236 "TAE MarRINE. REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade For a more complete classification than that represented by advertisers in the Marine Review, see the BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING, marine and naval directory of the United States, published by The Marine Review, Cleveland. See accompanying index of Advertisers for full addresses of concerns in this directory. AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR HOISTS,ETC. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. WMINGEZ, PAR os ie ate Wiese bos New York. AIR PORTS, DEAD LIGHTS, ETC. Marine Mtg. & Supply Co......... New York. AIR PUMPS AND APPLIANCES. Fore River Ship & Engine Co..Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. ANCHORS. Bowers, bp Nac & Co... 2s. Binghamton, N. Y. Seaboard Steel Casting Co........ Chester, Pa. ANTI-FOULING AND ANTI-CORRO- SIVE COMPOSITION FOR STEEL VESSELS. Holzapfel's American Composition Co.... Lee is og ca eieka Sora Sars Seiocoee erat New York. ANTI-FRICTION METALS. Cramp. Wink Sons Philadelphia. ARTIFICIAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Ship Building Co......... Cleveland. Detroit. Ship Building «Coy... 2... : Detroit Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit Sturtevant, B. by, Co... .: Hyde Park, Mass. ASH EJECTORS. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. ATTORNEYS AND PROCTORS IN AD- MIRALTY. Gilchrist, Albert. Jiic bocce co aes Cleveland. Goulder, Holding & Masten........ Cleveland. Hoyts Dustin, se élley 35. 55.35 Cleveland. Heremeti Cac g wetness carne one Chicago Macionald. Ray. Gio. eh. cece ss Chicago. Potter (a Omen ke ese rede. Buffalo. Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes........ Detroit. White, Johnson, McCaslin & Cannon Cleveland BAROMETERS, MARINE GLASSES, E Ritchie; h.S: (Gc Sons. 2.1). Brookline, Mass. BEDS Owensneouy Dis dine ee cea, lees Cleveland. BELT CONVEYORS. ink Belt Machinery. (Co: sy) 60.2). Chicago. BLOCKS, SHEAVES, ETC. Boston & Lockport Block Co.....Boston, Mass. Cleveland. Block: Com os, oe Cleveland. BLOWERS. mower opeciaity: Con. . css deuce Detroit. Sturtevant, (BB. B: Co... 3. Hyde Park, Mass. BOAT BUILDERS. Prem, hos: & Sons. 236.5: Wilmington, Del. Kahnweiler's Sons, David......... New York. Lane & DeGroot....Long Island City, N. Y. Marine Construction: &-D,'D; Co... 35. ... eee eas eres Mariner's Harbor S, 1.. N.- Y, Truscott Boat Mfg. Co.....St. Joseph, Mich. Willard, Chas. P. & Co. Winthrop Harbor, Ill. BOILER CLEANING DEVICE. EOWED OPeCIAty: (CO, es cc cece es Cs Detroit, BOILER COMPOUNDS. Dearborn Drug & Chemical Works....Chicago. BOILER MANUFACTURERS. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co..Providence, R. I. American Ship Building Co......... Cleveland. Btlantic Works) 3.05. .5.. East Boston, Mass. Bapcock) & Wilcox Co... .5....5.. New York. Bertram Engine Works Co., Ltd......... eae eee Peer etre «ca eines ig ons Toronto, Can. Chicaso, Ship Building Co.......0... Chicago. Cramp, Wo. & Sons..,........ Philadelphia. Dearing Water Tube Boiler Co........ Detroit. Delauney, Belleville & Co...St. Denis, France. Detroit Ship Building. Con a Detroit. Hast lad Boiler, Works, 36. .0500055., Detroit. mlctcher, WA, &) Coots. sas, Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Shipbuilding Co..... Quincy, Mass. Georgian Bay Engineering Works........ Me aware eck neeeereeeeeeesMidland, Ont. Great Lakes wopineering Works 3. Detroit. Kingsford Foundry & Machine Works.... conse Siete igiaih ei eiviarea © she es swego, N. Y Marme Tron Works... .:..53 6520345. Chicago BOILER MANUFACTURERS--Continued. Maryland Steel Co....... Sparrows Point, Md. Milwaukee Dry > Dock Cor... 53. Milwaukee. Mosher Water 'Tube Boiler Co....New York. Newport News Ship Building Co......... Sopa ER Heese ar Sle ates Newport News, Va. New York Shipbuilding Co..... Camden, N. J. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co.. Pee ee Oeics eaten ata ane ese Duluth, Minn. Roberts Safety Water 'ube Boiler Co.... Bees Poet mane Mia one ce ete a aS aN New York. Stitling, "Phe: Cogs... se cs New York. Superior Ship Building Co.....Superior, Wis. Taylor Water Tube Boiler Co........ Detroit. Willard, Chas. P. & Co..Winthrop Harbor, IIl. BOILER RIVETS. Bourne-Buller (Corsi i e.g eos Cleveland. BOILER STAYBOLTS, IRON OR STEEL, HOLLOW OR SOLID. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co..Cuyahoga Falls, O. BRASS AND BRONZE CASTINGS. Cramp, Win & ~Sons..ee ne Philadelphia. Fore River Ship & Engine Co..Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. unkenheinvers:Coss.). oc ote Cincinnati. Macbeth «nom (Coys vite es Cleveland. BRIDGES, BUILDERS OF. Cowie, "Noh Pet kaon us ee Cleveland. Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co.....Chicago. BUCKETS, ORE AND COAL. Brown Hoisting & Conveying Machine Co. Rina pinnae ates inistarstouaie ay oie bcsa aul Cleveland. MeMiyter. Mite. Conse. oss Cleveland. Mayo. & Baleyr cer cui. oceans Chicago. BULKHEAD DOORS, WATERTIGHT. + Long Arm) System. Cou... ..... Cleveland. CABIN AND CABINET FINISHING WOODS. MattineBarriss Com. seni cece Cleveland. CANVAS SPECIALTIES. Baler 6c, Cowl: Hay ese noses e Gee Buffalo. BumienenAccoes y ce s on co lee New York, Wpson- Walton: «Core. Cleveland. CAPSTANS. American Ship Windlass Co..Providence, R. I. Hyde Windlass Co... aca... ae, Bath, Me. Marine Mig. & Supply Co...:..... New York. CARPETS, RUGS AND FURNITURE. Williams & Rodgers: Co... 2... 0.00554 Cleveland. CEMENT, IRON FOR REPAIRING LEAKS. Smooth-On. Mic. Co:.4.76.: Jersey City; N. fF. CHAINS. Woodhouse Chain Works...... Trenton, N. J. CHAIN CONVEYORS, HOISTS. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. (Inc.).... rerio tise Peele eebassGi ss ee Cleveland, General Electric Co........ Schenectady, N. Y. CHAIN HOISTS. Boston & Lockport Block Co....Boston, Mass. CHARTS. Penton: Publishing. Gon. ce. Cleveland. Potter TO De tegen gr ree London. CLOCKS (Marine and Ship's Bell) AND CHRONOMETERS. mshton Valve (Coes ge a Boston. Ritchie, |W. GS, & Sons... Brookline, Mass. COAL PRODUCERS AND SHIPPERS. Mauna, MovAy & Come. oo oe Cleveland. Ironville Dock & Coal Co........ Toledo, O. Hiekands, Mather & Co. 60.00.66. : Cleveland. mattspung Coal Go, oe Cleveland. COAL AND ORE HANDLING MA- CHINERY. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. (Inc.).... LE Netce FUE ewe nie Cus eans eleveland, Link? Belt»Machinety €0:7.25 050.0 «2. Chicago. MeMyler Mig. Cova. cee Cleveland. COMPASSES. Ritchie; 2B: S$; -& "Sons. .3.5. 3: Brookline, Mass. CONDENSERS. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. Thropp & Sons Co., John E...Trenton, N. J. CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS. Breyinann: & Bros, (Ge He oo.) ot ae Toledo. Buttalo "Dredoing Coe. fe sees Buffalo. Chicago & Gt. Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. etd aiecU rai Geiais fun ea ioPacis are eee pereiy Chicago. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.....Buffalo. Bitzssunons.. &. Connell: Co. .75 7... Chicago. Hickler: Bros... <3: Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lake Superior Contracting & Dredging Co., Arosa claves tee iaUahe as olery 4 bees ores Duluth, Minn. Sinith Coy iP Sp Awe Cleveland. Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H..Milwaukee. Sullivan, uM wea elie Ae Detroit. CORDAGE. Baker &¢Coly be SE can ee Buffalo. Upson: Walton) Cows ces c oie ee: Cleveland. CORK JACKETS AND RINGS. Armstrong (Gork: Cones. O50 (3 Pittsburg, Pa. Kahnweitlers Sons, D. ics Ss New York. CRANES, TRAVELING. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co...... Cleveland. MeMivlerm Migs (Como ou 8 Cleveland. DIVING APPARATUS, Morse; Ao y; & Sone. oo a Boston. Schraderns Son, Alec ea: New York. DREDGING CONTRACTORS. Breymann, & Bros. (G. Hie ois... Toledo. Buftalo,. Dredging. Co... fo. ae Buffalo. Chicago & Gt. Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. Boel wlig eenece Wiens urecoresate wie Sie cae ere Chicago Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Cc...... Buffalo. Bitz-Simons. & Connell Co... 203s. Chicago. Hlackler Bros. coe coe... Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lake Superior Contracting & Dredging Co. Pal cieiejnis ete eo eiae sree Ue jee aie Duluth, Minn. SIith Co. bs Wi Aa Petueaan Cleveland. Starke Deccee & Dock Co., C. H..Milwaukee. Sullivan Mose ce ae ae Detroit. DRYING APPARATUS, Sturtevant, Bab. Co... 2. Hyde Park, Mass. DRY DOCKS. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Atlantic: Works... ce East Boston, Mass. Buitalo-Dry Dock Co... 36.60 60. Buffalo. Chicago vai Binding, Cons. ek Chicago. Craig Shi wilding Cosco. Toledo, O, Cramp, Win. & Sons... 5... Philadelphia. Detroit Ship: Building Co:.3- 02... Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. Lockwood Mfg. Co....... East Boston, Mass. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co......... Rees eee ge as ae Newport News, Va. Shipowners Dry Dock Co... 7.00. e. Chicago. Superior Ship Building Co....Superior, Wis. ELECTRIC HOISTS AND CRANES. General Electric Co........ Schenectady, N. Y. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS. General Electric Co....... Schenectady, N.Y. MietzZ) Augicnctscasi oe oie oe8 New York. Sturtevant, Bi. & Co... .:. Hyde Park, Mass. Thropp & Sons, John Bes.c.. Trenton, N. J.