'TAE Marine. REVIEW ag mer 100 SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES have already been built, superseding and replacing swing bridges and other old 'types of movable bridges for rail- roads, electric railways and highways in the most progressive cities and harbors of the world. | Modern Hi d El Rail Roli- ngs fae Lite Baidee Ooee ae passage. at lara 7 aaah HIGHEST AWARD > Superseded and repluced a center pier swing bridge. 2 oS World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904 "Center pier swing bridges form artificial obstruc- tions, blocking navigation and commerce. 'They are condemned, removed and replaced by modern SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES wherever Manufacturing, Commerce, Transportation, Railroads and Ships are valued, protected and advanced."' . : Write us for photographs, information, sketches and estimates THE SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE COMPANY Main Offices: Monadnock Block, Chicago, U. S. A. Modern Railroad Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge in the Cable Address: Eastern Office: open position. Longest span Bascule Bridge in the é world. Also High S Rolling Lift Bridge Scherzer, Chicago '220 Broadway, New York Open further down the icon g SUBMARINE SIGNALS have been -adopted by the United States, Eng- MARINE MODELS , land, Germany, France, OUR SPECIALTY : and Canada. Vessels not equipped to receive sub- We make full, half models and sections of every- : thing from a dingy to a battleship. . marine si gna Is suffer DUPLICATE YOUR BEST VESSELS 5 costly delays, and run Fittings furnished to complete plating models o for exhibition purposes. needless risks. Working or dummy models of Engines, Boilers, Dredges and Special Machinery of every descrip- tion. 7 For full particulars address Write for illustrated catalog of work done for. the government and leading lines. | AL CW. The H. E. Boucher Mfg. Co. SUBMARINE SIGNAL Co 93 Maiden Lane NEW YORK, U. S. A. Boston, Mass.