se MARINE REVIEW. 7 A FLOORING MACHIN E gE There is illustrated herewith a machine just placed upon the market by the J: A. Fay & Egan Co., No. 325 to 345: West Front street, Cincin- nati, O., and patented March 20, 1900. It is known as their No. 15 double- cylinder light- ning flooring machine. 'This machine, which will plane four sides, 9 to 14 in. wide and 6 in. thick, embodies in its construc- tion many new devices. and conveniences not heretofore contained in a machine of this. description. Among the more noticeable of the mechanical advantages claimed. for It are: 1. The pressure bar before the first upper cylinder is adjustable both to and from the cut, and the bar after the cut is adjustable for difference in thickness of material; also the bars before and after the second upper cylinder. 2. The pressure bars both before and after the lower cylinder are adjustable vertically and laterally. 3. A pressure bar, with independent adjustment, extends over the matching works, and can be thrown out of the way quickly. : 4. The patent weighted matcher-clip, which produces a uniform pressure on the material. 'Seaboard Steel Castings."' MANUFACTURERS oF A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY. THE ADMIRAL" ANCHOR. OPEN-HEARTH STEEL CASTINGS aoe OF THE HIGHEST GRADE. * THE LATEST AND BEST 'FACILITIES FOR CASTINGS UP TO STOCKLESS ANCHOR. 80,000 POUNDS WEIGHT. APPROVED BY LLoyo's. MACHINE WORK AND PATTERNS ee FURNISHED WHEN REQUIRED. RAIL-OR WATER DELIVERIES. CAPACITY, 1509 TONS PER MONTH Seaboard Steel Casting Co., CHESTER, PA. ANCHORS CAST AND TESTED ON * ORDER, OR STOCK ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. ' 5. The feed, consisting of six rolls, 8 in. in diameter, driven by a train of powerful gearing extending through the machine; and the. expansion gears on feed rolls are inside the frame. The manufacturers will furnish prices and full particulars of this or any other wood-working machinery to anyone who may be interested and will also furnish their large new 450-page illustrated catalogue, showing each and every machine they make, free to manufacturers and foremen. A particularly useful pump for boiler inspectors, marine engineers and boat owners generally, is that which is made by the Marine Iron Works, station A, Chicago, as illustrated on page 41 of their 1901 catalogue, which is sent free on receipt of request. » : INVESTIGATION S66) fips will prove beyond all doubt that Garlock Packings are the best investment for progressive THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE." ENGINEERS. Our packings are A valuable work, just from the press, POPULAR by THOMAS WALTON, Author of "Know Your Own Shint' because they are the best in the market. nq | WECESSARY Not highly technical, but well suited hecaubs they otvethie cigas a to Ship Superintendents, Marine factory results. Engineers, and Students of ship) EVOURING : because they are made for long construction. Sersice Send for catalogue and samples to our nearest office. Introduction deals with ce oe ; its crude state in ore to_ finishe : product in ship material. Then fol- THE GARLOCK PACKING Co. jiows chapters dealing with principal structural features and alternative modes in which a vessel may be built. Largest section of the book treats in WithouT detail of the construction and combi- oe nation generally of the various parts oe IT. which go to make up the whole ship structure--framing, plating, stern a frames and rudders, riveting, pump-| New York. Philadelphia. St. Louis. ing and ventilation, and includes also} Boston. Pittsburg. Denver. remarks upon launching. Chicago. Cleveland. San Francisco. Price $5.50. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB CO, CLEVELAND, O. MAIN OFFICES AND FACTORIES: PALMYRA, N. Y.; ROME, GA. OM 1 | l} ih ( WwW | Defects in Condenser | . | nl ' aH i' bal | Tubes avoided by | Dy i using " BENEDICT-NICKEL."' | iy NFiilti il ! } " ' = IF ie | eerie os 1A) i \ i i | |) | seh = | jam, =i] WAPI e) ee I = ] ; hi " iif | ") I! Ma) Hi su J There is no risk of longitudinal fracture from internal stresses Cl in condenser tubes made from "Benedict-Nickel." The spiral forma- i tion produced by our patented hot-rolling process of manufacture, makes tubes of extreme strength and tough- ness, capable of resisting the greatest strain. The composition of the metal enables '" Benedict-Nickel" Seamless Condenser Tubes positively to resist Electrolysis. Owing to its great density, extreme toughness and perfect homogeneousness, '"' Benedict-Nickel"' can be used of much lighter gauge than brass or copper; consequently its condensing efficiency is much greater. We are also large manufacturers of seamless brass and copper tubes, made by the same process as ' Benedict-Nickel."' Send for treatise on "Electrolysis of Condenser Tubes." Tobin Bronze has almost a world-wide reputation for'marine purposes. We sell it at manufacturers' prices. BENEDICT & BURNHAM MFG. CO., Mills and Main Office, Waterbury, Conn. New York, 253 Broadway. Boston, 172 High Street. AE a Tea Pe