"TAE. MarINE. REVIEW 3 "Fast Plants" Designed and Built for the Cleveland Furnace Co., Cleveland, OQ. THE BROWN HOISTING MACHINERY CoO. Engineers, Designers and Manufacturers of all kinds of Hoisting Machinery. -- CLEVELAND, OHIO Branch Offices: NEW YORK and PITTSBURG Dake Pilot House Steam Steerer FOR TUCGS AND STEAMERS Using either single or double wheel as required. Simple, durable, efficient and practically noiseless. Can easily be changed to hand gear if necessary. We also make Capstans, Windlasses, Boiler Testing Pumps, Derrick Crabs, Swinging Gears, Deck Hoists, Engines direct connected to Centrifugal Pumps and, Electric Dynamos, Chain Hoists, all kinds of Brass and Gray Iron Castings. DAKE ENCINE COMPANY Grand Haven, Mich. Pintsch Gas Lighted Buoys BURN CONTINUOUSLY FROM 80 TO 365 DAYS AND NIGHTS WITHOUT ATTEN- TION AND CAN BE SEEN AT A DISTANCE OF SIX MILES. Brilliant & Steady Illumination. Economical 6 Reliable in Operation, Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian and United States Light House Departments for Channel and Harbor Lighting; over 2200 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. , Controlled by the SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING COMPANY United States Express Building, Trinity Place and Rector Street, NEW YORK CITY