er 28 "MARINE REVIEW. [February 27, BAND RE-SAW. The machine herewith illustrated was recently placed on the market by the J. A. Fay & Egan Co. of 325-345 West Front street, Cincinnatt, Ohio, and is known as their No. 36 band re-saw. This machine will be found very valuable for converting lumber for ship yards and arsenals and will do the work rapidly and accurately. It will saw _ either straight or beveling, and owing to the position of the rolls with relation to the blade short pieces can be re- sawed to advantage. It will re-saw material 30 in. wide and 13 in, in thickness; will re-saw to the center of 10 in. and will saw fram the side of a timber 8 in. thick, or will take a 5-in. piece from a timber 13 in. thick. The wheels are made entirely of iron and steel, the lower one being solid and of ample strength and weight and the upper one being fitted with spokes placed in a staggering position. There is an improved method of maintaining the tension on the saw, which is most sensitive. The feed is very powerful, consisting of four feed rolls 5 in. in diameter, strongly geared, continuous and per- fect. The adjustments are made very rapidly and accurately. Altogether this new machine will be found to contain many new mechanical arrangements and conveniences, and the manufacturers will be pleased to furnish any of our readers who may be interested, and will write them, prices and full particulars, and will also forward their large new illustrated 450-page catalogue and colored poster, showing this and other machines they make, free of charge, on application. Arrangements for the erection of the new Pickands, Mather & Co. - blast furnace plant, with coal and ore docks at Toledo, are being hur- ried and it is hoped that some ore may be stocked at the works before the close of the coming season. The works will be located just below the Craig ship yard. The. river frontage is 2,200 ft. The success, or lack of success, of propeller wheels is largely attribut- able to the care, or lack of care, in fitting the conditions of each particular case. Especial attention is given that very important subject by the Marine Iron Works, station A, Chicago, resulting in their being in re- ceipt of many orders for propeller wheels within their range of sizes (18 in. to 6 ft.), and in the speed, cruising or towing patterns, as may be required. 6 Steamer |. M. Weston For Sale. Length, 96.5 ft.; breadth, 18 ft.; depth, 7.6 ft.; 95 tons. In first-class condition, E. J. Glackin, 363 So. Morgan street, Chicago. tf WANTED. Proposals for laying approximately seventeen-hundred lineal feet of thirty-six inch riveted intake water pipe. Parties desiring to bid on this work will be furnished plans and specifications and should ad- dress Austin Farrell, Supt., Pioneer Iron Company, Gladstone, e eb. 27. FOR SALE. Two First-Class Passenger Steamers. One side-wheel steel steamer. Length, 201.4 ft.; beam, 82.5 ft.; over all, 56 ft.; depth, 9.4 ft. Hull, machinery and boiler in good condition. Has upper deck with cabin and state rooms; complete outfit and is allowed to carry 1,500 excursion passengers. One steel propeller. Length, 155 ft.; beam, 30 ft.; depth, 9.7 ft. Hull and machinery in good ¢ondition. Has upper cabin and thirty state rooms; complete outfit. Is allowed to carry 500 excursion passengers, Speed, 15 miles per hour. Apply to the H. W. Williams Transportation Line, South Haven, Mich. tf U. S. Engineer Office, 1687 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ill., January 27, 1902. Sealed propo- sals for dredging at Calumet Harbor, IIl., will be received here until 12, noon, March 5, 1902, and then publicly opened. Informa- tion on application. O. H. Ernst, Lt. Col., Engrs. Feb. 27. U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., Feb- ruary 1, 1902. Sealed proposals for removal of wreck in harbor at Buffalo, N. Y., will be received here until 11 A. M., March 4, 1902, and then opened. Information furnished on application. T. W. Symons, Malet, oo eb. 27. BELLEVILLE GENERATORS Grand Prix 1889 Originated 1849 Fors Concours 1900 Latest Improvements 1896 Number of Nautical Miles made each year by Steamships of the Messageries Maritimes Co., Provided with Belleville Generators--Since their Adoption in the Service. Year. | Australien | Polynésien Aemend wide pets feet Chili Cordillére Laos Indus Tonkin Annam Atlantique [890.2000 .2..... 67,728 2,460 BBO tis 68,247 68,331 204 Cogn... .-; 68,247 68,403 69,822 23,259 ($9S554.5052 68,379 68,343 68,286 68,247 (BGA wis. cece 68,439 68,367 68,574 68,439 37,701 1895 6c isesces. 68,673 68,766 68,739 68,808 40,887 28,713 FOGG sss ee eects: ' 69,534 92,718 69,696 69,549 62,205 63,153 40,716 (B97 ices: 68,250 69,606 92,736 69,555 62,235 76,110 63,357 | 43,146 1698225. ..... 04. 70,938 69,534 69,552 69,597 62,526 63,240 63,240 62,553 63,954 | 22,707 (S00 k.;.. 4... 69,534 69,615 67,431 90,405 60,246 62,778 62,868 52,344 54,855 44,007 22,884 B9UG... 5uc 69,534 67,494 69,744 69,564 61,719 62,382 62,502 51,471 53,373 62,016 63,066 52,140 TOA ik secoese 757,503 | 713,637 | 644,784 597,423 | 387,519 | 356,376 292,683 | 209,514 | 172,182 128,730 85,950 52,140 ATELIERS ET CHANTIERS DE L'ERMITAGE, A ST. DENIS (SEINE). FRANCE. WORKS AND YARDS OF L'ERMITAGE AT ST. DENIS (SEINE), FRANCE. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: 'BELLEVILLE, SAINT-DENIS-SUR-SEINE.