1902.] MARINE REVIEW. . 27 SME Mi Ne Mies Mt St: St: Si Mi Mi Ms i: a We YPN DY QW AVL AL OWN OWN QS TS TLS QS QS CSAS W?/: ® 2 , >< The Only Marine Directory 3< 2S 2: WZ WG a The Marine Review publishes annually the aS ; Blue Book of American Shipping % Aye ) Ay ws 7 THE ONLY MARINE DIRECTORY IN THE UNITED STATES ZN: WG YZ F, AS AN Se Se FG AS 4 OS NE HIS directory is now in its seventh year and has increased Wd: Se steadily in patronage and in strength. Every bit of statis- By te <a NX NEN tical information of a maritime character which is collected _ ZO WY ey during the year in this office finds its way into the Blue Book. WY: DX Every ship builder, marine engine and boiler builder, ship owner, naval | AX shee s architect, marine engineer, and, in fact, everyone whose business is with ships sts WY is mentioned in the Blue Book and his address given. The aim has been to WY: DAY make it acomplete working directory of the marine trade of the United States. QyY : pees With its aid you may reach anyone connected with this great branch of industry. a WY: Its statistics of waterborne commerce are thoroughly reliable. The section WY; DY: devoted to the comimerce of the great lakes with its iron mines and their output, QyY~ ty as its coal trade and dock facilities, its grain trade and elevators, its ships and their ro ge WY: owners, is very thorough and absolutely authentic. WY: Dy The rear pages of the Blue Book are devoted to a BUYERS' DIRECTORY of OS vce the MARINE TRADE---that is a list of manufacturers of ship yard equipment and sf 33 WY: ship supplies, arranged under the titles of the articles which they make, for the WA DX benefit of the buyer, who is usually the ship builder or ship owner. By ordering QY cae a copy of the Blue Book in advance your name will be inserted in the Buyers' : 2: WY: Directory under various headings suited to your business without extra charge. WE OY The price of the Blue Book is $5. AY: Tet If you decide to advertise your output in the Blue Book your name will, : 2: WY: of course, be inserted under the various headings of your business and you will WE QyY~ receive a copy of the book free. The advertising rates are extremely low--full Q'Y o. Ae pages $75 and $100, and half pages $40 and $55, according to location. e) WY: The Blue Book enjoys an extended patronage throughout the United States and Canada and te. (A; ZW ynw rs a considerable favor in Great Britain and Europe. We, therefore, commend it as a medium where- DQ We ING with to reach the foreign field. ON : SV: ; The Blue Book is now in preparation for the press and will be published within three weeks. SEZ NV Gy If you would like to know more about it, a postal card will fetcha little booklet. Wz: MARINE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. WZ WY 39-40-41 Wade Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Ce Se Sg ASX ONS - "PRESERVO" WILL NOT CRACK, SCALE, FREEZE OR STICK---SEE PAGE 8.