ory | 7 MARINE REVIEW. ae TRADE NOTES. Mr. George Bullock of the Bullock Electric Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, has sailed for England to select a site for the British Bullock plant.. The company's foreign business has grown so extensively that it feels that it can care for its foreign trade better by manufacturing there. Harrison Bros. & Co.,; Thirty-fifth and Grays Ferry Road, Philadel- phia, manufacturers of white lead, colors, paints, varnishes and chemicals, are directing the attention of ship owners, owners of yachts and other craft to their black and white "Weatherproof' enamels for exterior work only. It is claimed for them that they are especially adapted to marine work, as they retain their. luster under all weather conditions. The Universal Safety Tread Co., No. 45 Broadway, New Y ork? has placed upon the market a safety tread that is as safe to. walk upon length- wise of the ridges as transversely. Other treads depend entirely upon the lead to hold the foot. * The steel matrix of the universal is in itself a safety tread upon which, even before the introduction of the lead. it would be absolutely impossible for the foot to slip. It is well adapted for decks, passageways and stairways of yachts and vessels of all descriptions. Plans of the B. F. Sturtevant Co. so far as perfected for its new plant at Hyde Park, Mass., contemplate an engine and electrical shop of gallery type 120 by 400 ft., two buildings each 80 by 400 ft. and three stories high for blowers, heaters, forges, galvanized iron work, exhaust heads, etc.. and a foundry 120 by 400 ft. In addition, independent office, power and pattern. storage buildings are planned for. Fire-proof or slow-burning construction will be'the rule throughout and the fire risk reduced to a minimum. The Stow Flexible Shaft Co., Twenty-sixth and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia, has issued a catalogue devoted to their portable drills, the making of which they have made a business for the past thirty years. One of the earliest of portable drills was known as the Halsey portable drill. It is still good and of use in some places where nothing else appears to fill the needs. With the invention of the flexible shaft came the next development. The flexible shaft is run by driving rope from countershaft and operates the drill press. There are thousands of them in daily use. The practical use of electricity made another step forward in the use of portable drills. The company makes an electric portable drill. Com- pressed air added still another kind and the company makes a pneumatic portable drill, using their pneumatic motor, flexible shaft and screw feed drill press. There is very little in the line of a portable drill that the company does not make. It-also makes:a variety of other tools for ream- ing, tapping, grinding and polishing. Low Rate Excursion to. New York via B. & O.--Tickets on sale daily until Oct. 20 with privilege of returning via Buffalo. Call at city ticket office, 241 Superior street. . Oct: 20. Low rates to Chicago via B. & O. R. R. July 24, 25 and 26. $8.50 round trip. City ticket office, 241 Superior street, Cleveland. July. 25 If you want a MODERN ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT-- Engines, Dynamos, Search Lights, Arc or Incandescent Lamps--for your boat, ADDRESS BADT-GOLTZ ENGINEERING Co., 1504 Monadnock Block, CHICAGO. BERTHS « BUNKS - BEDDING Practical sanitary ideas in Metal Berths. Made to fold up or drop down. Made on hygienic principles that are already popular. -- PERFECTION BERTHS are endorsed by the ARMY AND NAVY Authorities and by leading Ship Builders. Full line Patent Metal Berths. Hardwood front Berths, any finish. Standée Berths, Extension Berths for cabin use. Forecastle and Steerage Berths of most approved styles. Portable Cabins. Can be removed without use of tools. All vermin-proof. Let us quote you prices on your wants in Berth and Bedding. ; MADE ONLY BY LEIN, IRVINE & COMPANY, °2*,23,524sy'tis set FOR SALE. BALANCED COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES carried in stock for immediate delivery--20 to 200 horse power. Full line of patterns for larger sizes and quadruple expansion engines, insuring quick delivery. Highest economy and speed. , Bee NO VIBRATION. Contracts taken for complete plants. m ry WELLS ENGINEERING CO., 136 Liberty St., NEW YORK, N. Y. TUG FOR SALE. Wood hull 61 ft. long, 14 ft. 8 in. beam. Iron house. | Engine 16% by 18 in. Boiler pressure allowed, 140 Ibs. Price $2600, Inquire C. H. Strong & Son, No. 622 Cuyahoga building, Cleveland, O. July 25. STANDARD SEAMLESS TUBE CO. _ Seamless Cold Drawn Steel Tubing IN ALL SIZES FROM 1% TO 16" DIAMETER. Stay Tubes, Water Grates, Compressed Air and Boiler Tubes FOR ALL CLASSES OF MARINE WORK. Hollow Shafts, Bushings, Hydraulic Tubes, Etc., Etc. High Steam Pressures. SALES OFFICES: Havemeyer Building, New York. Conestoga Building, Pittsburg. Western: Union Building, Chicago. NATIONAL TUBE COMPANY, - SELLING AGENTS, 95 Milk St., Boston. 267 So. Fourth St., Philadelphia. 420 California St., San Francisco. FOREIGN OFFICE: Dock House, Billiter Street, London, E. C., Eng.