clear. The plane of the ecliptic, or the sun's plane, is easily understood. Now, imagine the line marked equator in the Peure of the earth, continued the same length as the line marked plane of the ecliptic, and notice the angle they would make with each other. The line from the equator represents the plane of the equator, and whatever the angle is be- tween these two planes equals the sun's declination. Fig. 5 represents the earth in its orbit about Dec. 21, at which time the sun's declination is 23%4° south, be- cause the plane of the ecliptic strikes be- low, or south, of the plane of the equator. See about Dec. 21, in Fig. 3. When the earth is at the equinoxes of its orbit the sun is directly over the eauator, or the direct or vertical ray from the sun, falls on the equator, or coincides with the equator. This direct or vertical ray from the sun falls on the equator, or coincides with the equator. Tehis= adieGhe ste viene tical ray from the sun is _ precisely the same thing as the plane of the eclip- tic itseli. This then being true, that when the sun is directly over the equator, the plane of the ecliptic, the plane of the sun's center, and a direct or vertical ray from the sun, must each intersect the earth's equator and be at right angles to the earth's axis. As there can be no angle at such times between the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of the equator, there can be no declina- tion. Note--In some diagrams showing the earth in its orbit, the earth's axis inclines just the other way from that shown in Fig. 1. It makes no difference in the il- lustration of the theory of the seasons, as well as the cause of the sun's declina- tion, more than A would represent the earth at the March equinox; instead of the September equinox, and the winter and summer solstices, B and D in dia- gram, would be reversed. In either case the inclined axis would make an angle of 6634° with the plane of the ecliptic. MUCH "HARPING." In this chapter there has been much repetition concerning the same thing by presenting it in different ways; but the writer will not regret the loss of time and space if thereby he has succeeded in making this (generally speaking) hazy subject any clearer to the understanding of seamen. The American Ship Building Co. is in- stalling new boilers on the Coralia, 14 ft. 6 in. diameter by 11 ft. 6 in. long; also on the Siemens, 15 ft. 41%4 in. in diameter and: il it. 6: im slong) and: also on the Pathfinder, 13 ft. 9 in. diameter by 11 ft. 6 in. long. TAE. MARINE. REVIEW QUESTIONS ANSWERED. Editor Questions and Answers De- partment: Can. you tell me why the alarm signal in the present pilot rules was changed from "five or more" to "four Or more ? > I cant see tthe advan tage of this change, in fact, I think it is inviting trouble rather than a pne- of same; I> think tiisencesd serious mistake and. a danger to life and property. vention OBSERVER. If it were as easy to answer qtues- tions as it is to ask them the editor's work in this department would be greatly lessened. The editor heartily agrees with the views of "Observer," but if he wants to know just why it was done the will have to address the "powers that be' down at Washiing- ton for the answer. The old alarm signal was "several short and rapid blasts of the whistle." As several means more than two, either three or foun-short blasts could be given and 'taken as-an alarm signal. This signal became coufused with the check whistle of three short blasts and the four short blast meaning to come ahead strong. It was owing to this confusion and the number of ac- cidents that resulted from it that the rule was changed 'to five or more shont and rapid blasts. This zi¢nal answered its purpose admirably and did away with any possible confusion with the three and four short blasts, meaning tio check or to work stronger. This alarm signal seemed to fill the bill for which it was intended, and so far tas known no complaints were made and everybody seemed satisfied. But it had a short life. Whether the change was made to distinguish be- tween the danger alarm and the pri- vate fire alarm by whistle, the writer is unable to say. 'The narrow and erowded condition of our fresh water navigation is such that it justifies the use of the check and the "work strong" signals between the-pilots of two steamers. Many an accident has been averted by the prompt blowing and action of these signals, but the government pilot rules does not rec- ognize these as law. It is an unwrit- ten law between pilots that three short blasts shall mean for the other to check or go slow. For example, one steamer is overtaking another, the one being overtaken desires the other to stay astern, blows three short blasts to gio slow or slower. Ac- cording to the pilot rules the alarm signal would answer the same purpose, but there are other cases where the alarm signal would hardly answer. 33 For instance, supposing the qase of where one boat is loading at a dock in a river or confined harbor, and- another boat coming along at a good rate of speed is liable to break the other loose from her moorings. If the steamer moored would sound three blasts the other would know at once that she was to gio slow until she got by the other. There are other conditions in addition to the above where this signal can be used to advantage. The same thing is true of the four short blasts to work strionger. If every sailor would pay more at- tention to the law and its real meaning and less to customs and handed-down opinions, they would find their work much easier. The writer knows of one collision that occurred through a misunderstanding of an alarm signal. It was in the river and one vessel overtaking the other. The overtaking vessel blew for the side she wanted and the one ahead an- swered by blowing four short blasts, meaning an alarm signal (to keep astern), which was perfectly right ac- cording to law. But the fellow astern took it to mean to hurry up and get, by. ~While the- one astern had no business to intenpret the sig- nal as the did, it was the custom even if it wasn't the law, and he came ahead and endeavored to pass in a dangerous part of the stream with the result of a collision. This was a sheer case of carelessness on the part of the steamer astern for the mere fact that the other did not answer his signal for side. This should have been enough if nothing more. But still another case where signals had been agreed upon; the vessel ahead shortly afterward, blew four short blasts as an alarm or danger signal and the steamer astern took it tio mean a hurry up signal. If the fellow astern had had any doubts as to what the signal meant he could have easily found out by blowing for this side again, the fellow ahead would have either answered with the same side signal or given him tthe same alarm signal, and then he would have known exactly what he meant. All these kinds of trouble would be obviated if in this private code the "hurry-up" signal was blown the same as in striking four bells for time on a ship's bell, that is, two in quick succession with a short in- terval and then two more in quick succcesion. Pilots are gradually working into this, and in fact they are endeavoring ito cut the private code down to as little use as possible