24 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Sept. 11. Lake Superior Power Co.'s Power House under Construction. GREAT POWER CANAL AT THE SAULT. The citizens of Sault Ste. Marie awakened the other morn- ing to find the great canal, just completed, full of water. It -had been filled during the night and thus the dream of years had The Power House and Ice Rack. -been realized. Subsequently the water was permitted to run out "Its construction has represented an expenditure. of $5,000,000, and it is regarded by engineers as the most magnificent work of its kind in the world. It is Francis H. Clergue's monument and is likely to be regarded as such for centuries. Like an immense tiver, 220 ft. broad and deep enough to float the biggest vessel that sails the lakes, it serves to convert Sault Ste. Marie into a city of two parts, with the island portion, now for the first. time completely surrounded by water, as the business section, and the balance of the city given over to the homes of its citizens. In the future, when the Sault shall have achieved the greatness for which it is déstined; it is altogether likely that every foot of the ereny inchoste what is already becoming ee as "the. island," will be devoted exclusively to business purposes. The canal is 2 1-3 miles long from the mouth of the intake above the rapids to the outflow far below the entrance to the ship canals. The average width is 224 ft., and the depth is 22 ft. The intake has an area of more than 15,000 sq. ft., through which will flow a volume of water estimated at 30,000 cu. ft. per second, with a velocity of about 2 ft. per second or about 1% miles per hour. The entrance is 891 ft. wide and 18 ft. deep. In its excavation some 300,000 cu. yds. of solid sandstone were removed. At a point about 1,000 ft. east of the entrance the intake merges into the canal proper, the dimensions of which are out- lined above. <A cross section of the canal at this point measures 4,A25 sq.ft... For a. distance: of 4,100 'ft,. from: this "point the Typical planked section of the Canal. solid rock formation continues. In cutting out the channel through this rock formation the sides were first cut out by chan- neling machines; the rock was then drilled, blasted and excavated Completed section of the Canal in Rock showing Railroad bridge.