Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 16 Jan 1908, p. 45

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"TAE. MARINE. REVIEW MARINE BOOKS On All Bonen of Navigation and Seamanship. AZIMUTH TABLES BETWEEN PARALLELS OF LATI- TUDE 30° AND 60° INCLUSIVE--Burdwood........- 6 AZIMUTH neo FOR One OF LATITUDE BE- WEEN 40° 7 MD 50° N. TB CEU SLVR ydregraphic OT CO sehen ae tanvo latolotote eke) obetatetern oie elem ero toh reratrg inate nine Sisoteole AMERICAN PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR-_Nathaniel Bowiditch. coe Bees OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--By W. J. MPAAUGO00boad000 DO O0O DON NOODU OD OU DOQODGOOUBDO UO HOONDOGE COURSE CORRECTOR--Capt. R. M. Pugsley...........00% COURSE PROTRACTOR--Capt.R.M.Pugsley ...............- CURRENT-COURSE PROJECTOR--Capt. R. M. Pugsley.. DATA BOOK--Naval architects and engineers' data book. By T, iTV AUS O Mpete mtorr ayeretsterciete Crnie aie cele cre io olelar oi sis «nc tcaleqere cfeiete ELEMENTARY NAVAL TACTICS--Bainbridge-Hoff........ ELEMENTARY SEAMANSHIP--By Barker...........--0- ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION--Henderson ecco ecececerceeeece GUIDE tothe U.S. Local Inspectors examination of masters and mates of ocean-going steam and sailing ships, with complete instructions and information for those who wish to learn naviga- tion and save the expense of attending school by preparing themselves for the examination--Capt. R. M. Pugsley HAND BOOK OF ADMIRALTY LAW--Robt. M. Hughes.... HAND BOOK TO THE U. S. MARINE BOARD EXAM- INATION, for Masters and Mates, containing every possible practical examination question and answer in re- lation to ocean navigation--Capt. Howard Patterson...... Bin' ON LEGAL DUTIES OF SHIEM ASU ERS W. Gins- UIT Seeker keleleloverceveiclsteiete felis iciclolereiersieisrotets sloloverctereerereteseperskera aioyerete KNOW YOUR OWN SHIP--Thos. Walton a ralaiia/'eiacapeleyerelsrepolorshegete LAKE SHIP YARD METHODS OF STEEL SHIP CON- SLRUGCIION--Robert Curr visser ee eee MAGNETISM AND THE DEVIATION OF THE COMPASS IN TFRONESHVPS=Thostole. Aine lie yeseprs eee MARINE INSURANCE--W. Gow ..... olexe (olelejelavelcicrurete ec ecccce MARINE PROPELLERS--Barnaby........cssseccscoccccocee MARINER'S COMPASS IN AN IRON SHIP--J. W. Dixon. MODEL ENGINES AND SMALL BOATS--N. M. Hopkins. MODERN NAVIGATION--Wane 7A.) Hallos esses oem ees SEAMANSHIP--Lieut. es eeeree rer ere eres eos ee eee ses es eee seereeesese ee © NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND SHIPBUILDERS" BOOK--Clement -Mackrows seen ete eee NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A manual on laying off iron and steel™ vessels--uhosn Hn = Watsone eimai eee eee NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--Cecil HL Peabodyse sap eneaee NAVAL VARCHITECTURE--W. J. lovette: 0) eet ee NAVAL CONSTRUCTOR--By Geo. Simpson........22...0- NAVIGATION: SIMPLIFIED=G &. NMeActhur 1.) ee PILOT AND =HOW 40) DO THB: WORK Sy eee. POCKE' BOOK OF MARINE ENGINEERING, RULES AND TABLES=Seaton and Rounthwaite.............