. in four hatches at elevator "A" ahaits 3 \ The sketch is a longitudinal section of the cargo hold and illustrates very clearly the balancing, and placement of the cargo as well as the loading record. Such extreme cases of slow loading and -scattered cargoes are not frequent but present an interesting instance of pos- _ sibilities. © WRECK OF ARMENIA A ME-. NACE. The steamer Gen. Williams of the United States lake - survey has ex- 'amined the wreck | of the schooner after the fourth and last 'beam and 11 ft. 6 in. deep. the Racine Boat Manufacturing Co. to construct it within the limits of the appropriation. The tug will be 85 ft. 6. in: over all, 74 ft. 6 im: keel, BI ft. 'Her en- gine will be fore and aft -compound with cylinders 16 and 34 in. diameters by stroke of 26 in. supplied with steam from a boiler of the firebox type 8% ft. diameter and 14 ft. long. She is to be delivered next spring. IRON SITUATION. The adjustment of the labor troubles at the head of the lakes has removed a source of apprehension over a possible ore shortage from' the iron and _ steel industry, and the surprisingly good record of shipments for July, considering the interruptions, has helped to allay any distrust over the situation. The contract for the steel for another lake vessel was placed during the week and it is ex- pected that orders for several others will be booked shortly. The plate demand continues very strong. Finished lines generally are in a very satisfactory con- dition, but pig iron continues dull, al- though prices are well maintained. The monthly blast furnace statistics of THE IRoN TRADE ReEviEw for July show a production of 2,257,993 tons, compared with 2,237,420 tons for June, an increase of 20,573 tons.