"TAE MARINE. REVIEW 47 AMERICAN LINE crereouns SOUTHAMPTON Sailing From New York Every Saturday at 9.80 a. m. St. Louis St. Paul (11,629 tons) (11,620 tons) New York Philadelphia (10,798 tons) (10,786 tons) Special Express Train from Plymouth and Seuthampton te London and between Cherbourg and Paris. RED STAR LINE "'antwere LONDON PARIS CALLING AT DOVER FOR LONDON AND PARIS. Sailing Wednesday from Pier 14, North River, N. Y. Finland Kroonland (12,760 tons) (12,760 tons) Vaderland Zeeland (12,017 tons) (11,905 tons) One of the Shortest Routes to LONDON, Paris, BELGIUM, HOLLAND, GERMANY, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND and ITALY. 9 Broadway, New York. 1819 Walnut St., Philadelphia. India Building, 84 State St., Boston. 1806 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 219 St. Charles St., New Orleans. 90-96 Dearborn St., Chicago. 900 Locust St., St. Louis. 121 South Third St., Minneapolis. 36 Ellis St,near Market,SanFrancisco 9 East Sixth St., St. Paul. 41 King St., East Torento. 17 St. Sacrament St., Montreal. PIERS: 14 & 15 NORTH RIVER, FOOT OF FUL- TON ST., NEW YORK, WARD LINE NEW YORK AND CUBA MAIL STEAMSHIP CoO. POPULAR ROUTE TO CUBA, NASSAU, MEXICO Finest and Largest Steamships Salling from New York to other than European Ports. Holders of the record between Havana and New York--1,240 miles in 61 hours. FOUR SAILINGS EACH WEEK BETWEEN NEW YORK and HAVANA. WEEKLY SERVICE TO GUANTANAMO, SANTIAGO, MANZAN- ILLO, CIENFUECOS, CUBA, PROGRESO, VERA CRUZ AND TAMPICO, MEXICO. SEMI-MONTHLY SAILINGS TO Nassau, N. P. Bahamas. = LOW RATES OF FREIGHT AND PASSAGE. SEND FOR OUR SCHEDULES, RATES AND DESCRIPTIVE MATTER. NEW YORK & CUBA MAIL S.S. CO. Pier 14, East River, NEW YORK. Fore River SHIPBUILDING Co. QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS SHIP and ENGINE BUILDERS CURTIS MARINE TURBINES HIGH GRADE STEEL FORGINGS W. & A. FLETCHER CO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS PARSONS MARINE TURBINES Contractors for Vessels Complete. Marine Engines, Boilers and Machinery of all kinds Enlarged Facilities HOBOKEN, N. J. : Bee EAST BOSTON, The Atlantic Works ? Massachusetts, BUILDERS OF Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. "Nfarine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Nachinery and Plate Iron Work. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. MALLORY STEAMSHIP COMPANY |. Magnificent Fleet of Modern Steel Steamships Plying Between NEW YORK and SOUTHERN PORTS Freight and Passenger service between New Yorkand all points in the South, Southwest and West, including GEORGIA, ALABAMA, SSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, TEXAS, MISSOURI, KANSAS, ARIZO- A, COLORADO, UTAH. NEVADA and CALIFORNIA. All sailings from New York at 12 o'clock noon from Piers 15 and 16, East River: For GALVESTON: Wednesdays and Saturdays. Returning leave . Galveston Tuesdays. For MOBILE: Fridays. Returning from Mobile Tuesdays. For BRUNSWICK: Fridays. Returning from Brunswick Satur- days. For KEY WEST: Saturdays. Returning from Key West Fridays, Finest Train Service from Various Ports. -- Ask for new and interesting 48-page Mallory Line Folder. H. H. RAYMOND, Vice Prest. & Gen'! Mer. [{ 80 South Street, | O. H. TAYLOR, Pass'r Traffic Manager, ; NEW YORK CITY C. C. BROWN, Gen'! Pass'r Agent, 290 Broadway, t Practical Marine Engineering By PROF. W. F. DURANT For Marine Engineers and Students, with aids for applicants for marine engineers' license. PRICE $6.00 FOR SALE BY THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT COMPANY UNPARALLELED NIGHT SERVICE The Twin Flyers of The Lakes "CITY OF BUFFRLO"' "CITY CF ERIE" Both together being. without doubt, in all respects the finest and fast- est that are run in the interest of the traveling public in the United States. TIME CARD.-- DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, Leave CLEVELAND 8 p. m. Arrive BUFFALO 6:50 a.m. "< BUFFALO 8 p.m. ** CLEVELAND 6:30 a.m. Connections made at Buffalo for all Eastern and Canadian points; at Cleveland for Toledo, Detroit and all points West and Southwest. Tickets reading over L.S. & M. S. Ry. will be accepted on this Company's Steamers without extra charge. Special Low Rates Cleveland to Buffalo and Niagara Falls every Saturday Night, also Buffalo to Cleveland. Ask Ticket Agents for tickets via C. & B. Line. Send four cents for illustrated pamphlet, W. F. HERMAN, G. P. A., Cleveland, O.