18 WALTERS PROPELLER. The Walters Propeller Co. Ltd., Liverpool, England, are open to treat for the sale of the patent rights of their propeller in the United States. The company certainly gives its pro- peller a splendid endorsement by guar- anteeing, under cash penalties, an ex- tide shaliowknot ine fine weatler on the same indicated horsepower on any steamer against any other propeller in the same metal, and deekiOteinuheadu seas: lhe <conl- pany represents that by means of a differential pitch superimposed upon a large hub--masked fore and aft by cones--it practically eliminates the useless middle portions and the whole power of the engines is thrown onto the broad blade-tips. The company has received the following excellent testimonial from the Liverpool, Bris- tol & Hayle Steamship Co., Ltd.: "We have pleasure in certifying that we recently fitted the steamer Cornu- bia with a Walters propeller; that company guaranteeing us an extra half knot on the same or less con- sumption, and a knot in head seas, on _'No Cure, No. Pay' terms. "In order to obtain exact compara- tive data, we first put the steamer over the measured mile; the mean of six runs showing 9.2 knots on 76 rev- olutions. After fitting the Walters' propeller, we again tried her over the measured mile; the mean of six runs showing 9.8 knots on 74 revolutions, the vessel being an inch deeper in the water, an increase of six-tenths of a knot. This result is corroborated by loaded sea passages, the increased speed in head seas being particularly marked, being reported by careful comparison with other steamers as one and a half knots per hour. The steamer now takes from 2% to 3 hours less on her 30-hour passages from Liverpool to Hayle or Bristol, and vice versa, and is therefore able to catch tides which she was quite un- able to do before. She also comes astern and answers the helm much moire readily than she previously did. We are thoroughly satisfied with the propeller, which has amply fulfilled all the Walters Co. claimed for it." The Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va., is repairing the new lumber steamer Nann Smith, which was recently completed by them and started to her destination at San Francisco. She encountered a se- vere gale off Cape Hatteras and was in- jured so that is was necessary for her to seek shelter, afterward returning to the yard for repairs. TAE Marine REVIEW SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. The summary of naval construction, issued by the bureau of construction and repair, navy department, shows the following state of progress upon naval vessels: --1907-8.-- Name of Vessel. Building at-- Per cent of completion. Dec. 1, 1907. Jan. 1, 1908. BATTLESHIPS. IMGISSISSipplimepeeteeeee tet reise eesti se Wooo, (Correia Ge Sermo oaocucoocagcce 98.01 98.65 aioe ania Pac Toveicns Mas. « sicelegei tee ace Whoa, (Covoonsy We SorGs oodecooooocod 91.24 94.12 Ney Iklzpsbe concnsoepooo0ng ob News "Mork; S: 2 BasGosrer cic aena 93.10 95.30 Sothims Gatolinagsiercnts biotic cce sc Whol, (Catevaaya &e Syria caoccuasoc000 31.68 33.76 HV chuiparimmmmeyaei rcs esrsuer ss oie vo aisiclot cs INewee Vonks One bee COn aren eet rc 33.50 37.90 DelawaTeme tie titatoscvele Recieve se ere sees oh Newport News S. B. Co......... 5.08 7.05 INO Tbh eem I clot amare iclaka loner let oelleylo tere) ors Bones RiversSts ibis Ome tavern seis 7.84 12.70 ARMORED CRUISERS. INiorat lian Gate @ lita ee snewenstcie ct erisveerioietersireyers Newport News S. B. Co......... 95.17 96.00 Milita demeep seisusreeeestale tales ©) +s ie suche ens Newport News S. B. Co......... 89.49 91.31 : SCOUT CRUISERS. GiteSte tee pay eater cee caheteraiore (ejene Besa, beer \WV@PRSo oo codooooavegee 94.00 95.15 FPS agra TOL rr een emery one tien aiter sleepin eys Hore RivierninSs. Bai ©0niee satis neice ee 91.88 93.71 Seyi oa ee eo row be Cae a eae Roma. Loker Sy 18, (COssscocdocdodn 90.29 92.09 TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYERS. T. B. Destroyer No. 17.......... Wm. Cramp Sone tyres otsvsne ntact 00.00 00.00 T. B. Destroyer No. 18.......... Wm. Cramip SOnSh sae as 00.00 00.00 4p 183.) IDyasiironyere ING, Is Gh osauone News York: Si Be Conmtaancatee 00.00 3.40 T. B Destroyer No 20.......... Bath Iron Works...............- 00.00 00.00 'T. B. Destroyer No. 21.......... Bev eo WOES. ooncdcoeovoacec 00.00 00.00 SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS Submarine T. B. No. 9.......... Wop Ieikyee S. IB C@sccocceacseos 99.00 99.00 : COLLIERS. Iles fallin sreeersre erates ticle, ours Voie) aie oven Navy Yard, New York..... eee 55.30 58.80 romethettsie seers cieicies cheeses aie Navy Yard, Mare Island......... 19.60 22.04 TUG BOATS. Heer sy tiie ss soaYehegetwce, 6 Navy Yard, Portsmouth.......... 31.00 35.00 Poteet MO MET ose ios crocs Sete tals! ate Navy Yard, Norfolk.............. 27.00 32.00 WILL ENTER THE MACHINE TOOL FIELD. The Republic Belting & Supply Co. of Cleveland in addition to their man- ufacturing of leather belting and sup- ply business will enter the machine tool field. They have secured the ex- elusive agency for the Becker-Brain- ard Milling Machine Co. of Hyde Park, Mass., for the Ohio territory, and have secured the services of Wm. H. Mortimer, who for a number of years has been the Cleveland agent for the Becker-Brainard 'Co. Mr. Mortimer's office in the Williamson building has been given up and he will act as assistant sales manager in the machinery department for the Re- public Belting & Supply Co. Another new accession to the ranks of 'the selling force will. be F. W. Bowler, who for several years has been connected with the Patterson Supply Co., and who for the past few months has been sales manager at the Cleveland office of the Modern Ma- chinery Co. The machinery depart- ment of the Republic Belting & Sup- Diyecomcutoe be in charge of S. C. Cutler (vice president), who has had charge for the company of the sales in this territory for the B. F. Stur- tevant Co. and the Sturtevant Mill Co. Until additional floor space can be secured the Republic Belting & Sup- ply Co. will carry only a limited stock of machine tools, but expects eventual- ly to carry a full line for those con- cerns for which it has the agency. The Republic Belting & Supply Co. have also made important additions in the belting department, having se- cured the services of H. S. Hull, for- merly in charge of the outside sales tom the . kha wadew Co. of New York, manufacturers of belting; and Frank S. Bennet, formerly of the Ma- loney & Bennet Co., Chicago, manu- facturers of leather belting, who will have charge of the Republic Belting & Supply Co.'s factory and productron department. Bids for the construction of the steam- er Umatilla, to be used in connection with the improvement of the upper Columbia and Snake rivers, opened Dec. 20, by Col. S. W. Roessler, corps of engineers, United States army, Portland, Ore., were as fol- lows: Willamette Iron Works, Portland, Ore., boat complete, $55,245, machinery alone, $32,745; Portland Iron Works, Portland, Ore., boat complete, $59,650, machinery alone, $36,100; Theodore Knutson, Portland, Ore., hull alone, $23,- 500; Phoenix Iron Works, Portland, Ore., machinery alone, $32,000; Joseph Supple, Portland, Ore., hull alone, $27,- 600; Smith & Watson, Portland, Ore., $32,850.