THE Marine REVIEW : 41 The Marine Iron Company BUILDERS OF MACHINERY Dredging Machinery, Centrifugal Pumps Hoisting Engines, Marine Engines. Boom and Crane Castings, Propeller Wheels, etc. We shall be pleased to quote prices upon application. BAY CITY, MICH., U. S. A. FOR ALL PURPOSES. FACTS WORTH KNOWING @ We carry everything in iron and steel up to 6" diameter. @ We line up old shafts and have unexcelled facilities for forging new ones. @ We make any kind of boat repairs on short notice, night or day. @ We supply engineers with everything they need in the engine room and fire hold. MCcKINNON IRON WoRKS ASHTABULA, O. aa eae agate 4122) ao eV Teed VA CUYAHOGA FALLS.-0. U.S.A. Safety and Coal Economy a are realized by our Hollow Stay Bolts Steam from the center of a broken Hollow bolt always gives positive warning, hence SAFETY Air passing into the firebox through the hollo boit helps combustion, hence ECONOMY Tell-tale holes clog up. Hollow stays "mever." Passage of air always keeps the holes open. Send for free literature. Falis Hollow Staybolt Company Cuvahoga Falis. Chio ' IRON OR STEEL: - Fore River Suipsuitpine Co. QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS SHIP and ENGINE BUILDERS CURTIS MARINE TURBINES HIGH GRADE STEEL FORGINGS W. & A. FLETCHER CO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS PARSONS MARINE TURBINES Contractors for Vessels Complete. Marine Engines, Boilers and Machinery of ali kinds Enlarged Facilities HOBOKEN, N. J. The Atlantic Works, se 2osto™ BUILDERS OF Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Machinery and Plate Iron Work. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. PICKANDS, MATHER & CO. FUEL LIGHTERS at Buffalo, Erie, Ashtabula and Cleveland. A': Detour, Mich., a Fue Dock equipped with shute capacity of 600 tons. Best quality Pittsburgh coal furnished at any time during Day or Night. Practical Marine Engineering By PROF. W. F. DURANT For Marine Engineers and Students, with aids for applicants for marine engineers' license. PRICE $6.00 FOR SALE BY THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula Large Supplies of Best Quality. Lighter Carrying Different Grades at All Times. Fuel Scow with elevators and discharging spouts. Storage of 800 tons Discharges 250 tons an hour into steamers while unloading cargo. M. A. Hanna & Co., Miners and Shippers. Main Office, Perry-Payne Blidg., Cleveland