14 ro eh Um CNN --------------------________________ EEE sq. ft. The water is supplied by two circulating pumps each be- ing driven by an independent compound engine. The pumps have a fan 4 ft. in diameter and are each capable of discharg- ing per hour 1,000: tons of water from the bilge. The main air pumps are two worked off the low pressure crosshead, 33 in. in diameter and 21 in. in stroke; there are also two auxili- ary air pumps for keeping the wide in the main condensers when the main engines are at rest; they are Black type, 1014 in. in diameter and 8 in. in stroke. The exhaust steam from the whole of the auxiliary machinery in the ship is led into the auxiliary exhaust pipes, which are connected both with the atmosphere by the auxiliary exhaust pipes carried up tae funnel and with the respective auxiliary condensers in either engine room. Each of these condensers has its own air and auxiliary circulating pumps entirely independent of those for R Vv oe Ww Weir's pumps; one duplex steam pump for the drain tank service, two bilge hand pumps, two oil hand pumps, two electric fans for the purpose of delivering fresh aid to the engine room. As already stated the boilers are of cylindrical return tube type; there are four double-ended and four simplex boilers, the wean' diameter bene of 14 °i. 12-10. for all the boilers and the length of 18 ft. 9 in. for the double-ended boilers and g ft. 9 in. for the simplex boilers. Each of the four double-ended boilers has six furnaces and each of the four simplex boilers has three furnaces ; these are Morison's .cor- rugated 3 ft. 714 in. in internal diameter. The tubes have an axternal diameter of 2.54 in. and the length:of © ft. 8 in. over all. The boilers are entirely constructed of Siemens Martin middle steel and are tested for the working pressure MACHINERY OF THE JAPANESE CRUISER NISSHIM. the main condenser and these are driven by independent en- gines. The combined cooling surface of these two auxiliary condensers is 1,620 sq. ft. and their tube castings, like those of the main condenser are of steel plate. Besides the auxiliary engine already noticed, two double cylinder turning engines are conveniently placed in the aft columns for the purpose of turning the main engines. This is effected by a set of compound worm gearing; these engines are capable of turning the main engines completely round in seven minutes with a steam pressure of 100 lb. and a hand gear has also been arranged for the same purpose. There are also several auxiliary engines in the main engine rooms to which reference may be made here and before we enter upon a description of the boilers. The distilling ma- chinery for the purpose of furnishing fresh water for the boiler consists of two sets of Niemeyer's evaporator with pumps complete. There are four large vertical fire and bilge of. 165 lb. per square inch. The total heating surface of the boilers 1s 23,700 sq. ft. and the total grate area is 872 sq. ft. There are in the boiler rooms twelve fans for the forced draft, four in each of the six stokeholds; these are 5 ft. in diameter, each being worked by an independent steam en- gine. The forced draft is of the "closed ash-pit" system. There are two funnels, one for the four after boilers and the other for the four forward boilers; they are 10 ft. in internal diam- eter witn the height of 36 ft. from the level of the grate. Six electric ash-hoisting engines, with electric brake and automatic stop gear are also fitted for removing ashes from each of the stoking platforms and discharging them over- board. 'The feed arrangement for supplying the boilers com- prises a main and auxiliary system of pumps and pipes, which are separate and independent of each other. The main feed system consists of two duplex -~umps, one being placed in