32 afterward .a: gale was experienced in the Mediterranean' worse than any encoun- tered in: the Atlantic. 'BEST: DAY'S. RUN, _ The best day's: run of the whole: voy- age was 152. miles, made June 9 in the | Bay of Bengal, where a current of at least forty miles per day favored it; the worst day's run was in the Atlantic, where the expedition achieved minus 24. miles one day, .steaming - against. a head' wind: and. sea. The details. Ot the 3 various passages : are given in the accompanying table: DULUTH GRAIN SHIPMENTS. Duluth, Aug. 5.--Following are the grain figures for the week ending Aug. 2. Receipts. | Shipments. Wheat ©) cist ei vas ack 701,926. 763,979 MOEN pe cs ee ue eis Care Oat a ee 64,172 143,682 - RVG one g see ee aes 83517 2,074 WATICYy is i as 1 63,949 63,578 Flax 216, 062 296,089 AROUND THE GREAT LAKES. The steamer Benton, which was sold last spring to Canadian. parties, has been _ purchased by Capt. HH. M. TeX, of To- leda. = The steamer P. P. Pratt, toda for. Milwaukee with coal, went ashore at Bar Point this week. She was released by the lighter Newman. -- The six Brown electric machines at Fairport unloaded 11,922 tons of ore from the steamer Thomas -. Cole in 7 hours and 57 minutes. The jwreck. of the car ferry barge which capsized under the Chicago break- water , last fall, drowning three. of her crew, is being destroyed by dynamite. The steamer building for the Atlas Steamship. Co, will be named William A. Hawgood and the steamer building for the Neptune Steamship Co, will be named Arthur H. Hpgwgood. Both steamers will be managed by W. A. Hawgood Me. The vessel building at the Bridgeburg yard of the Canadian Ship Building Co. for. the St. Lawrence & Chicago Steam Navigation Co, will be named E. B. Os-. ler and the new vessel building for R. Om ALB, pay will be named the Stadacona.. Capt. Alexander - wrecker: Favorite Cunning of. the recently fell from the top of the forecastle to the. deck. breaking his' of the .barge Wayne, collarbone. Capt. Cunning was at the time engaged in releasing the Wayne:" Des Clee Admiral Rider, chairman': of: the lighthouse board, visited Detroit last week and. was in conference with President Livingstone of the, Lake Carriers' Association. The subject of aids to navigation was: thoroughly discussed. bali Final decision as_ to the control THE MaRINE. REVIEW of vessels in the international waters « of the lower Detroit river was reached last week at. a conference be- tween President Livingstone of the Lake Carriers' Association, Col. Charles - Ey. LL. B. Davis, .. government 'engineer, and Commander' Spain, department of marine and fisheries of the Do- minion government. The controlling 'of the: river will be continued to be done by a vessel carrying. a British flag and will hereafter be maintained by the Canadian» government. The tug Home Rule, commanded ad Capt: J. F.. Trotter, will be used for this purpose and will be under the gen- eral direction of Col. Davis. James L: Robertson & Sons, Inc. 48 | William street, New York, have just put out two cards, one devoted to Reliance Safety Column and the other to Eureka Sheet' Packing. The packing carries this 'guarantee: That it will withstand heat, 'gas atid ammonia, make a perfect joint, last as long. as any sheet packing, and 'not crack while' in stock within' one' year. IMPROVING HARBOR AT RACINE, WISCONSIN. Abstract of proposals for building 196 feet of crib Sees ee at Racine Harbor, Wisconsin, received in response to advertisement ae 'July 3, 1907, and opened' August 2, 1907, by Major W. V. Judson, Corps of Engineers. The Edward Gillen Con-P. W. Gal- W. H. 