Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 11 May 1905, p. 38

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38 M A R | Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade. ENGINE BUILDERS, MARINE, American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Atlantic. Works. si. 3.5% . 2. East eee Mass. Bertram Engine Works Co., Ltd......... Lin agua sa cea le bales ee» Toronto, Can Chicago Ship Building Co.......... Chicago. Chase: Machine. Co.) s06 20 6203 ee Cleveland. Cramp, Wat. & Sonss0 20... 6s, Philadelphia. Craig Ship Bedloing GO ee ie 'Toledo, O. Dake Engine Co......... Grand Haven, Mich. Detroit gine Building Cope iia ce Detroit. Fletcher, Coren eee. Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Stipbuildiae Co....Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works. Detroit, Mich. Fall Bross | 2s hook ai nis eyes Philadelphia. Lockwood Mfg. Co......... East Boston, Mass. Marine dron -Workssi isis k is ope Chicago. Maryland Steel Co....... Sparrows Point, Md. WMibte 7 AUG ia css elias Bites ee New York. Milwoulee" Dry 2Doeke Cons ees wa Milwaukee. Wosher ) Chas tone eben aes New York. Moulton Steering Engine Co....... New York. Newport News Ship Building Co......... pees tases awl sire ty Newport News, Va. New York Shipbuilding Co....Camden, N. J. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co.. Lihy igi sie aie Salhi eh ea ee Duluth, Mich. Roach s onip Yard... 0. lesen ews Chester, Pa. Sherifis Mfg. Co................. Milwaukee. Superior Ship Pudcise Co... Superior, Wis. mhropp, J. be. & Sons Co, ...55 ce NGO Trout, Ce uk Gale Cae ais Buffalo. Willard, Chas. P. & Co..Winthrop Harbor, Ill. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, ETC. Coty; Chas. & Son... wc 0. soe New York. Marine Mfg. Supply Co............ New York. ENGINE TESTING. ACTOEL Ce MP ANSONS coe coke ovis as plete ousate Chicago. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. Crane Con eer ie cee oe sais Chicago. Kieley. & Mucor crus isin s New York. Eunkenheimer Cow 8) sec sis 'Cincinnati. New York Belting & Packing Co..New York. Northwestern Steam Boiler Mfg. Cor: Peet ey cee viene set Duluth, Minn. ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. Hynd, "hig tgs a tla ovale oie Cleveland. Hintpomopt. Wek COn sco ok cas Chicago. Kidd, orn Daeroee she cueM gs arate Duluth, Minn. Btece) & Pareons.. so ines seeks Chicago. Lovejoy, WO errs Be ane de eaten ae sate Buffalo. Mosher, (Chas: Do. oye sie New York. Nacey, ao Ne rahe As Melee ee, Cleveland. Rice, CNTY re aes fee nae Buffalo. Roelkers He Be aire os ic ke New York. WOO Wn ae sie Pte eames Soares Chicago FANS FOR VENTILATION, EXHAUST, TC. Sturtevatitn 6: 6. « Hyde Park, Mass. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. Greacen-Derby Engincering Co............. Wie eine ese coals va tpialare tear © Perth Amboy, N. J. Ross Valve Co..... Rr ote Raniverae Troy,7N. oY. FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL OR ELECTRIC. General Electric Co....... Schenectady, N. Y. FORGES. Sturtevant, BF, Co... ee Boston. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PROPELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETC. Cleveland City Forge & soe oe Cleveland. Fore River Shipbuilding Co.. uincy, Mass. MGacpeths Aron; (COs. we eee es oe ne Cleveland. FLUE WELDING. Biss Si SONG ct tee a ta wa cel ek oy Cleveland. FUEL ECONOMIZERS. Sturtevant Co. be bees oe. Hyde Park, Mass. FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL DEALERS. Bae Nee CO aay a acne is cy ni Cleveland. - Tronville Dock & Coal Co...... is. ¢s Loledo; QO: Parker' Bros; = Co bitdiwes es vows ec es Detroit. Wackands;, Mather & Cor ie... ... Cleveland. Eittsburg. Coal Cote ver. se ke Cleveland. mimito, sotanley. Bik COG osc ces 5 Detroit. Smith' Coal & Dock Co. ., Stanley B. Toledo, O. FUELING PLANTS, BUILDERS OF Link 'Belt Machinery Co..........;.. Chicago. FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental Iron Works..........New York. E KR GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co..New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase:' Machine: (or... is seen Cleveland. Georgian Bay Engineering Work O90, 6100 6 6.0 0) bn Sim ie 0 6! gene wine 6.8 8 a2 @ eo sreee GAUGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. Ashton'Valve Come visi ai erento Boston. Lunkenheimer Cov. ss is...2sG ce dee Cincinnati. GAUGES, WATER. Bonner sc Conc Wine dee ies _.++;-Boston. unkenhemer: Ca. 400.5 5 eas Cincinnati, O. GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .Jersey City, N. .J GREASE EXTRACTORS. Greacen-Derby Engineering Co.........++-- Perth Amboy, N. J. were reece ee eee ree eee eee HAMMERS, STEAM. Chase "Machines os .ie sis. as oe e's ,Cleveland. HEATING APPARATUS. Sturtevant,: bbe COs. Hyde Park, Mass. HOISTS FOR CARGO, BTC. