28 : MARINE REVIEW. [May 29 MR. SCHWAB'S BEAUTIFUL CHARITY. In order to correct numerous misstatements in regard to his recent purchase of Olean beach property on Staten island for the benefit of poor children, Charles M. Schwab, president of the United States Steel Cor- poration, has made the following statement in regard to the investment: "I have purchased Richmond beach, facing New York bay, on the south shore of Staten island, near Tottenville, for the benefit of poor and sick children of New York. The land comprises about a quarter of a mile of fine beach; also a fine fresh water lake, a grove and high land reaching back to the Richmond road. The improvements on the property at present consist of a farmhouse, pavilions on the ocean shore, pagodas and a large steamboat dock. These buildings will be altered to suit the purposes of the purchase, after consultation with charitable institutions of New York. It is expected that from 1,500 to 2,000 children daily can be provided for at the beach, and they will be given a good time in the usual way, by means of bathing, boating, boating on the lake. rides on donkeys, games in the fields and the grove. The children will be conveyed to the beach probably on a large steamer, and the outings will continue during the open air season. Every child will receive a good dinner. Mrs. Schwab is closely interested with me in this undertaking and we both have our hearts in it. We shall proceed carefully in all respects, availing ourselves of the benefit of the experience of charitable organizations. There are no marshes near this beach. and I regard it as one of the finest properties for the purpose that could be purchased anywhere." TRADE NOTES. A note in the last issue of the Review referred to a band saw that was shipped by the Atlantic Works Incorporated of Philadelphia to the boat yard of Mr. Herbert Garison, Bridgeton, N. Y. A mistake was made in the name of the state. Mr. Garison's works are at Bridgeton, N. J. Eleven 15 H.P. and three 40 H.P. Westinghouse 500-volt, shunt- wound, direct-current motors were recently purchased by the Boston & Montana Consolidated Copper & Silver Mining Co., to be added to electrical equipment in its smelters and refineries at Great Falls, Mont. About four years ago this company installed a number of Westinghouse 180-volt, electrolytic generators and at the same time put in a large num- ber of Westinghouse and other motors for driving ventilating fans and other machinery about the smelters. Although the smelters are filled with sulphur dust and are extremely dirty, the Westinghouse motors have given excellent satisfaction. Officials of the Boston & Montana company say that the commutators of the Westinghouse motors are sufficiently insu- lated between bars to prevent bad grounds. A booklet in the way of twenty-four advance pages of catalogue has just been issued by Marine Iron Works, Station A, Chicago, which they will send free on request. It contains much interesting reading matter, as also illustrations and details of the latest design of marine engines, all of value to those who may contemplate the purchase of such work. 2 Vessel Property Wanted. Wanted--Vessel property to be paid for in Chicago real estate at cash prices. Will take sailing vessel, barge or steamer. Might put in part cash. Address, giving full particulars. W. T. Farwell, Room 211 Oxford Bldg., Chicago. June 5 Steam Yacht for Sale. Steam yacht, 35 ft. over all, 7 ft. beam; burns kerosene; has electric light; is in first-class order. J. L. Alberger & Son, Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. May 22. Position or Partnership. A ship and engine builder, with a thorough experience in all branches of the business, both theoretical and practical, and with a reputation that compares favorably with that of any ship builder in the country, is desir- ous of opening negotiations with persons anxious to engage the services of a strictly first-class man, either to start a new yard of the most advanced type, or with a view to developing an established plant along the lines of the most economical policy known to American ship building. Experi- enced in all types of steamships, including battleships, cruisers, torpedo boats, Atlantic liners, yachts, etc., and particularly equipped for the con- struction of cheap and economical freighters and tramp steamers. As an evidence of good faith I am willing to invest $20,000 with my services in a promising concern that will bear the strictest investigation. No small offers considered. Address MANAGER OF SHIP YARD, Care of Enoch W. C. Greene, Attorney-at-Law, 333 Walnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Sailing Vessel Wanted. Vessel of 200 tons; 10 ft. draught, loaded; centerboard. Address P. O. Box 72, Mobile, Ala. May 29. Scotch Boiler For Sale. Scotch boiler, 14 ft. diameter by 18 ft. Lying at Detroit Ship Building Co.'s Works. Address James Corrigan, 41° Perry-Payne bldg., oer Ut. land. Engine and Boiler Wanted. Wanted--A 14x16 or 16x16 marine engine; also boiler of sufficient capacity to supply steam for same at not less than 125 lbs. pressure. Ad- dress 407 Chamber of Commerce building, Toledo, O. May 29. BELLEVILLE GENERATORS Grand Prix 1889 Originated 1849 Hors Comcours 1900 Latest Patents 1902 'Number of Nautical Miles made each year by Steamships of the Messageries Maritimes Co., Provided with Belleville Generators--Since their Adoption in the Service. Year. Australien | Polynésien ayia vee iene: Chili Cordillére Laos Indus Tonkin Annam | Atlantique 5O90).........5.. 67,728 2,460 D9 footers task. 68,247 68,331 204 D2 ioovcsign sve 68,247 68,403 69,822 23,259 Se 68,379 68,343 68,286 68,247 De ciece ven 68,439 68,367 68.574 68,439 37,701 $805..5 2.6: 20 68,673 68,766 68,739 68,808 40,887 28,713 $B9G..c4.5..+- 69,534 92,718 69,696 69,549 62,205 63,153 40,716 BE anne one 68,250 69,606 92,736 69,555 62,235 76,110 63,357 43,146 BO cee... 70,938 69,534 69,552 69,597 62,526 63,240 63,240 62,553 63,954 22,707 BO oo ens eonsce . 69,534 69,615 67,431 90,405 60,246 62,778 62,868 52,344 54,855 44,007 22,884 SOOO... ioc. 00s 69,534 67,494 69,744 69,564 61,719 62,382 62,502 51,471 53,373 62,016 | _ 63,066 52,140 ee 44 220 69,627 69,594 66,948 51,057 62,460 62,490 61,743 62,688 43,866 62,466 63,126 TOA)... 20... 801,723 | 783,264 | 714,378 | 664,371 | 438,576 | 418,836 355,173 | 271,257 | 234,870 172,596 | 148,416 | 115,266 ATELIERS ET CHANTIERS DE L'ERMITAGE, A ST. DENIS (SEINE), FRANCE. 'WORKS AND YARDS OF.L'ERMITAGE AT ST. DENIS (SEINE), FRANCE. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: BELLEVILLE, SAINT-DENIS-SUR-SEINE.