'Gil: Burk, Smith EMorris & Cummings Drdg. struction loway, Ra- len, Mil- & Nelson, Co., Racine, cine, Wis. waukee, Muskegon, Wis, Wis. Mich. Framing 398,000 ft. B. M. Haier. and plank : furnished by Us S.° Pet. ft! BL M....°$15.00 $11.00 $13. 50 $11.90 ~ For 30,000 Ibs. * aritt bolts. Per 'pound....... 434c- Acs oe 4c For oe lbs. "Screw bolts. Per pound..:.. ae 5c 5c 5c ..For 2/500 Ibs. s spikes!) Pers pound.i0.0.....° | 57 5c 5c 6c For 10, 000 tons stone,' .per, ton' 'of ° 2,000 Ibs. « $1.60 $1.48 $1.60 $ 1.80 Total se sen $24,236.20 of Bids vv seeees Bee es fargo *Lowest bid. 7 IMPROVING HARBOR AT KENOSHA, WISCONSIN. Abstract of proposals for building 196 feet of crib breakwater at Kenosha Harbor, Wisconsin, received in response to advertisement dated vay 3,.1907,): and - op ened 'August 2, 1907, by Major W. V.. Judson, Sees a Engineers. : The Edward Gillen Con-P. W. Gal-W. H. Gil- Burk, Smith i SU % struction lowav. Ra- len, Mil- & 'Nelson, ; Co., Racine, cine, Wis. - waukee, Muskegon, - ; eae Wis. : Wis. Mich. Framing 425,000 ft. B. M. timber and plank furnished by -U:*S. Per M. ft..B. M.... $15.00 $11.50. $1350 Sit .90 For. 32,000 Ibs. drift bolts. Per pound.... 43%4c 4c 20 De 4c For 3,000 Ibs. screw bolts. Per pound...... Sete 5c I Se For 2,500 dbs. spikes: Per "pound. ........ 558 5e 5c 6c . For 12,000 tons stone, per ton of 2,000 Ibs.. $ 1.60 $155 $60 $ 1.80 'Lotal of, $25,042.50* $26,812.50 $28,237.50 bigs ae $27,370.00 *Lowest bid. DREDGING IN CHESAPEAKE BAY. Dede in Chesapeake Bay and Patapsco River leading to the port of Baltimore. opened July 1, 1907, by Col. R. L. Hoxie, Corps of Engrs. : Approximate Quantities. Bids Section 'A"' Gkction «Be o-Section ht? 8,516,470 508,348 1621-125 cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. Price Price Price ; epee per per Name and' cu. Cu. cu. Address of Bidder. : yd. vd. yd. Total. Total. - Total. Grand Total. Dredging & Cont'r. *Md. Coy, Balto OMY soc 8c $723,899.95 20c $107,669.60 23c $372,858.75 $1,198,428.30 +American Dredging Co:, : Phileas Pare es ore a, 934c 830,355.83 23c 116,920.04 29c 470,126.25 1,417,402.12 Co., New York 10 c¢ . 851,647.00 $Coastwise Dredging Norfolk, Va. 9 3-10¢ 25 3-10c 410,144.63 * 30 months. + 24 months. £36 months. § 40 working months. The work is to complete a channel 600 ft. wide and 35 ft. deep, from Baltimore to the sea. 792,031.71 ee ere were 6 ee "BIDS FOR DREDGING BAY RIDGE AND RED HOOK CHANNELS, Abstract of Proposals for dredging in Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New_York Har- bor, opened July 24, 1907, at office of Lieut. Col. W. L. Marshall, New York, NN : Time of be- Guaranteed No. Name and Address ginning after minimum of of Price percu. date of noti- rate of exca- Bid. Bidders. yd. measured fication of ap- vation per in vessels. proval of contract. month, cu. yds. Remarks. 1. Morris & Cummings Dredging Co., LZ State. St «New. York, No Y..:. 18.4c 60 days 120,000 Lowest bid. 2. W. H. Beard Dredging Re Se f "1 State: St, New Yorke, No i Yoiey. ci. 24 ¢ 10 days 120,000 3. International Contracting ce 95 Broad St; New York, Noo Y. 4. 25.8¢ 30 days 120,000 4. Midland Land & Improvement Co., , 62 Cedar St., New: York, NOY... .. 19.92¢ 10 days 160,000 Amount available for work, $430,000.