24 MARINE REVIEW. [May.-29 DEVICE FOR LOADING COAL ON VESSELS. The C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co. of Cleveland has installed on the docks of M. A. Hanna & Co. at Ashtabula, O., a special type of carrier for loading coal, either hard or soft, on vessels. It is shown in the accompany- ing illustration and is operated as follows: The coal to be loaded into the boat is first loaded on hopper bottom railroad cars and drawn on the tres- tle shown in the illustration. The coal is dumped into a large iron hopper underneath the car, and over the lower end of the carrier, the coal being fed on the carrier by means of a large slide or opening 3 ft. square, opened and closed by power. The coal is then conveyed up this continuous car- rier and delivered into the spout which feeds the coal into the boat from CONVEYOR FOR LOADING COAL INTO LAKE VESSELS. Built by C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co., Cleveland. the carrier. This spout is so arranged that it may be swung in any direc- tion, thus doing away with the necessity of trimming the boat by hand, the coal being delivered at any point required. The upper end of the carrier is supported by a tower and is hung on a hinge, so that the upper end can be raised or lowered as desired. When it is desired to move the boat along the dock the upper end of the carrier can be hoisted high enough to be out of the way of the vessel and quickly lowered again. It can be raised to an upright position by the cable, if so desired, and be entirely out of the way of moving vessels. The spout for spouting the coal into the vessels from the carrier is made to telescope, so that as the vessel is filled with coal, the spout itself may be kept constantly full of coal, thus reducing to a minimum the breakage of the coal. The raising and lower- ing of the outer end of the carrier is an important feature of this loader as, by this means, it can be accommodated to any boat, while the breakage is a minimum, as the coal falls but a short distance. The whole carrier | and mechanism pertaining thereto is operated by a 9 by 12 in. plain slide- valve engine, or in other words, it takes less than 25 H.P. to operate this entire coal loading machinery. Everything is necessarily made strong and substantial. This coaling device is operated by three men--one to take entire charge of the machinery, including the running of the engine; one to see that it is properly fed and one to operate the swinging or de- livery spout. The conveyor was sold under a guarantee to load 600 tons an hour, but has loaded as much as 900 tons an hour. Its initial cost is very low. PARTICULARS OF WELL-KNOWN SHIPS. _ The following recent statistics regarding modern steamships of vari- ous classes have a special interest at this time: I. BATTLESHIPS. Ship. Country. Tons. HP: Speed. Date. Ory Ge... England ......12,950 13,700 18.12 knots 1899 Barbarossa ....; Getmiany 6... 11,288 18,000 18° knots 1900 Pes 6 eee. es Papa 2. ey. : 15,200 16,000 18 knots 1899 Wisconsin: : 220°: United States. .11,500 12,320 17.17 knots 1898 II, ARMORED CRUISERS. Nictor Hugo... France-........ 12,146 27,000 22 knots 1901 CPeSay a6 kas vs Enegland....s 12,000 16,270 20.5 knots 1889 : III. PROTECTED CRUISERS. WAC oes ose A, nc 6,500 15,925 23.25 knots 1900 Minneapolis..... United States.. 7,400 20,860 23.07 knots 1893 Blanco Encalada.Chile ......... 4,570 14,500 22.80 knots 1893 TAGd0Y one cs. United States.. 3,800 7,080 20.52 knots 1899 IV. COMMERCIAI, VESSELS. ..Deutschland.....Germany .....22,660° 36,000 23.5. kitots 900 \€ampania....4.. England .....20,900 30,000 21.15' knots! 11803 WU) fa Savoie..." 1° France' :.... 15,410 22,000 20.00 knots 1900 THIRD POWER CANAL AT THE SAULT. A dispatch from Sault Ste. Marie announces that work on a third power canal (second on the Canadian side) will be started shortly by the Clergue syndicate. This third canal will increase the Consolidated Lake Superior Co.'s power to about 110,000 H.P. It is said that all the con- tracts for this canal will be let this summer and that heavy concerns are now making estimates. The canal will require the removal of 400,000 cubic yards of earth and 600,000 yards of stone and will be several years in building. This canal will provide power for a great metallurgical plant to treat ores of copper, zinc, silver and gold electrically. The ores for treatment are expected to come from western Canada and from the region to the north