1003.1 : MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD: 31 SCHERZER BRIDGES IN EUROPE. Mr. Albert H. Scherzer, president of the Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co., Chicago, returned this week from an extended business trip abroad. He visited the representatives of the Scherzer company in Russia, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Bel- gium, France and Great Britain, and found conditions in these countries very favorable for the introduction and use of Scher- ger rolling lift bridges. The contracts secured as well as nego- tiations pending for additional bridges indicate that the use of this type of bridge will be as extensive abroad as it is in the United States. The Scherzer bridge under construction for the South Eastern & Chatham Railway Co., of which Sir Benjamin Baker is consulting engineer, is rapidly nearing completion. It is expected the new bridge will be in service within a few months. Rapid progress is also being made upon the Scherzer bridge across the Suir river, Ireland, for the Fishguard & Rosslare Rail- way Co. : ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Contract has been given to the Puget Sound Bridge & Dredge Co. for a large amount of dredging at the Puget Sound navy yard. The stm involved is $80,000. Capt. Leutze, commanding the Maine, has cabled to the sec- retary of the navy from San Juan that the Maine made the run from Currituck, off the Virginian coast, to Cape San Juan light in 79 hours, an average speed of 15 knots. He added that the speed for fifty consecutive hours was 16.7 knots: The United States torpedo boat destroyer Stringham has gone into dry dock at Baltimore to be fitted with two new man- ganese propellers, one of which will replace the one that threw off a couple of blades during the recent tests of the Stringham on ee bay. She will be ready for her trial in about a week, A block of $26,000 United States Steel first-mortgage 5 per cent. bonds was sold in New York last week for 100 and 100%. These bonds sold at 112 when the corporation was first formed. Three series of them are redeemable at 115 after 1o10. They are mainly held by Andrew Carnegie, who took them in payment for his interest in the Carnegie Steel Co. © It is mentioned elsewhere in this issue that the battleship -- Missouri is to undergo her trial trip this week. Advices have now been received that she has made an average speed of 18.05 knots per hour over a course of 33 nautical miles and return. With tidal correction it is believed the speed will be advanced to 18.22 knots. The contract speed is 18 knots. , 'Speyer & Co. have consented to a sixty-day extension of their loan to the Lake Superior Consolidated Co., provided that all the officials and directors of the company and all the sub-companies resign and Speyer & Co. are given absolute possession in all re- spects of all the properties. This is now being arranged and the Philadelphia and London committees will then undertake the work of reorganization. Rear Admiral Royal B. Bradford resigned this week as chief of the navy bureau of equipment. The resignation is voluntary, as he desires to go to sea. He has been assigned to command the battleship Illinois and surrenders the title of rear-admiral to assume that of captain. In point of fact the chiefs of these bureaus value their rank as captain more than they do the title of rear-admiral by courtesy. The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. has declared its usual 3 per cent. half-yearly dividend. The stranding of: the steamer Carolina in the lower St. Lawrence meant a loss of about $30,000, and although there was $400,000 insurance on the new steamer Montreal, the burning of that vessel involved a loss of business. But there was an increase in the business of the com- oe fleet as a whole, which permits of the usual dividend being paid. Congressman Dayton of West Virginia, ranking member of the committee on naval affairs, is back from Europe with lurid impressions. He fancies that he perceives an intention on the part of Germany to seize South America and to establish a co- lonial empire there. Germany will be cided in this design by the superior navy she is now building.' In 1910 she will have thirty- eight modern battleships. Mr. Dayton wants congress to author- ize the construction of five battleships at its forthcoming session. Capt. C. F. Shoemaker, chief of the. revenue cutter service, will, in his forthcoming report to congress, ask for several new vessels. He will recommend the building of a new vessel for the sounds of North Carolina to replace the Boutwell; a vessel to replace at Key West the McLane, which has been ordered sold; a vessel for Puget Sound, to-take the place of the Grant, and also a ship for service in the Sandwich islands with headquarters at Honolulu. .-He desires also extensive repairs made to the Thetis, Bear and: Galveston. ©... - The Standard 'Roller Bearing Co. of Philadelphia has pur- chased the entire ball business of the Grant Tool Co.,; Franklin, Pa. (formerly of Cleveland). In order to supply the demand at once for the well-known Grant -balls, the business will be run for a short'time in. Franklin, but the works will eventually be moved to Philadelphia and consolidated with the Standard Roller Bearing Co.'s plant in that city. R. H. Grant, formerly' manager of the Grant Ball Co., will have charge of the ball-making: plant in Philadelphia, and a number of the former employes of the Grant company will remove from Franklin to Philadelphia and enter the employ of the Standard Roller Bearing Co. English Royal Navy - - Russian Imperial Navy Japanese Imperial Navy " - Italian Royal Navy - ; : Argentine Navy - * . The "Messageries Maritimes'"' Company BELLEVILLE WATER-TUBE BOILERS stallations Building or Erecting. French Navy . - - de : Austrian Imperial Navy - * oS Chilian Navy - - . 5 Chemins de fer de l'Ouest: (The French Western Railway Co.) Steamships | plying between Dieppe and Newhaven E . Total Horse Power of Boilers in Use 355,560 H. P. 929,300 " 227,500 " : begets! 122,700 " 56,700 " 13,500 " 26,500 " 13,000 " 87,600 " - $3;500° & - 4,850,860 Societé Anonyme des Etablissements Delaunay Belleville CAPITAL: 6,000,000 FRANCS Works and Dock Yards of the Ermitage at Saint-Denis (Seine), France. Telegraphic Address: Belleville, Saint-Denis Sur-Seine