'TAE Marine REVIEW 35 Hy) a =Ea7 Katzenstein's Self- es Acting Netal Packing eEK ao Ly For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, ----1o Yj etc. of every description for Steam Engines, VW Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by Be the principal Iron Works and Steamship = Companies in this and foreign countries. FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure. For full particulars and reference, ad- dress L. KATZENSTEIN & @O. General Nachinisis. 358 West Street, New York. Good Jobbing Accounts Z Desired for ee : ; | Republic s ria 1 ~~ Mechanical | re aera Rubber SCE Goods MITA Deal P sas CCS | OAS P * The Republic Belting and Supply Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO Manufacturers J FATHER BELTING f U oy Geo. L. McCurdy 169 Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO ILLINOIS INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES > DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS ~ MARINE The Spar Varnish that Lasts ET, Resists the destructive action of salt or fresh, water, moisture, etc.,, BETIBR than any other make of Spar Varnish in the market. It works freely, dries hard and is exceed- ingly durable. WRITE for our (free) spindle finished with Oceana and test for yourself, the wonderful water-resisting properties of this s pecialty. Standard Varnish Works THE LARGEST VARNISH WORKS IN THE WORLD 29 Broadway, NEW LONDON 2620 Armour Ave., CHICAGO BRUSSELS YORK BERLIN Canadian Branch: International Varnish Co., Ltd., Toronto ~The Upson- Walton Co. The CLEVELAND, 0HIO------__, MONG the first vessels that nearly forty years ago, but the Nellie Redington is still afloat. Among the latest vessels that we have fitted out is the Henry Phipps. tons; the Phipps, 12,000 tons. we fitted out was the Nellie Redington. That was Redington carries 1,500 'As 1,500 is to 12,000 so is The Upson Walton Co. of thirty-six. years ago to the Upson Walton Co. of today. Our reputation as Outfitters of Vessels has grown year by year.