of the Sault where ny extensive developments are now in progress. Paper mills are also to be erected under this new power and contracts for the first of these, a very large plant to make news print, are already closed, it is said. Contracts for a large amount of grading operations on the Manitoulin & North Shore railway, a Clergue enterprise. are to be made at once. These will be for the extension of the road in the nickel and copper country near' Sudbury. This road is designed ultimately to form a link in the new trans- continental line of the Cana- dian Northern road, which now stretches west from Lake Superior into the far north- west on its way to the Pacific ocean. The Manitoulin & North Shore will be the link in this line connecting its rails north from Lake Superior with the Canada Atlantic east of Lake Huron. Tidewater is to be reached by the Canadian Northern via the Canada At- lantic and the government roads. By this connection the Clergue interests expect to secure what they need to render them independent of their interior position for ex- port, that is, a direct route to ; oe the Atlantic under their own = control. In this way they will be able to land export freight at the seaboard as cheaply as necessary. The new steel mills being erected at the Sault will require connection with tidewater in order to compete for European trade, which is the ultimate Clergue idea. HF The steel rail mill of the Algoma Steel Co., another Clergue industry, has been' given orders from the Canadian government amounting to 125,- 000 tons, and this week began rolling to fill the contract. The mill will get $32.50 per ton on the first 10,000 tons and going prices for the rest. It will also get a bonus from the government amounting now to $7 a ton on rails as well as bonus on pig iron. The plant will be making 1,000 tons a day in a very short time. It is stated that this is one of a very few rail mills ever built that started off making perfect rails at once. The Canadian Rolling Stock Co. has just been formed by Mr. Clergue and associates, with a capital of $2,000,000, to manufacture rolling stock and locomotives. The company is already making flat cars and small engines. JAPAN'S MERCANTILE MARINE. The Japanese have ever been a race of sailors, although the curious fact emerges that their ships never reached the west. Centuries ago the hardy voyagers whose vessels swept the seas washing the shores of the "inland empire" were the Oriental counterparts of the Vikings, to whom western tradition has awarded the palm for adventurous and sturdy sea- manship, and never, throughout all the years since the junks of the Em- press Jingo were sent to invade Corea, has Japan failed to sustain its splendid reputation in this regard. Japanese history presents a parallel to the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British; in 1272 the skilfully handled little junks of the Japanese so severely mauled the stately vessels of the Chinese that they were subsequently destroyed by the elements. As a result, the Japanese junks carried commerce to Corea and China, and to Annam, Siam, Luzon and Malacca: In the sixteenth century Portuguese and Spanish ships visited Japan, and it is on record that besides imitating the European vessels, an Eng- lishman of that period settled in Japan, and taught the natives ship build- ing, etc. An edict of the Tokugawa era forbade the construction of ocean- going vessels, and for a time little progress was made, but in the nine- teenth century the old order changed, giving place to the new, and the magnificent fleet of ocean-going vessels known as the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, which has now a fleet of Seventy steamships, with a gross tonnage of 210,000 tons, came into being in 1885, through the amalgamation of rival lines. But this magnificent fleet, with its regular service with China, Asiatic Russia, the Straits. settlements, India, the Red sea, Europe, Canada, America and Australia, by no means comprises the mercantile marine of Japan. In 1900 Japanese shipping was composed of 846 steam- ers, of 528,321 tons, and 3,280 sailing vessels, of 304,161 tons, giving a total of 4,126 vessels and 832,482 tons in all. A steady increase is taking place both in the numbers and, tonnage of vessels flying the Japanese flag, and the. Japanese are showing, unwearied zeal in. the deyelopment. of their mercantile marine. _ : tend HOMO (shene baa sxeod °-.4 Ob FR MSIL cae