Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 8 Dec 1904, p. 32

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32 M A R | N E Books on Naval Architecture, Ship Yard Practice, Seamanship, Etc. AMERICAN PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR--Nathaniel Bowditch. roe 1903 edition eee eee ene Cee eee eee Ce ee ee eee eee eee ee ese eeee DATA BOOK--Naval architects and engineers' data book. By T. H. Watson. A reliable and simple means of recording valu- able data, etc., of vessels and engines. Size of book, 834 in. by. 6: in., cloth) 330... Ga oa iseieres Siiuicielee-es vieleiecs Saetitees ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA AND THE DEVIA- TIONS OF THE COMPASS--Com. T. A. Lyons .....2.55. ELEMENTARY SEAMANSHIP--By Barker. New and en- darged "edition 45.352 sss oe oo wie os Biss vctare elaine ees ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION--Henderson ................ HAND BOOK OF ADMIRALTY LAW--Robt. M. Hughes.... HN ON LEGAL DUTIES OF SHIPMASTERS--B. W. Gins- MT crs le Sane ccc swe is Obie sc ese teas eis ere os HOW TO BUILD A LAUNCH FROM PLANS--, with general ee for the care and running of gas engines. Chas. RP DAVIB ioe sccu 6 sic Ge cee See sticin's 1s Ce bcc ve bie cise bbe e's ILLUSTRATED NAUTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA--Howard Pat- terson eee e secre rr ees e er eee ese ee eee reese ereeereese sees esr esos INTERNATIONAL SIGNAL CODE--Bureau of Navigation. DOU CGIGION sc cic cicctg cil gis oso wise! e'oletaa eiciete's 4 ele leluie ccelsin KNOW, YOUR.QWN: SHIP----Thos: Walton so... 0.00005. eee MANUAL OF ALGEBRA--R. C. Buck. For the use, more es- pecially, of young sailors and officers in the merchant navy; numerous examples and exercises CC eC MAREN ENSURANCE- WW GOW coc oe ciee he cde ce ces os 5 MARINER'S COMPASS IN AN IRON SHIP: How to keep it efficient and use it intelligently--J. W. Dixon............. MODEL ENGINES AND SMALL BOATS--N. M. Hopkins. New methods of engine and boiler making; ship design and Construction; fity" illustrations: 822 occ. gic ee cic sees oes MODERN SEAMANSHIP--Lieut. Com. Austin M. Knight, U. S. N. Adopted as the text book of the United States Naval CAG CUNY Geri ie ooh s Ste Bele kc a oe Siw ob eo n'0 5 vee aloes sine MODERN NAVIGATION: A text book of navigation and nautical astronomy suitable for the examinations of the royal navy and boare ot educatlona Wem -A Hall oa OO MODERN PRACTICE OF SHIP BUILDING IN IRON AND STEEL--Samuel J. P. Thearle. Two volumes. Second edi- Oa) Tevised ANd enlarged F160 6s. s,s ach eeres o 3 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--Cecil H. Peabody. Just published... NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A manual on laying off iron and steel vessels--Thos. H. Watson. Valuable for naval architects as well ag beginners in ship. yards... 06 e.c secs ce cee ele es NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--Sir W. H. White. New edition. PIDO' PARR Nii Sr eiaa Searels 6d sie 5 oe hk Cie Sb eG ce ob ke ues NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND SHIPBUILDERS' POCKET BOOK--Cleinent Mackrow. Formulae, rules and tables, and marine engineers' and surveyors' Handy Book of Reference. Highth edition, revised and enlarged ..........-..eseece0. NAVIGATION SIMPLIFIED--C. E. McArthur. Containing all problems required for U. S. Local Inspector's Examination of Masters and Mates of seagoing vessels ...............- Sent to any address, carriage prepaid, at prices named. 1 50 6 00 2 50 1 00 8 75 1 75 1 50 3 00 3 00 2 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 25 6 00 4 00 5 25 7 50 5 00 9 00 5 00 POCKE1 BOOK OF MARINE ENGINEERING, RULES AND TABLES--Seaton and Rounthwaite. For marine engineers, naval architects, superintendents and others engaged in construction of mariné machinery osc. jo...) oo. ee eos oes PRACTICAL COMPASS ADJUSTMENT on Iron, Composite and Wooden Vessels. Illustrated.--Capt. W. J. Smith PRACTICAL INFORMATION ON THE DEVIATION OF THE COMPASS, for the use of Masters and Mates of Iron Ships-- J. T. Towson Cece eee rere rr eer ewe eee eer eee ees eseseeeeeses PRACTICAL SEAMANSHIP FOR USE IN THE MERCHANT SERVICE: Including all ordinary subjects; also Steam Seamanship. Wreck Lifting, Avoiding Collision, Wire Splic- ing, Displacement and everything necessary to be known by seamen of the present day. Second edition, illustrated.-- John Lodd-and Ws Be Whalls 455. ose hee le ve PRACTICAL SHIPBUILDING: A treatise on the structural design and building of modern steel vessels--By A. Campbell Holms-- hwo VOlUMEScc 50 oo nee ae RESISTANCE AND PROPULSION OF SHIPS--Durand..... SELF-INSTRUCTOR IN NAVIGATION AND PRACTICAL GUIDE to the examinations of the U. S. Government In- spectors for masters and mates of ocean-going steamships and sailing vessels--Capt. W. J. Smith. Second edition, revised and (énlarged: = Cloth bound. <0 s.0... 5... 6.2 SELF-INSTRUCTION IN THE PRACTICE AND THEORY OF NAVIGATION--Earl of Dunraven. Two volumes...... SHIP BUILDING--Tables for constructing ship's lines. Second editions. Archibald Hogg eicin. ssc a Se ee ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION--Young. New second COMO irae ieiciereig sinls ete tic dos cats cs ere ee ee oe ee as Stage oe YACHT CONSTRUCTION AND RIGGING--Linton ODO clon Giveie sd nels so ecm ewe cee oie bench 7,0 Ue STABILITY OF SHIPS--Sir E. J. Reed eee ec eer rere rece ees ece STEEL SHIPS: Their Construction and Maintenance. A man- ual for ship builders, ship superintendents, students and ma- Tine: engineers----Vhos: Walton 3.05.32 on ee TEXT BOOK OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE-~J. J. Welch .... TEXT BOOK OF SEAMANSHIP--Com. S. B. Luce. U. S. N. Equipping and handling of vessels under sail or steam.... THEORETICAL NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A treatise on the calculation involved in naval design--Samuel J. P. T hearle. In two volumes THEORETICAL NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--E. L,. Attwood. Text book; 114 diagrams Come reece reese reer cer ece ccc ce cee "WRINKLES" IN PRACTICAL NAVIGATION, Ninth edition, revised. S; T. S: Lecky 2 00 8 40 10 00 8 40 There is no book on Navigation, Marine Engineering, Ship Building, or the allied industries, that is not either published or for sale by the MARINE REVIEW, CLEVELAND, 0.

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