M A R I N E, R EB vo EK W 35 BELLEVILLE WATER-TUBE BOILERS NOW IN USE (MARCH, 1904) On Board Sea-going Vessels, NOT INCLUDING New In- stallations Building or Erecting. French Navy - : i - . . : « . 399,060 EF. English Royal Navy - : - ' : - - 966,500 7 = Russian Imperial Navy - : : . : - 224,500 o Japanese Imperial Navy - : : : "a - 122,700; Austrian Imperial Navy _ - - - - - - - 56,700 © Italian Royal Navy - : - - 2 oe - 13,500 7 Chilian Navy - : - ca : - 26,500..." Argentine Navy - - - - : - 13,000 The " Messageries Maritimes" 'Cadicany a - 87,600 * Chemins de fer de l'Ouest: (The French Western Railway Co.) Steamistitne plying between Dieppe and Newhaven - 18,500 7 Total Horse Power of Boilers in Use -- - s ' - 1,884,860 Societé Anonyme des Etablissements Delaunay Belleville CAPITAL: 6,000,000 FRANCS Works and Dock Yards of the Ermitage at Saint-Denis (Seine), France. Telegraphic Address: Belleville, Saint-Denis-Sur-Seine NEW METAL CARGO HOISTERS Wrought Iron Hook and Strap, Galvanized Iron Shells and Sheaves. Sheaves fitted with Genu- ine Star Metaline Bush- ings with Metaline Side SELF-OILING. Bearings. ASHTON Cam Lever Pop Safety Valves and Non-Corrosive Steam Gauges. - Star Metaline Bushing. give highest efficiency and durability. Specify them and get the best. These Blocks Save the Rone and Qutwear ali others. Send for 1902 Catalogue M. A. R. FREE. The Ashton Valve Co. Manufactured only by ean ee BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO., U.S. A. : BOSTON, MASS. oS - LOCKPORT, N. Y. AMERICAN THOMPSON IMPROVED INDICA- TOR with NEW DETENT MOTION. RESERVE your copy of the MARINE REVIEW by binding it each week into the "Emerson Binder." Copies for a full year can be inserted in one binder. DO NOT let this IMPROVEMENT These binders mailed to any address ESCAPE YOUR ATTENTION. upon receipt of $1. Cae oon INDICATORS THAT INDICATE ay eee MARINE REVIE 3 39-41 Wade Bldg. AMERICAN STEAM GAUGE & VALVE MFG. CO. CLEVELAND, Onto. NEW YORK. BOSTON. CHICAGO.