34, 'TOLEDO WHITE LEAD CO. Mr. George E. Hardy recently ac- quired nearly all of the capital stock of the Toledo White Lead Co. and is tLe had been president of the company for now its secretary and treasurer. the past three pears but was not ac- tively engaged in the management of the business. Hereafter he will be in charge of it. Several improvements have been made in the plant and the business is increasing satisfactorily. This company makes a specialty of high grade marine paints. © "Zenith Anti-Rust" is a life preserver for, steel. boats and meets with the' approval of the insurance companies. Mr. Hatdy 'has been engaged: in marine business all his life and has wide acquaintanceship along the chain of lakes. He received his' first - ex- perience in the 'office' 'of his father . and, uncle who were engaged 'in the towing business in Toledo in the 80's, owning the tugs: Spinney, Crawford, Pathfinder and Doan., He' was born on March 2, 1870. In May, 1889, he entered the employ of the-. H.° B. Tobey, Oil & Supply Co: as a-sol'citon of marine business and was captain of the supply tug H. B. Tobey for six years, remaining with the Tobey com- pany altogether for nine years. On June 1, 1898, he started in business: for himself and in February of the follow- ing year' formed a partnership under the firm name of Hardy & Dischinger which was laten incorporated under its present name of the Hardy: & Dis- chinger Co., Mr. Hardy being secre- tary and treasurer. This firm began business in a very small way with a capital of only a few hundred dollars, but its annual turnover is now nearly $100,000. Mr. Hardy still retains his interest with the Hardy & Dischinger store, but devotes his time to paint manufacturing. The name of the com- pany will probably be changed on Nov. 1 to the Hardy Paint & Varnish Co.. Its trade mark will be an oak ites, tardy as the oak"'..The com- pany has several dealers along the south shore of Lake Erie and on the Detroit and St. Clair rivers selling its goods. It is making arrangements now with others. _ Associated with Mr. Hardy in the Toledo White Lead Co. is D. W. Anderson, formerly with the Detroit White Lead Works, Detroit, Mich., 'and the Memphis White Lead Works, Memphis, Tenn. He had been gen- eral superintendent of the .company for three years, but was recently made its president. THE MARINE REVIEW CUNARD TURBINE STEAMER WILL LOWER. TRANS-AT- -LANTIC SPEED REC- ORDS. BY J. GOLDER. The adoption of Parsons steam tur- bines for the Cunard liners Mauretania and Lusitania, after six years research represents as much progress in the building and equipment of ocean "grey- hounds" as that accomplished in the first fifty years of the company's exis- tence; and it is entirely within reason. to say that, without turbines, the pres- ent high stage of efficiency would never have been reached. Not that these steamers would have been impossible with reciprocating en- gines, but that the constructional diffi- culties involved would have been so very much greater that it is doubtful whether any engineer could be found capable of undertaking them. -- The limits of the reciprocating | en gines appear to have been: reached in: the Kaiser Wilhelm II, which holds Te. record for trans Avlahtie speed, having made the passage between Queenstown. and Sandy Hook in just five. days, the best day's run being 583 knots, This vessel has 16 cylinders, 12° crank shafts, 19 boilers, 124 furnaces and consumes 660 tons of coal' per 24 Hours. . The Cunard turbine steamers above referred to will have four ahead and two astern cylinders, 24 boilers, 190 furnaces and will burn nearly 1,000 tons of coal per 24 hours; but they will re- duce the passage to Sandy Hook from Queenstown to about 4 days, 12 hours. It will be noted that 50 per cent more coal per day will be required for only half a day's reduction in passage. The explanation is that the type of pro- pelling machine has very little to do with the power necessary to drive a given vessel at a given speed. The re- sistance offered by the water to the progress of the vessel increases in the ratio of the speed cubed and is also greatly affected by the vessel's length; hence, although these big new vessels will show from 6 to 7 per cent increase in speed dver the best reciprocating engines nature demands an expenditure of some 60 to 70 per cent more energy for the privilege. The heavy increase of power for a small increase of speed has restricted the design of trans-Atlantic fliers be- yond a certain point of speed and power, and it was the advent of the tur- bine alone which gave the engineer a new opportunity for obtaining even a small increase of speed, because he found it possible to crowd the neces- sary power into the hull of his ship o 'panies, vy, " preparation' of dignified, _ detached advertising department, -by reason of. organization, sult. more easily with turbines than with reciprocating engines. _ These turbines, which are fhe Bivacat ever constructed, have identically the same type of blading as that used in the Parsons land turbines built by Al- lis-Chalmers of Milwaukee. Models of this turbine blading are being exhibited in Allis-Chalmers Co.'s space at the Jamestown Exposition. VREDENBURG CO. The Vredenburg Co., recently estab- lished, with an office 'at 1332 Monad- nock block, Chicago, long distance tele- phone central 6795, is devoted to a consulting practice in engineering and general technical advertising, being the only concern of the kind in the west. This company is prepared to render careful and expert service to engineer- ing, contracting and manufacturing com- . desiring intensification of their advertising, the changing of copy week- bi-weekly and monthly, and the attractive ad- The company acts as a and, is able to render service at a rate far less than the cost of maintenance of even a small advertising department. Important: ac- counts are now being executed and ad- ministrated satisfactorily with good re- Accounts are placed and selection of proper mediums advised discreetly. This seems to meet most surely and ac- curately the desires of both publisher and advertiser, and to stimulate the reaching of that higher plane to which class advertising is destined. The man- ager, Clarence Vredenburg, was editor and manager of Engineering World from its inception until its recent sale, and has many friends in the technical field. vertisements. CRESCENT MACHINE CO. The Crescent Machine €o:, Leetonia, O., has greatly increased ie capacity since locating in its new plant. The com- pany is now working on drawings and patents for additional lines in machines which it will bring out in the near future. Announcement of them will be made in due course. The 1907 edition of the company's catalog of wood-working ma- chinery is just from the press. Three new machines have been added since the last catalog was published, the Crescent disk gtinder, the Crescent single spindle shap- er and the Crescent single cut-off saw. These machines are thoroughly described in the catalog, as well as the company's regular line of band saw machines, band saw blades, saw tables and jointers. The steamer Wisconsin was released from Parisian Island after lightering about 600 tons of her ore cargo,