36 TAE MaRINE REVIEW Admiral Anch Co. o5 Ga 91D lly Salvage & Wrecking *Le Mois Scientifique et Roelker, H. B...........- ea 90 ae Wawee. Tube Boiler Cos. 37 Core Seca : Pome. Re 43 Indtistrial s.s4 so ces oe 43 | ¢Rogers Steam Oil Separator American Injector Co........ fi | Douglas, G. bi. Jteic cs AS | Teevine 2 & (Cov. cored eta woe CO ee ba voce es es enewes 5 Wmericin Tite goes eek 47 \ Drein, 'Thos.,-& Son....... ... 43 | Lockwood Mfg. Co........... 502) Booty We OO: o.5 uc te eee American Sawdolet Co....... 47 | Dunbar & 'Sullivan Dredgin Lorain Coal & Dock Co...... 49 | Ross Valve Co......... pees OO American Ship Building Co... 4 COs Oe ec ae eae Se vs oo | eundin< A. Peas 6. re 52 : oe Soma phip PAE intl CO. : < Safety a Heating & Light- : rmstrong Cor QWare es se sieies ; + 4 : ing CO. ....... tees caer *Armstrong Mfg. Co......... ee ee ee SS cCarthy, T. Ro Ga, 48 | Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge +Ashton Nalve "Cova ee. Tee +Em ire Shi bigidina : £6 oes ee McCurdy, Geo, ie ae Co. pee rete terrae ss 43 Patiantic. Works, Ines. 02... _ P Pp Bee coe McKinnon Iron Works....... 41 Schrader s <A. Son; Inc....... 90 _ Atlantic Works .......... »s++ 41] Balls Hollow Staybolt Co..... 41 aoa Ray Go... secs: 2 lee Pam, Valve Co... -- ae? avory: bine ec... sake ce eneca alt CO Fe. oes ba ie Fee ne kn 2 'Marine Iron C001... 3.0.5 -- | Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes 48 Babcock & Penton........... 49 | Fogg, M. W.-..ccsceccessss 50 | TMarine Iron Works....... . -- | *Shelby Steel Tube Co....... oe Baker, Howard H., & Co.... 52] Fore River Ship Building Co. 41 | "Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.. -- Sheriffs Mtg. COn ss cce es oS Belcher, Fred P.........+.. 48 | Parstenau, Mi Cc... cscrex = 4g.) Morehall, i seseeeeee - args -- a 2 Boland: Jeo deters ets cee 48 artin-Barriss. Co. 2... vss. os ggers & Siggers............ Tiocton ei hoe Block Co... ° : : Maryland Steel Co.»......... 10 | Smith Coal & Dock Ca., +Boucher Mfg. Co., The H. E. -- | General Electric Co.......... 52 | Mehl, Edward ............... 48 Stanley. Be 5 sscc5... ; weuce oO Bowers, a 3M, & COs cases 52 | Gilchrist, Albert J..... seeeee 48 | Milwaukee Dry Dock Co..... 5 Smooth-On: Mtg, CO... 3... . a1 Breymann, G. H., & Bros..... 39 | +Goldschmidt Thermit Co..... -- | Mitchell & Co........... sie AS | Popence Mic (Conn. ss. 3. ai a Briges, Marvin <. 2.0.4 4.....; 38 | Goulder, Holding & Masten.. 49 | Morse, A. J., & Son....... 47 | Spencer, H. R...... Pieaece ce 4 Brown & Coe 3.5.00 .0 214.6 48 | Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Standard Varnish Works... a 35 {Brown Hoisting Machinery SCG oe ee ee. 39 Starke, C. H., Dredge & Doc Oc eGies eee wieies Peele cre ols -- | *Great Lakes Engineering Wks. 12 Nacey & Hynd,-:...30:..3>. 49 < Co. wee ceees eee eee eeeee 39 Buffalo Dredging Co......... 39 | Great Lakes Register........ 9 | tNew Bedford Boiler & +Steel Mill Packing Co...... -- Buffalo Dry Dock Co........ 5 | *Great Lakes Towing Co..... ee Machine Co. ....... seses -- | Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co,.. 43 +Buffalo Ship Chandlery & | +Griscom-Spencer Co. ...... -- ers. ewe Sip. Building : ene Signal Company.. 