42 TAE MarINE REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Continuea. CORK JACKETS AND RINGS. Armstrong Cork Co..Pittsburg, Pa. CRANES. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co...... pe eee es Cael o Cleveland, O: eel ollie COlmne se crite ck es MG eK a Schenectady, N. Y. Northern Engineering Works.. eect tere niet tes Detroit, "Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Co Bares son Meir eh ame 5. at's stake Cleveland, O. CRANES (Dock). Brown Hoisting Machinery Co...... Oe ee Si ios 3 sa aks Cleveland, O. Northern Eee ieenne Works.. Be ee ret cae as Detroit, "Mich. CRANES (Electric Traveling). Brown-Hoisting Machinery Co...... 5a BOSE ee ee ee Cleveland. CRANES (Gantry). Brown Hoisting Machinery Co...... een ee ae | Ste ests -,.Cleveland, .O. Northern Engineering Wiot eS aes Daag he pen Ws Nate ce ae e975 Detroit, CRANES (Hand Traveling). Brown Hoisting Machinery Co...... ein foe pe athens) « Cleveland, O. Northern Engineering Works.. Neen eS aes. ait Detroit, Mich. CRANES (Locomotive). Brown Hoisting Machinery Co...... ee a ate eet ost Cleveland, O. Northern ne Works.. FP eee cc eee oc Detroit, CRANES (Pneumatic). Brown Hoisting Machinery Co...... Dee Sa fens ak ok Cleveland, O. Northern Engineering: Works... Much. See Te es ree Detroit; "Mich. CUPOLAS. Northern Engineering Works... SS one oe er Derwoity "Mich. DAVITS. WStandiny vAG Paks es cx oe New York. DERRICKS. Dake Engine Co.Grand Haven, Mich. Northern Engineering Works........ Pe eo eo ss Detroit, Mich. " DIVING APPARATUS. NEOTS Cy Ae it Ole SOM sic 5s ned Boston. Schrader's Son, Inc., A...New York. DREDGING CONTRACTORS. Breymann & Bros. G. H.... Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.... ee ean re mf ihre ts eo, Buffalo. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.... Northern Dredge Co., Du Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H... eeeceereeoe sce ee se ee ee ee oe DREDGING MACHINERY. Quintard Iron Works Co., New York. Superior, Wis. Superior Iron Works.. ; DRY DOCKS. American Ship Building Co........ PN Paice nko 8 divs so 6 Cleveland. .East Boston, Mass. Bottalow Ory Dock Go....:. Buffalo, Chicago Ship Building Co., Chicago. Philadelphia. Atlantic Works. Cramp, Wm. & Sons... ELECTRIC FIXTURES Toledo. Buffalo Dredging Co........ Buffalo. Chicago. Duluth, Minn. Milwaukee. Sliven sM ese kts ae a Buffalo. Detroit Ship Building Co.... Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. SU Pet aet STAINES ton aichareis Wace ee zeis Detroit. Lockwood Mfg. Co.........+sssseeee Pade sea ae pasts Oo tote sis East Boston, Mass. Manitowoc Dry Dock Co.......-....- : Ia Reeiteee ee ato ciel wees Manitowoc, Wis. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co........... REGIE eee eee Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co.. bed Mae Sk rte ace Newport News, Va. Superior Ship Building Co.......... PRP aeeeaiehérotckoke io Dae Superior, Wis. Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co...... aoe vara ae omraeerins career Hoboken, N. J. Toledo Ship Building Co,. _. Toledo. DYNAMOS. Generaleslectric Coke ess cee coe Be GRC ina eia's 8s Sebcaccadan INE Ys EJECTORS. Penberthy Injector Co.............. Bee oo... ., Detroit, Mich. (Water- tight Appliances). Seidler-Minen Electric Co........... Saar Sh See 7 Detroit, Mi ch. ELECTRIC HOISTS AND CRANES. Generale MliectriciGo-. asco .ccne sce: sien sian ok Sede Schenectady, N. Y. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS. Generale Mlectricy sO 1s cec cic snos oe Sn PRES cy Schenectady, N. Y. ENGINE BUILDERS, MARINE. American Ship Building Co........ Par, We TL 6 Weis Sanices ae Cleveland. Atlantic Works, East: Boston, Mass. Briggs, Marvin.«.......o- New York. Chicago Ship Building Co., Chicago. Chase Machine Co........ Cleveland. Cramp, Wm. & Sons...Philadelphia. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit. Fletcher. W. (&. A. Cow. sities es TOG eee oeahe ets Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Shipbuilding Co......... Great Lakes Engineering Works... eee Neer cse iil oc a¥es e's! 6. Detroit, Mich. alle BTOShe. cise heciss sc Philadelphia. Mockwoods Mir (Cox. acminc tes Oe cete Bere erie W re satis East Boston, Mass. Nanitowoce, Dry Dock Con... «cess SCO NICO CEA ane Manitowoc, Wis. Marine Iron Wks. ...... Chicago, Ill. Miaryland, 'Steelunore.i, ccc .iact de. eto.0 Be Oa ies sa Sparrows Point, Md. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... ET PPE scree Giete area as Milwaukee. NWhosiiet ss GliaSeaIDh «lc. as New York. Newport News Ship Building Co.... Ree ik oniaee Ss Newport News, Va. New work Ship Building Co........ ae NAG GN cs ons Camden, N. J. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. COM eas wis'icce» Duluth, Minn. Quintard Iron Works Co., New York. Se misma Mineo Ole. + ss a6 Milwaukee. Superior Ship Building Co.......... Fe et I. hos eici'es Superior, Wis. Toledo Ship Building Co....Toledo. ero ttereilee(Ge ss. ccc tse seve Buffalo. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH CALL BELLS, ETC. Gory, Chas; & Son...... New York. . Fix's, Toledo Fuel Company.. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. ° Penberthy Injector Co.............. Pres ators clea tiara 63 Detroit, Mich. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. COs ee cic tree Duluth, Minn. ENGINEERS, MARINE, - MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. Babcock & Penton........ Cleveland. _ Burgwyn, GirP.E.. ..Richmond, Va. Burstenau, .M. ©... ..- 3. Philadelphia. Hynd, Alexander .......... Cleveland. Innint,ekobt. We Ge CO... 3... Chicago. Kaddtediosepi.. «1-0. Duluth, Minn. Mosher, Chas. Dr. ~-..-New York. Nacey, James Roelicen le Biss. coe ce ee fe New York. Ino, Wo (Ohecoccpsnodacu me Chicago. NWO. ete Niet iticis iets cia esis are hci Chicago. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. Griscom-Spencer Co..New York City. Ross Valve Mfg. Co..... Tioy, N. Y. Wheeler Condenser & Engineering COW es ines Od oes ee New York. FITTINGS. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Bre ria ihe esas ties: ase Cleveland, FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL OR ELECTRIC. General Electric €0.2 02ers voce coins. ees ames atten che Schenectady, N. Y. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PRO- PELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETC. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co.... Sete MOC yo SS 6k Se Cleveland. Fore River Shipbuilding Co......... Ue eB os 0s Quincy, Mass. FLUE WELDING. Sie SONS. sions sce vier Cleveland. FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL DEALERS. Mena MeeAS 6, Con. 5. Cleveland. Parker Bros. Co., Ltd........ Detroit. Pickands, Mather & Co...Cleveland. Ienmesubers (Coml (@sdacccas Cleveland. Smith, Stanley B. & Co..... Detroit. .. Toledo, O. FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental Iron Works..New York. GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co.. Se hee ee earn ae a's New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase. Machine Co........ Cleveland. GENERATING SETS. .. GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph......... S ateneure to orien tbe Ss Jersey City, N. J. U. S. Graphite Co....Saginaw, Mich. GRAPHITE PAINT. U. S. Graphite Co....Saginaw, Mich. HAMMERS, STEAM. Chase, Machine (€o........ Cleveland. HARDWARE (Marine). Delaware Marine Supply Mfg. Co.. See tie als eae Wilmington, Del. HOISTS FOR CARGO, ETC. AMmencan Ships biutlding Co........ iene iti che elt cies * oi Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co......