+cececes PRACTICAL AID TO THE NAVIGATOR--Sturdy.......°.. PRACTICAL COMPASS ADJUSTMENT on Iron, Composite and Wooden Vessels. Illustrated--Capt. W. J. Smith.......... PRACTICAL INFORMATION ON THE DEVIATION OF THE ret PASS, for the use of Masters and Mates of Iron Ships-- Towson ...... eececccce eee cece ecorccsseeccescccccce Pe SAILING DIRECTIONS FOR THE GREAT LAKES--Hydro- graphic Office--Separate book for each lake--45 and 60 Gents: cach ormiulll@setrenoiy.uerciy-apeny te reisteicrers oe ciel eat acne SATES AND -- SATE MAKIN Gertetelereletislelcleleiciers clelaiele eisieisietnetsciere SCOTT'S COAST PILOT--Geo. Scott........c.ceccevces SCREW PROPELLERS AND BARING PROPULSION--1. McKim: Chase 2. oiscccsrarewratdis cotsicls cite lolardle wiv oe aoe hn ee Sele SON IN THE PRACTICE. "AND. "THEORY AVIGATION--Earl of Dunraven. Two volumes..... SELFINSTRUCTOR IN NAVIGATION AND PRACTICAL GUIDE to the examinations of the U. S. Government In- spectors for masters and mates of ocean-going steamships and sailing vessels---Capt., Wea). Smiithl-1.. cinals tolele cers ie siclersieie SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION--Young.......... TEXT BOOK OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE~--J. J. Welch' akaveta Text noo OF SEAMANSHIP--Com. S. B. Luce, "WRINKLES" "T) ; IN PRACTICAL ""NAVIGATION--S. T. S. CCK Fiore esses cies LOE ve ozs. avercale io: eoksvoboce soars Banke ocereireiere cls seereheleis $2 00 50 2 25 2 50 1 00 3 00 1 50 2 00 2 50 1 00 2 00 2 C0 8 75 2 00 1 50 4 50 er0Gr 1 25 2 60 6 00 2 00 4 00 3 50 2 00 1 25 1 50 3 00 7 00 8 00 45 ARITHMETIC OF THE STEAM ENGINE--E. S. Gould... $1 00 ENGINE RRS EPI ONE Nees \ee Smithereens oo0bbDDGd0D 50 ENGINEER'S MANUAL, OF LOCAL MARINE BOARD EX- AMINATIONS--By Ainsley.............. ciatefoletersiets Soapoge i OY ENGINE RUNNERS' CATECHISM--By Grimshaw......... 2 00 ENGINES AND ENGINE RUNNING--Joshua Rose........ 2 50 ENGINE TESTS AND BOILER EFFICIENCIES--By J. Buchetti 3 00 EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS--Emory Ed- wards. 900 examination questions and answers for young engineers and firemen who desire to. obtain marine licenses.. 1 50 GAS ENGINES AND THEIR TROUBLES--Roberts and Durand. 1 50 GAS, GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES--Gardner D. Hiscox.. 2 50 HAWKINS' AIDS TO ENGINEERS) EXAMINATIONS, erick Questionsiand Answers 4scec8 is sc eee 2 00 HAWKINS' HAND BOOK OF Te LCDEATIONS FOR EN. hia), GALEN GEAR Sener rare es wie wiaene ae eienoterate ussbuoocdudaboguends . v4 Ol) HAWKINS' INDICATOR CATECHISM. MeneOu oo oo bG 6 1 00 HAWKINS' MAXIMS AND SEU CTONS FOR THE BOOMER UROOM ines ane oo s aiosel eveirelersrechelate cinema oO O HAWKINS' NEW CATECHISM OF ELECTRICITY........ 2 00 HAWKINS' NEW CATECHISM OF THE STEAM ENGINE... 2 00 HAWKINS' SELF-HELP, Mechanical Drawing............... 2 00 HOW TO_ RUN ENGINES AND BOILERS--E. P. Watson. New fiith@ editionsas. serene omen Sievelabeleiayoiclctevetetovta ore ---- 1 00 KEY TO ENGINES AND ENGINE RUNIINGar Josue Rose. sabels aaenvaremncpneretss die) ode ieifbl ein fale) euele\iellsi'» evove) Stuseiereforeue oislege jer eiicrc oO Sa ees OF Stam ENGINEERING--John Fehrenbatch, SdOUGOOO silo eho) e\eie)e, cic olelelo/oleleleleielavelelalelaiele slolelercicieie sem OOO MANUAL OF ee ENGINEERING--A, E. Seaton.. 