9 1 eas eae -- ry Dock Co...2055.. Wbkivan,s Mio. cc. oes a cee oe oo Bree 52 : New Vosk Stiptulldine Co. 7 (Sullivan, DO 48 ' Hall, John B.....ssssesseeee 48 | +Nicholson Ship Log Co..... -- | Superior Iron Works........ -- Hanna, M. A., & Co......-. 41 | Northern Dredge Co.......0+ 39 | Superior Ship Building Co... 4 Hardy Paint & Varnish Co.. 12 | Northwestern Steam Boiler & Ghase Machine. Cou... 303% 36 | Hawgood, W. A., & Co...... 48 Mic. Co 37 ae Chicago" Ship" Building Co..." 41 Heim. D; 7.,-& Co..:........ 48 g. Sv SSK Segers seg ate Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. 50 2 alae & Buffalo Transit a Holmes, Samuel ......0.ss0¢ 48 hae a Ae Ae oe ie Oa ON sean Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley....... 481; oledo Ship Building Co.... Cleveland City Forge ® ion faa Bolen W., & eos ee = ap) Ccontor, J. Jess yes canes 88 | Trout, EH. Glo. ics nec cones 43 Oo ea ue wee tea SI finichinsen & Co 4g | tOster Mfg. Co.............. -- | Truscott. Boat: Mfg. Co...... 2 *Cleveland Tool & Supply Co... -- Hyde Windlass Co...... eg Otis Steel Co.427. 2 ee. 1 - ye enone oP icine Cor == Upson-Walton Co:.... 0.0.6: 35. ctnentt "tloe' Worle, 0 2 | ideal. Pump Governor Co... -- | Parker Brom Co...e-sse0ssss 48 | Unique Engineering Co...... 13 on Cie. oe ee - one ss International Mercantile Fenberthy Injector Co........ -- | United States Graphite Co.. -- Cramp, Wm, & Sons S. & Marine Co, ....+++se+++2 47 | Pickands, Mather & Co....... 41 e878 Pittsburg "Coal 'Cov: 2. sic ol +Crescent Machine Co...... -- | Jenkins Bros. ............... 52 | Prindiville & Company....... 49 | Vance & Joys Co............ 48 (ure Robert = 2255.62.05: 49 | Je a oe Russell & " : sChelberger =... cscs case 5 : Walker, Thomas, & Son...... 3 Johnson Bros, ..:..cscessess 37 | Suintard Iron. Works. Co..-.. ee Clee oa : *"Watson-otillman:. Co. 2.4.62. -- Dake - Engine' Co... :.6..5... 3) Salipweilers Sons,, David.... §1 | Red Star Line..........0.5+ 47 | +Wheeler Condenser & Engi- Dearborn Drug & Chemical Katzenstein, L., & Co....... 13 | Republic Belting & Supply Co. 35 neering: Coy. ..25 css es _- WS oe wb cere seescstosss 9. Kidd, "JOSeph 30.000. - veces 4%) Richardson, -W. C.....% eeeees 48 | Willcox, Peck & Hughes..... 38 Delany, P., & Co........+++- 3/7 Kingsford Foundry & Machine *Ratchie,. B.S... & "Sons... -- | ¢Williams Gauge Co......... --- Detroit Ship Building Co.... © 4 WOLKS) AS eee ss wewaicee . 37 Roberts Safety Water-Tube Wood, W. Jiciccsces Coweta - 49 Dixon, Joseph, Crucible Co... 243") Kremer, -C.) Biss. es ec ees 48 RepOUen COn viicice cee ce 37 | ¢Woodhouse Chain Works.... -- AUTOMATIC TOWING MACHINES ||| DOCKING ENGINES ||| HOISTING ENGINES The Latest and ||| Mooring Winches ||| Ofall kinds and sizes the Best Late.st Improved ||| and for all purposes Positively guaranteed Ob "gro! especially for ship use FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO THE CHASE MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS=SMACHINISTS CLEVELAND,O **The up-to-date manufacturer of to-day realizes » C O Ad D sa D : ° . ur esignin m m hin the importance and value of space in his trade 8 epart ent akes just this t 8 base nnd bxotelags ecad fidament th the bce possible. All you have to do is to give us a suggestion paration of his copy."--Printers Ink. and we put it into attractive shape.