1902.] MARINE REVIEW. 25 LAKE NAVIGATION IN 1819. The Cleveland Plain Dealer published an article on lake navigation last Sunday in which it quoted some interesting particulars from a log book kept by Frank Kelly, master of the Hornet, a freight boat which plied on Lake Erie. In the fall of 1819 Kelly wrote: "A lighthouse is now being erected at Erie, one is soon to be built at Cleveland, Buffalo has the contract let for one. These will greatly add to the success of the lake trade. A. great change is on the point of taking place; the steamboat is about to commence running on this lake, shoals and sandbars are in better condition than they have been since I began sailing, and new harbors are being opened. I expect to see a big increase in ton- nage in the next few years. At Cleveland a bar across the entrance (as usual) is the only obstacle to making it a good port. There is 20 ft. or more of water and we have no trouble in running five miles up. I think that Grand river harbor is going to be the best on the lake. It is deep and in the best location and the bar is soon to be taken away. Buffalo would be a grand harbor if they would spend $30,000 in fixing it up. Some rich fellows have taken hold of Dunkirk port and are making some great improvements. I understand that a new boat is to be built at Con- neaut or Ashtabula next year to compete with our line in the whisky and produce trade." Mr. Kelly seems to have been of a very observing disposition. He was quite justified in believing that Grand river harbor would be one of the best on the lakes; but that it is not merely shows that harbors must have something more than natural conditions to make them grow. Grand river harbor (Willoughby) is one of the best natural harbors, on Lake Erie. A Cleveland company is now seeking to develop it and probably it will have a decided growth in the future. At the time that Mr. Kelly wrote his observations in 1819 there were fifty-one vessels of over 10 tons burden on the great lakes. The list, as taken from the customs records, was: Ametican Eagle---Cleveland ©. ...3. ice ea, 45.67 Aurota--Sendasky 145548) 6666 ee. ee 31.69 Black Snake--Cleveland <.. fs ce ee 21.03 Boxet-- Detroit. 441.0... ss hal ee ee 16.60 Dove--Derot. oe. ee ee ee 13.25 Decattt--Detrot 6... 39.99 Gen. Scot@--sandisky <5 ....60.53 ak eo ciee oS eae 20.23 Gov. Cass=-- Deine oo. ee ee a 30.58 George Washington--Presque Isle 2... 6.03.4 6653 Gee eee 99.73 Hrrendsnip---C levemna: ... 6.60 4 59.10 Pirely-"Delrotl: 2 ai... ke 24.09 Franklin Presque sie... eee i 73.00 Hhiga---Sandusky:. 205.43 oie ea ee, 23.82 Bagle---Dettoit: . 2.4 6225... 28 585 Bs es Se 28.03 ~ Erie--Buffalo |. ..¢¢c0ésusss cede oie 77.41 Experiment--Buffalo ......4.................. 29.69 Diana--Cleveland ..¥..5..512.4.,.1,.-...,... 5) 8.00 Diligence--Presque Isle ......3,.,5..,....... 2 32.38 Pilot--Cleveland. .........445444555,055.... 27.05 Sloop Perseverance--Presque isle 2... .. 28.65 Ranger--Detroit 2... ssine ye 16.79 Tramp--Cleveland ....3.3. .0.425,. 5 se 35.08 Superior--Presque Isle .........4. «314.555. ii 70.78 Lucy Jane--Presque Isle...0...7. 2, 15.00 Traveler--Cleveland <2... .3....5....5.3+.05.,5.5 5 22.23 Union--Buffalo ......35... 4. ee 104.30 Venus--Sandusky, 05035.5,.02.3. 7 14.00 Widow's. Son--Detfoit .....0)5645......... 2. 70 | 40.79 Wasp--Sandusky 2... 0h.ccee beet 18.00 Wolf--Sandusky ......:.:.496 2) 28.78 Jackson--Detroit ........355.56,,..0), 22 60.00 Brown--Sandusky =... 2.0.50 ee 31.22 Wayne--Buffalo ...0 58 i 85.38 Hanna--Buffalo' ....0. 0.00550 oie 48.73 Hercules--Detroit .........0. 0 59.18 Hornet--Cleveland ..3....2...95,....,1.3 212. 11.64 Industry--Sandusky. ....5..550.453. 6. ees 13.23 Independence--Sandusky ~...4..03. 44335. 21.00 Leopard--Sandusky ... 0.560.454 $e 18.00 Michigan--Buffalo ws. 03.6500. 00s 7 ee ee 132.36 Monroe--Detrolt 0.5 gece 28.70 Maria--Detroit:.cis.s. 5. cees og 24.28 Miami--Detroit ..i 0. sien si 10.46 Merchant--Cleveland .......0.5.2:5.5 21.51 Nautilus--Sandusky 2.2... ..ces0 23.00 Neptune---Cleveland. ....4....0 234.0 61.64 Olive Branch--Detroit 2.65. 2,5.... 7. 14.19 Commodore Perry--Presque Isle :..7...74....:......5... 42.50 Salem Packet--Buffalo u.>....92 5-3 27.00 Buffalo Packet--Buffalo <2: 2, 455 022 12.00 Paulina--Buffalo 2.2.0 eo 27.20 Total tonnage of vessels -.(,223064)....4. 1,867.03 Part of the contracts for the Detroit Iron & Steel Co.'s blast furnace have been let as follows: Blowing engines, William Tod & Co., Youngs- town, O.; excavation, piling and concrete, D. J. Kennedy & Son, De- troit; stoves and furnace, the Riter-Conley Co., Pittsburgh; structural iron work, bins, trestles, Russel Wheel & Foundry Co., Detroit; boilers, Ault- man-Taylor Machinery Co., Mansfield, O. "BENEDICT-NICKEL'" Seamless Condenser Tubes " Benedict-Nickel" is an alloy of nickel and copper. The tubing is strong- er, tougher and denser than any other. By hot rolling a solid cylindrical billet 1 are the only tubes that are mot readily affected by Electrolysis. | | : | upon a forming mandrel, it is made like a twist gun barrel. Send for treatise, "Electrolysis of Condenser Tubes," which gives full scientific reasons for the superiority of "Benedict-Nickel." We are also large manufacturers of brass and copper tubing, made by the same process as " Benedict-Nickel," and of brass and copper sheets, wire, etc. New York, 253 Broadway. 'cD BENEDICT & BURNHAM MEG. CO. Main Office and Factory, Waterbury Conn. Boston, 172 High Street. ALE IGTRLAL