TAE Marine REVIEW PROFESSIONAL. PROFESSIONAL. 49 PROFESSIONAL. GOULDER, HOLDING & MASTEN, Law Offices. H. D. Goulder. S. H. Holding. F. S. Masten. Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O James Nacey. boilers. repairs. W. O. ROOT, Feil attended to. Expert Marine Engineer, Designs, Specifications, Consultation, Inspection, Surveys and Tests. Sbectal attention given to Fuel Economy. 623-4 Monadnecck Block, Tel. Harrison 5782. CHICAGO. NACEYG CoH YINibD Marine Architects. Mechanical Draughtsmen. Consulting Engineers. Specifications and designs for all de- Scriptions of marine vessels, engines and cost of Supervision of construction and Damage and Agents for Marine Specialties. 208-9 Western Reserve Building, CLEVELAND, O. Phone, Main 3339 J. Alexander Hynd. W. J. WOOD, Naval Architect, Consulting Engineer. Prepares designs or working drawings _and specifications for 'all classes of vessels and superintends construction and repairs. Surveys damaged property and estimates repairs. Arbitrator and court expert. FIRE BOATS A SPECIALTY. Complete Plans furnished for Steel, Com- posite or Wooden Vessels. 543 Postal Telegraph Bldg. Tel. Harrison 1020. CHICAGO. other surveys care- ROBERT AW. Een a. COy Bureau of Inspection. Tests and Consultation. 1121 The Rookery, CHICAGO. Monong. Bank Bldg., PITTSBURG. 66 Broadway, NEW YORK. Inspectors of shipbuilding material and machinery. Inspectors of all materials. Duty tests of engines and boilers. Physical and chemical laboratories. JOSEPH KIDD, Marine Architect and Surveyor. Consulting Ship Builder and Engineer Over thirty years' experience. Specifica- tions, designs and estimates. ence of construction and repairs. and other surveys carefully attended to. Negotiations for the building, charter or sale of all kinds of vessels an 605 Palladio Building, DULUTH, MINN. M. C. FURSTENAU Consulting Marine Engineer and Naval Architect All classes of vessels and machinery designed. Tests and surveys made. 308 Walnut St. Tel. Lombard 27894 PHILADELPHIA, PA. Superintend- Damage ROBERT CURR, Naval Architect and Surveyor. Specifications and Designs furnished for all typesof vessels. Supervision of Construction and Repairs. Damage and other surveys carefully attended to. Piece work price lists and cost of labor a speciality. -- 1024 Rockefeller Bldg., CLEVELAND, OHIO machinery. HAND BOOK OF ADMIRALTY LAW, by Rost. M. HuGuHEs, JUST PUBETES HED CLASS BOOK OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE CARLTON WILBY Naval Architect DESIGNING-ESTIMATING-SUPERVISING CONSULIING : Complete plans and specifications furnished for Price $8.75. BY W. J. Lovett Sa: y all classes of vessels. : Tue Penton Pur. Co., Illustrated s Price $2.50. WETHERBEE BLDG. nian DETROIT, MICH Glevslandco: Order from Marine Review, Cleveland. Phone M-3033. W. |. BABCOCK H. PENTON Prindiville & Company AVERAGE ADJUSTERS AND INSURANCE BROKERS BABCOCK & PENTON Engineers and Naval Architects DESIGNS _ INSPECTION ESTIMATES 814 Perry-Payne Bldg. SURVEYS SPECIFICATIONS CLEVELAND, 0. REPORTS 17 State St. NEW YORK The Lorain Coal & Dock Co. 234 La Salle St. Representing Johnson & Higgins New York Chicago, III. Foreign Representatives Willis Faber & Co., Ltd., London. John D. Tyson & Co., Liverpool. General Offices: CLEVELAND Producers and Shippers of No. 8 PITTSBURG COAL Docks and Fuel Lighter: LORAIN, O. PITTSBURG COAL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICE, LAKE DEPARTMENT, ROCKEFELLER BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO Steamboat Fueling Facilities at Various Points on the Great Lakes CLEVELAND HARBOR { ASHTABULA HARBOR ei Car Dumper. SAULT RIVER BRANCHES { Dock--Pittsburgh Landing. 4 Car Dumpers. FAIRPORT HARBOR { 1 Car Dumper. 3 Lighters. 1 Lighter. : DETROIT RIVER BRANCH 1 Lighter. Dock and Pockets at Sault Ste. Marie. WE FURNISH ONLY THE BEST GRADE ~-- 1 Car Dumper. eters ues Lighter. Docks and Pockets at Sandwich and Amhertsburg. (The Port Royal Dock Co.) PITTSBURG AND YOUGHIOGHENY COAL