28 MARINE REVIEW. Chemical and Physical Tests of Steel Plates made by the Tidewater Steel Co. of Chester, Pa., and used in the schooner yacht Meteor, built for the Emperor of Germany at the works of the Townsend & Downey Ship Build- ing & Repair Co., Shooter's Island, N.Y. Steel to meet specifications of American Bureau of Shipping; tensile strength, 58,000 to 68,000 lbs. per square inch of section; reduction of area at least 40 per cent.; elongation at least 22 per cent. in 8 in. 3 Bec oe. a8 2. = td gh |gae & 3 a Bhs 3 3 a + fy nD BR gq Hen soq a2 ; 2 a Boe te | Ue ae) 8. eee | S-| 2) sg | 3B A Q B <j & & [<3] [en Oo = Ay n 2008 | 1415 270 382 35.860 | 60000 25. 70.7 .20 .36 .029 | .027 1467 1275 290 370 37.560 | 68100 25. 60.3 25 42 .016 .020 1409 1170 340 398 35.430 | 60530 28.75 65.1 19 .39 .025 028 1372 1125 350 394 37.800 | 60900 25. | 62.2 .22 .38 .024 .023 ISL 1255 270 339 37.170 | 65780 23.75 62:8 .23 Joh .019 .028 1045 1440 470 677 32.550 | 61740 28.75 61.16 .25 42 033 026 1396 1255 270 339 36.250 | 61250 27.5 61.12 oe .40 029 021 1002 1300 300 390 36.400 | 65400 26.25 55.1 18 42 031 023 1462 1200 340 408 35.240 | 61300 28.75 56.2 19 45 024 020 1004 1415 300 425 36.000 | 60300 28.75 65.3 18 41 .037 034 1474 1210 290 351 32.120 | 63120 27.50 62.2 .20 .40 .025 .023 R. T. Crane, president of the Crane Co., Chicago, recently made an investigation in regard to the value of an academic education for young men who have to earn their own living and who expect to pursue a com- mercial life. In this connection he sent out letters of inquiry to a large number of prominent business men throughout the country, as well as college presidents and graduates, and has published the results of this investigation in pamphlet form for private distribution. Capt. Geo. E. Dailey, who for the past six or seven years has sold groceries and meats for Miller Bros. at Toledo, will this season sell goods tor Tidtke Bros. at the same port. STEEL PROPELLER WHEELS. It is safe to say that the year 1901 will show a larger number of steel propeller wheels having been made up than the total for any two previous years, the Marine Iron Works (Station A, Chicago) alone having more than doubled any previous year's sales on these steel wheels, with three months yet to hear from. The composition being an open hearth homo- geneous steel, is exceedingly tough and ductile. The sizes range from 30 in. diameter up to 5 ft. The higher first cost when compared with the cast iron wheels is very quickly earned, especially where boats are oper- ating at times on somewhat shallow water. ; 8 Naphtha Launch Wanted. Wanted--Open light-draught naphtha launch suited to about four. teen people. Canadian vessel preferred. Address Box 25, Marine Review Pub. Co., Perry-Payne building, Cleveland. Lumber Steamer For Sale. Capacity about 700 M ft.; also two barges, capacities, respectively, one million and 550 M ft. If interested communicate with L. S. Sullivan, Toledo, O. Apr 5. Engine, Boilers, etc., For Sale Cheap. Two Scotch boilers 11x12, 160 lbs. steam. Triple-expansion engine 20, 30 and 54 in. with 40 in. stroke. Shaft, wheel, anchors, chain, etc., from wrecked steamer Fedora. Thoroughly overhauled. Write for particulars, F. L. Gilbert, 301 Torrey Bldg., Duluth, Minn. March 27.. Steamer |. M. Weston For Sale. Length, 96.5 ft.; breadth, 18 ft.; depth, 7.6 ft.; 95 tons. In first-class condition, E. J. Glackin, 363 So. Morgan street, Chicago. tf FOR SALE. Two First-Class Passenger Steamers. One side-wheel steel steamer. Length, 201.4 ft.; beam, 32.5 ft.; over all, 56 ft.; depth, 9.4 ft. Hull, machinery and boiler in good condition. Has upper deck with cabin and state rooms; complete outfit and is allowed to carry 1,500 excursion passengers. One steel propeller. Length, 155 ft.; beam, 30 ft.; depth, 9.7 ft. Hull and machinery in good condition. Has upper cabin and thirty state rooms; complete outfit. Is allowed to carry 500 excursion passengers. Speed, 15 miles per hour. Apply to the H. W. Williams Transportation Line, South Haven, Mich. te BELLEVILLE GENERATORS Grand Prix 1889 Originated 1849 Number of Nautical Miles made each year by Steamships of the Messageries Maritimes Co., Provided with Belleville Hors Concours 1900 Latest Patents 1902 Geénerators--Since their Adoption in the Service. Year Australien | Polynésien a oy a8 Saas Chili Cordillére Laos Indus Tonkin Annam Atlantique [890............. 67,728 2,460 (89 Leo 68,247 68,331 204 VO isos: 68,247 68,403 69,822 23,259 18933 ioc... 68,379 68,343 68,286 68,247 13942... 4. 68,439 68,367 68,574 68,439 37,701 [S952 ee: 68,673 68,766 68,739 68,808 40,887 28,713 [896...)...3.:. 69,534 92,718 69,696 69,549 62,205 63,153 40,716 £897.....0665.6 68,250 69,606 92,736 69,555 62,235 76,110 63,357 43,146 TBS ei cec ces 70,938 69,534 69,552 69,597 62,526 63,240 63,240 62,553 63,954 22,707 BOG sca 69,534 69,615 67,431 90,405 60,246 62,778 62,868 52,344 54,855 44,007 22,884 £900... 69,534 67,494 69,744 69,564 | 61,719 62,382 62,502 51,471 53,373 62.016 63,066 52,140 (90l 53. 44,220 69,627 69,594 66,948 51,057 62,460. 62,490 61,743 62,688 43,866 62,466 63,126 'Total eee. 801,723 | 783,264 | 714,378 | 664,371 438,576 | 418,836 | 355,173 | 271,257 | 234,870 172,596 | 148,416 115,266 | ATELIERS ET CHANTIERS DE. L'ERMITAGE; A ST. DENIS (SEINE), FRANCE. WORKS AND YARDS OF L'ERMITAGE AT ST. DENIS (SEINE), FRANCE. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: "BELLEVILLE, SAINT2DENIS-SUR-SEINE. | phe ' ; ; i ' { ; i