1903-] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 41 MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Orders have been received at the Portsmouth navy yard to build two steel barges to cost $28,000 each. A notice from the Railway Appliances Co. of Chicago an- nounces that Mr. C. F. Quincy has been elected president of the company to succeed Mr, H. K. Gilbert, resigned. Mr. Geo. H. Sargent was elected vice-president and Mr. Percival Man- chester secretary and treasurer. At the works of the Electro-Dynamic Co., Philadelphia, known to the marine trade especially on account of its electric steering gear, some difficulty is still encountered in keeping up with orders. Mr. M, Pfatischer, chief engineer, has just left for an extended trip through France, Germany and Russia in the interest of the company. The latest addition to the Nantasket Beach Steamboat Co.'s fleet was launched at the Montgomery ship yard, Chelsea, Mass., last week and named Old Colony. Her dimensions are: Length, 190 ft.; beam, 32 ft.; depth of hold, 12 ft. She will be equipped with a single inclined surface-condensing engine, 50-in. cylinder and 8 ft. stroke of piston. She will have all modern improve- ments and will cost complete $135,000. The United States Graphite Co., Saginaw, Mich., who mine and prepare the new graphite lubricant known as No. 205 lubri- cating graphite, are anxious to put a quarter-pound sample of their product in the hands of every interested ship owner and ma- rine engineer. It is claimed that this product, besides being a high-grade lubricant, is very readily convertible into an ideal yet inexpensive preservative paint for smokestacks, roofs and other exposed surfaces. Printed matter gives complete direc- tions for this special use. -It is suggested from a practical stand- point that ship owners make an inexpensive trial of this product by the painting of a smokestack or other exposed surface on some one of their vessels before going into winter quarters. 'Rear Admiral Louis Kempff was placed on the retired list this week on account of age. He commanded the United States naval forces at Taku, China, in May, 1900, during the attack of the allied fleet on the forts defending that place. When the foreign admirals decided to make the attack Admiral Kempff asked the navy department if he should participate and was told to-use his own discretion. As the United States was not at war with China, Admiral Kempff declined to take part in the bom- bardment of the forts. For this course he was commended by congress. In consequence of Admiral Kempff's retirement four captains will be promoted to rear admirals. These captains are Benjamin P. Lamberton, French E. Chadwick, Bowman H. Mc- Calla and William H. Whiting. In an interview on the steel. situation President A. W. Thom- son of the Republic Iron & Steel Co. says: "It is useless to assure Wall street that the country is prosperous, but neverthe- less trade conditions in the west and northwest are excellent. Vhe iron and steel business is not enjoying the enormous ton- nage of last year, but it is in fair condition. In our case, we are well booked up with orders to run us through into the new year, and a healthy sign is the fact that orders are being received just now for prompt delivery. Several recent demands were of this kind, calling for immediate shipment, indicating that stocks on hand are low. The conditions in Wall street are puzzling and hurtful to business to some extent. So far as I hear, manufac- turers' stocks in wholesale houses have never been so low as to- ee and the wholesale hardware trade has seldom, if ever, been usier. It was announced in New York this week that the directors of the United States Ship Building Co. had issued a call for the annual meeting of the stockholders on the regular date, Oct. 2r. When a representative of Receiver James Smith, Jr., learned that this call had been issued he said that if anything was done at this meeting contempt proceedings might result. It was a question, he said, if the directors had not put themselves in con- tempt of court by their meetings on June 22 and by the selection of four directors for the Bethlehem Steel Co. after a receiver had been asked for. On behalf of the directors it was said that only a general consideration of the company's affairs would come up at the meeting and that there was no intention of usurping any of the prerogatives of the receiver or to disobey the injunction. The suit of the bondholders for the appointment of a permanent receiver will be heard this week. The 'Baldt Anchor Co. at their works in Chester, Pa., have now under construction over 1,000,000 tbs of anchors. Some are being made for export and others for the home merchant marine. For the United States navy, for use on battleships and cruisers, the Baldt company is making sixteen anchors of 16,500 fbs each and six of 13,000 fbs each. They carry in stock a large number of anchors, varying in size from 500 to 10,000 fbs. They have just shipped to Greenport, Long Island, four anchors, to be used on government dredges. This company is greatly pleased with the outcome of a recent test of anchors made by the navy department. The Baldt anchor met with special approval on ac- count of its great strength and also for its stowing qualities. The claim for great strength is based upon the manner of construc- tion--hinged upon the ball and socket principle, with no pins to bend or break. Officials of the company claim they have never had an anchor break on them in service, except as a result of collision, and that there is only one instance of that kind. Hunters' Special Rates----Via Nickel Plate road to points in northern Michigan and Wisconsin. 'Tickets on sale Sept. 15 to Nov. 15, '03, inclusive. Liberal return limit. See nearest agent for particulars or address E. A, Akers, C, P. & T. A, Cleveland, Ohio. Oct. 23.4123). English Royal Navy - - : Russian Imperial Navy The " Messageries Maritimes" Company Chemins de fer de l'Ouest: BELLEVILLE WATER-TUBE BOILERS NOW IN USE (SEPTEMBER, 1903) On Boned Sea-going Vessels, NOT INCLUDING New In- stallations Building or Erecting. French Navy - - - os Japanese Imperial Navy - : Austrian Imperial Navy - - ° Italian Royal Navy - - i" -Chilian Navy s : : Argentine Navy . : (The French Western Railway Co.) Steamships plying between Dieppe and Newhaven - . Total Horse Power of Boilers in Use 355,000 fa... - 929,300.77 221g - L2Z,/00. ~ 56,7007" - 13,500. * 26,500." 13,000 " $7,600 : ig.500. © = $,850,860 Works and Dock Yards of the Ermitage at Saint-Denis (Seine), France. Societe Anonyme des Etablissements Delaunay Belleville CAPITAL: 6,000,000 FRANCS Telegraphic Address: Belleville, Saint-Denis Sur-Seine