TAE Marine Review LIGHTER RELIANCE. LIGHTER RELIANCE. The steel lighter Reliance of the Great Lakes Towing Co.'s fleet is now stationed in the lower Detroit river. The main points of this vessel were touched upon in the MARINE RE- view of Oct. 31, but the accompanying photographs are the first that are available. In the Reliance the Great Lakes Towing Co. has a most ser- viceable craft and one that will greatly facilitate the work of raising stranded ships, her equipment for lightering be- ing most complete. In the construc- tion of this lighter the Great Lakes Towing Co. is simply following out its policy of bringing its physical equipment into the most perfect order, AROUND THE GREAT LAKES. The. total receipts of grain at Buf- falo during the month of October amounted to 21,952,631 bushels. The steamer Pawnee -and barges Orton, Edwards and Young, haye gone into winter quarters at Tonawanda. Capt. Joseph Lampoh, master of the steamer Mathew Andrews, who is sick with typhoid fever, is improving . rapidly. . yR. J. Smith, chief engineer of the steamer J. J. Sullivan, who was shot by footpads at Lorain last: week, is in a critical condition. Capt. F. A. Bassett will bring out the new steamer Collingwood which was launched last Wednesday for the Farrar Transportation Co. The steamer Eastern States, of the De- troit & Buffalo line, has been withdrawn irom service. The Western States will continue to leave Detroit on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5 p. m. and Buffalo on Monday, Wednesday and Fri- days. at 5:30>p. m:-: As a result of the hard palliad re- quired to release. her, from the bottom in the Detroit river neat the Michigan Central slip last week, several stanch- ions on the steamer Hand are broken and her towing. cha tmeat is considerably damaged. The body of Capt. Huyck of the ill- fated. steamer Cyprus was recovered Saturday by the life savers of Two Heart river. The body is well pre- served and several articles, including $195 in money, were found in the captain's clothés. Contract has been awarded by the government to the Leatham & Smith Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis:, for raising the tug Kate Williams; which was blown on the beach in Jackson harbor recently. Work has 'already been begun upon the tug. Col. Charles E. L. B. Davis, govern- ment engineer with headquarters at Detroit, has called a meeting for Nov. 7 at Sault Ste. Marie of the board' of army engineers appointed to consider the widening of the canal and the con- struction of a new lock there. The tug Christian owned by the "Hackett Wrecking Co., Amherstburg, Ont., caught fire on Wednesday of last week while at Duff & Gatfield's dock at the Limekilns, Detroit river, LIGHTER RELIANCE, LOOKING AFT,