6 00 MUNRIONIS, IXOWNLIBIRS--IANseel se cogaoncnecuonce Seussioeee ete enO0 MARINE: BOLEERS---la sh. sBentinueseeeee nee eee Mate cule 1 5200 MARINE BOILERS--Stromeyer.......... Siele eas slelotetore elerei te eevee OOO MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS--By G. Bauer................. 9 00 MARINE ENGINES--R. Murray.................6. clsieistelsferieise lO MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' POCKET' BOOK--H. H. Suplee. siios oinssipiace esate tw) duclie erate sore fogenenelale ara aed eee Riera ees sketeveielerer sist eee OMOO MECHANICS' AND ENGINEERS' ROCSET "BOOK--Chas, Ese Ehas wellyy; toss cee sete niee ee ne afonete 4 00 MODERN AMINA TIONS OF STEAM ENGINEERS --W. H. akemans ieee afeiallotaiere) ciaielareroncretelelel che reeretne sfotsiarererete eee 2 00 PRACTICAL MARINE ENGINEERING--Prof, Wa aee Durand' 2355 Aas ok Re eee oe os Set ee ee eerie eo OL0) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR MARINE ENGINEERS-- Heo; Wucasus A: sccstehaomie cokes rier ee sueretleieiete 2 00 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, sixth Edition sterner Roper.. 2 00 REED'S ENGINEERS' HAND BOOK--New edition........ 00 Forty-five cents extra by mail or express, REED'S KEY to Reed's Hand Book............ Ricrorerstelehe rhe O0) ROPER'S ENGINEERS' HANDY BOOK for Steant, engineers and Blectricians: 25.8 yim cohen eee chelelete oro) SCREW PROPELLERS AND MARINE PROPULSION--L MicKim=Chasefs,.cce ce etinceoee cieielolelereleve leis elslefeicteraleicrereieteiete a OOO SLIDE VALVE--Julius Beeteno oleyolelele sole shee \aletcierolelevereatociereme cmOU SMALL ENGINES AND BOILERS--Egbert P. Watson..... 1 00 STEAM AND THE MARINE STEAM ENGINE--Jno. Yeo.... 2 50 STEAM BOILER: Its Care and Management. Stephen Roper.. 2 00 STEAM. BOILERS--Joshua Rose ......... sle(olelevejerereltvershelereitem ie ee5 0 STEAM BOILERS--Peabody & Miller....................-..--...--.. 4 00 STEAM ENGINE CATECHISM--By Robt. Grimshaw............... 2 00 STEAM ENGINE: Theory and Practice--Ripper.............. 2 50 see TURBINES, WITH AN APPENDIX ON GAS TURBINES THE FUTURE OF HEAT ENGINES--Dr. A. Stodale Teed by Dr. Louis C. Lowenstein..............02.. 4 50 TRIPLE AND QUADRUPLE EXPANSION ENGINES AND BOILERS ND THEIR MANAGEMENT--A Ritchie Lease hie. site se stoseicetnees selele/eayelotslaterakaieye/siatsicteretersteteiietereicietmn 12 OO) USES OF ELECTRICITY ON SHIPBOARD--W. J. Kellog.. 1 00 WATER TUBE BOILERS--Fifth revised and enlarged edi- tion of HOW TO RUN ENGINES AND BOILERS--F. Pa VWVatson\ =n aererelere eieiovorerevarenereiets steecesercecesereeeceeres 1 06 Sent to any address, carriage prepaid, at prices named. There is no book on Navigation, Marine Engineering, Ship Building, or the allied industries, that is not either published or for THE MARINE REVIEW, CLEVELAND, O. sale by

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