VOL XXX. CLEVELAND, ©O., Seri. 22, 1904. ING. be. Machinery of Cruisers Nisshim and Kasuga. The machinery of the Japanese cruisers Nisshim and Ka- suga consists of two main engines fitted with all the -necessary auxiliary engines, steam being supplied ~ by eight cylindrical return tube boilers. Each set of engines 1s placed in a separate engine room, divided by a longitudinal watertight bulkhead and each engine room is, in all: respects, The cylinders are independent castings and each is sup- ported by four cast steel columns. Each crosshead is fitted with four slippers, which have the corresponding guides fixed on each column. The pistons, cylinder covers and steam chest doors are of cast steel. The piston rods and connecting rods are of Siemens Martin steel. White metal is fitted in JAPANESE CRUISER NISSHIM. exactly similar and entirely independent of the other. The boilers are placed in four separate rooms, two forward and two aft the engine rooms. The main engines are of the three-cylinder, triple-expan- sion type, the diameter of the cylinder being 47% in., 63 in. and 93 in.; the stroke is 46 in. The barrels of all the cylin- ders are made of special close-grained cast iron and are steam jacketed. Stephenson link-motion is adopted for working the valves, which are piston type on the high-pressure cylinder and of the double-ported flat design on the intermediate and low-pressure cylinders. The reversing gear is all round type, fitted with a double cylinder engine attached to one of the intermediate back columns. The screws are outward turning and the starting platforms are in the center of the ship. the bearings of the connecting rod gudgeons and crank pins and it was very successfully tried. The bed plate is cast steel. The crank shafts are hollow and each consists of three interchangeable pieces 16 in. in diameter at the journals and 8 in. in internal diameter; the crank pins are 1674 in. in diameter, with 8 in. hole and 1g in. long; there are six main bearings with an aggregate length of 113% in. The propeller shafts are 1614 in. in diameter. The propellers are three bladed; they have a diameter of 16 ft., 6 in. and pitch 23 ft., 414 in. The bosses are of gun metal and the blades are of manganese bronze. The main condensers are two separate and placed in the wings; they are cylindrical with shells of steel plate, doors and tube plates of gun metal; the total cooling surface is 14,000