28 MARINE REVIEW. [June 26 finest plant in the world for the manufacture of tackle blocks. Nothing TRADE NOTES. ufac cl known to the craft has been omitted-in its equipment and if our. product _Thos. Drein & Son, boat builders of Marea pee have --° in the past has been good, our future efforts will be to improve upon it. their works from Tatnall and Railroad streets to Tatna ea a Ce Our aim and specialty will be high-class work and we shall endeavor to Be. work is belua rushed ais iacce wane produce a block which will be a credit to ourselves and of the highest 2 ; ; : 3 value to our customers. Ee iberent oo Coe peed a a fee hac cone The Engel & Fagersten Chemical Co., 1072 Wabash avenue, Chicago, = ; has perfected an automatic positive feed pump which is attached to the The C. W. Hunt Co., West New Brighton, Staten Island, New York, boiler feed pump and regulated by. the stroke of the latter. By means of has just issued a little mailing card devoted to. its storage battery electric this pump the boiler compound is fed regularly and continuously in any locomotives. They are represented to be the ideal power for handling cars desired quantity from a drop per minute to a quart an hour, and thus the in manufacturing establishments and for switching ordinary railway cars amount of the compound is proportioned to the feed and supplied at the in and about mills and works. The company builds two styles--one for proper time. This company is the manufacturer of the "Neptune" anti- narrow gauge and one for standard gauge. fouling compound and the pumps for feeding are furnished to customers Fifteen branch offices are now maintained by the Crane Co. of Chi- with every trial order for the compound. cago. The newest offices are: Crane Co., Seattle, S. B. Peeples, man- ager; Crane Co., Salt Lake City, Wm. Bowen, manager; Crane & Ord- way Co., copii C. A. Payne, manager. A full line of plumbing oe Salt Water Steam Yacht for Sale. in addition to Crane specialties is carried at these offices. Cities in which 7m ft long, 9 ft. beam and 4 ft. 6 in. draught. Speed 15 miles per branches are located are New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Louis, hous all day ae Five double berths, besides crew's quarters. Roberts St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Omaha, Sioux City, Kansas City, Los boiler compound engine. Cabin finished in oak and cherry. Complete Angeles, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Portland, Ore. inventory. Address P. O. Box 192, Detroit, Mich. July 17. It is understood that directors of the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. have decided to exercise the option which they hold upon the plant of the $ Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Light-House Board, Washington, International Pneumatic Tool Co. of London and that $200,000 of treasury ye. willl 2 oelock p.m, July 10, 1902, stock will be issued in connection with the absorption of the company. It and then opened, for furnishing 'the mate- is said that the acquisition of this company will give the Chicago Pneu- rials and labor of all kinds ey for the matic Tool Co. complete control of the situation abroad. The executive construction and delivery of the twin screw : : : : steel steam light-house tender Crocus for a committee of the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. is now composed of fixed sum for said vessel delivered either at Charles M. Schwab, Max Pam, 'C. H. Matthiessen, John R. McGinley and the Buoy Depot, Buffalo, N. Y., or at the J. W. Duntle Light-House Depot, Tompkinsville, N. Y., as ; : y: z : ; : will be determined upon by the Light-House The Smooth-On Manufacturing Co., Jersey City, has moved into new Board. Proposals, plans and specifications quarters. The offices are now at 547 and 549 Communipaw avenue and cae be Sain ees ce ee ee 53 and 55 Harrison avenue. In it laboratories tl TT iet House Ineceots oN. the works are at 03 a avenue. In its new laboratories the the Light-House Inspector, Buffalo, N. Y. George C. Remey, Rear-Admiral, U. 8S. N., company has the best apparatus for general chemical analysis. A new Chairman. June 26. treatise on the subject has just been issued by the company. It shows deep ore ae EG style is plain a simple. Another book de- scribes the "Smooth-On" iron compounds, "Smooth-On" paint and Ho "Smooth-On" cements for iron, steel and brass. Both these publications Position as Manager. are free for the asking. Position as manager, superintendent or designer with yacht or launch J. S. Jackson & Son of Bath, Me., well-known throughout the building concern, wanted by naval architect who has had over twenty country and especially in New England as manufacturers of tackle blocks, years' experience in designing and building yachts and other vessels, have just moved into a large new factory. Fire some time ago destroyed steam and gas engines, etc. Fully up to date in modern office systems their entire plant. They began work immediately on a new structure, and labor-saving methods. Has now a position with one of the largest modern in all details, built of brick, and three stories high. In a circular ship yards in America, but would prefer to work for_a smaller company. just issued they say: We are pleased to inform our patrons that our new Address, "Industrious,' the Marine Review Pub. Co., Wade building, three-story brick factory is completed and that we are now installed in the Cleveland. June 26. BELLEVILLE GENERATORS Grand Prix 1889 Hors Concours 1900 Originated 1849 Latest Patents 1902 Number of Nautical Miles made each year by Steamships of the Messageries Maritimes Co., Provided with Belleville Generators--Since their Adoption in the Service. Year. Australien | Polynésien om el a a lage Chili Cordillére Laos Indus Tonkin Annam Atlantique 1G90.........-5--- 67,728 2,460 POO ii cecce aes 68,247 68,331 204 POO ices css. 68,247 68,403 69,822 23,259 BO sires ee 68,379 68,343 68,286 68,247 PEGA i ccicce s5+0e 68,439 68,367 68.574 68,439 37,701 C885 0 secs: 68,673 68,766 68,739 68,808 40,887 28,713 Rec csi esas verse 69,534 92,718 69,696 69,549 62,205 63,153 40,716 B87 ones ecccen 68,250 69,606 92,736 69,555 62,230 76,110 63,357 43,146 ee 70,938 69,534 69,552 69,597 62,526 63,240 63,240 62,553 63,954 22,707 Geiss cies 69,534 69,615 67,431 90,405 60,246 62,778 62,868 52,344 54,855 44,007 22,884 OO eianis es 69,534 67,494 69,744 69,564 61,719 62,382 62,502 51,471 53,373 62,016 63,066 52,140 9G. ....:... 44 220 69,627 69,594 66,948 51,057 62,460 62,490 61,743 62,688 43,866 62,466 63,126 TOTAL. oc0.05: 801,723 | 783,264 | 714,378 | 664,371 | 438,576 | 418,836 | 355,173 | 271,257 | 234,870 | 172,596 | 148,416 | 115,266 ATELIERS ET CHANTIERS DE L'ERMITAGE, A ST. DENIS (SEINE), FRANCE. WORKS AND YARDS OF L'ERMITAGE AT ST. DENIS (SEINE), FRANCE. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: BELLEVILLE, SAINT-DENIS-SUR-SEINE. |