'VOL. 37 CLEVELAND JANUARY 16, 1908. -- NEW YORK No. 3 Ca Se GS GS REED SEED GSN EO ENED SEND GNIS | CYCLONE SHAKING AND DUMPING GRATE Shows Grate in dumping position when cleaning fire. 68% of entire surface is _ airspace. Turbine Steam Ship Company Limited. Toronto-Niagara Falls Route. economy and extracts more energy Toronto, Ont., Dec. 19, 1907. from it than any other device, because it I have your: Tete: Otago quiring about the Cyclone Grate Bars we distributes an ample supply of air evenly installed in the Turbinia" last season. i I have much pleasure in saying that these MH through every inch of grate surface. The grate bars gave the greatest satisfaction not HIS Grate burns fuel with greater Cyclone shaking movement files the only to us but to the firemen who fired the boilers. They claim that they seemed to ashes off the bottom of the fire, allowing create draft in themselves and were very easy to shake, and were most economical in free circulation of air. This means a repairs as they did not cost us a dollar in bright, clear fire at all times. It burns repairs last season. Yours truly, (Signed ) J. A. Goodearle, the cheapest fuel, and perfect combustion General. Manager. prevents black, heavy smoke. Note: The "Turbinia" has six Scotch boilers. Let us send you full particulars CYCLONE GRATE-BAR COMPANY 827 White Building BUFFALO, N. Y. Showing Top Side of Grate. a a a aca cee a "i Le