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. (Inc.).... HELE Pia eh oe Bla Lem Oe Cleveland Chase Machine Co. UES oa ba eae tise Cleveland. Coe ce WO sore awe York. eorgian Bay Engineerin OUKS csc . acetareions : ae sa . Boras Midland, Ont. Hyde Windlass' C@o.......-......--. Bath, Me. McMyler Mfg. Co.........-..-.-+> Cleveland. Wharine Iron, @Or te ee iss rs Bay City. WIR GLZS ANI eee en Wee Oe ei Cale s New York. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...Cuyahoga Falls, O. HOSE, RUBBER. New York Belting & Packing Co..New York. HYDRAULIC DREDGES. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. HYDRAULIC TOOLS. Watson-ottllman< Co: Phew... 2 oe: New York. ICK MACHINERY. Great Lakes Prginccring Works icc: Detroit. Roelker v.23: ostraies bes sy sistas co New York. INDICATORS FOR STEAM ENGINES. ENSHPOM Val Ve COs eos gu icccin cas niles Boston. INJECTORS. American. Injector (Co.. 6 ia ees Detroit. Crane 700 eee Gece es coe es Chicago. SMI S SAE OSS) ios ers eed esos dice New York. 'unkenheimer Cong ee foes ss Cincinnati. Penberthy Injector Cowl oo. Detroit, Mich. INSURANCE, MARINE. Elphicke, C. W._& COS eee ee Chicago. Mleting & Cone Wiaes oe ee se ies ves Chicago. Gilchrist: & (Coy. Ga Pes ae wees coe Cleveland. Hawgood & Co " Wis Aap ci es ara Cleveland. Helm & Co. OPER ea Duluth. Hutchinson & Mike PE ere co malara aig o eee Cleveland. Mic GapthivegnsDea Ri cctesicd siete ees sce Montreal. MeCundyes Georole. ols c cues eae: Chicago. Mitchell, Gh Com eels. oe kee Cleveland. Parker Bros. ro ide eg ene Detroit. Peck, Chas. E. & W. F..New York & Chicago, Prindiville & Com... 6s. 0scos00 0. Chicago. Richardson; =) Wa Coe toe os Cleveland. Sullivan) (De, Qi Gor oo Chicago. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Bourne-Puller Co. icra ee es Cleveland, O. Hannay Mec Al & Con a. Cleveland. Pickands, Mather S Cogs. gc Cleveland. LAUNCHES--STEAM, ee aes ELECTRIC Georgian Bay Engineering Works. Nahata eis Sree eels Gs Sieean eral nca ie ewan sai grcrs 4 idland, Marine Iron' Works ove) cic. Chicnt Truscott Boat Mfg. Co..... St. Joseph, Mich. Wallard, Chas; Rie? .. 77 Winthrop Harbor, Til. oF ko oy Continued. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armstrong, Cork Co........-...... Pittsburg. en. Thos. & Soneiites Wilmington, Del. Gaynor, l. Bf ck et epee ess ew York, Kahnweiler's Sons, D.........++.-.. New York. National Cork CO. 20 ee kak, Brooklyn. LIGHTS, SIDE AND SIGNAL. Russell: & (Watson: i68. see Buffalo. LOGS. Nicholson Ship Log ae Be aegis ate .. Cleveland. Walker & Sons, 'Thomas....Birmingham, Eng. Also Ship Chandlers. LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph..Jersey City, N. J. LUBRICATORS. Crane Coss (oes eee we ee ete es Chicago. Eunkenheimer (Cocke hres 6. Cincinnati. LUMBER. Martin-barriss (COes tc iiaie ccs aicureron Cleveland. MACHINISTS. Cliase Machine Cou. ote se Cleveland. Hicklér Brosis..335 02%. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lockwood "Mig. Co. 5.0.4. East Boston, Mass. MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD WORKING). Atlantion: WOrks; sli s ss. cole Philadelphia. MARINE RAILWAYS. Hickler -Brosivcucce 03. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. MARINE RAILWAYS, BUILDERS OF. Crandall & Son; HH. les. % : East Boston, Mass. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Detroit: Ship Building Cas. ooo. 2 Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. Sturtevant: "Bish Con eso. Hyde Park, Mass. METALLIC PACKING. ISatzensteins i 08 COn eee a New York. METAL POLISH. Bertcam:s Oil (Polish Cor: uit. eae Boston. MOTORS, GENERATORS--ELECTRIC. Bisher.,Blectrical. Works... oo.5 623 Detroit. General Electric Co....... Schenectady, N. Y. Sturtevant, Beh! (Cores. Hyde Park, Mass. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ritchie, -BscS.,0& «Sons... os. Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Elvi Alexander oo oe Gees ain Cleveland. Kidd, Jencpe eta begetsGs acu ape gos Duluth, Minn. Kreer arsons i Lovejoy, Ho 0; : Matteson: .6s Drakes i580 Philadelphia. Mosher. Chaco g cus New York. Nacey, oe PCA ae ra ree ore wales ees Cleveland. Rice, TV rear aise ca esc sae cas Buffalo. NViGgdes Wiel Ege Chicago. OAKUM. Strattord, Oakum:€o:...... Jersey. City; Ne J. OIL ENGINES. ETCLA AU ee a New York. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .Jersey City, N. J. Standard. Oile Con i Cleveland. PACKING. p@rane Conese or ae ec, i : Jenking: Biosi i eo oe Now wee. Katzenstein, I, & CO ees ke New York New York Belting & Packing Co..New York. PAINTS. bakers Woward be & Co... oe Buffalo. ipsOnsvWaltom: Con ce Cleveland. - PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlautic. Works: Ince...) 23, Philadelphia.

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