'TAE. MarRINE. REVIEW oF 23 appointed by the Dominion government to investigate the general subject of lake levels. A particular object of its in- quiry will be the level of Lake Erie and the construction of a THE SUPERIOR IN THE WATER. dam at the outlet of Lake Erie has. been suggested to in- INTERNATIONAL MR. GEORGE CLINTON. crease the level of the lake. Mr. Wisner is especially well qualified to serve upon this commission as he has had long expericnce in engineering matters dealing with waterways. He was a member of the Deep Waterways Commission of several years ago. CANADIAN SHIPPING NOTES The purchase of the ship building yards and engine works of the Bertram Engine Co., Toronto, by the Canadian Ship Building Co., has been definitely arranged and possession is to be taken immediately. The Canadian Ship Building Co., has a yard at Bridgeburg, Ont., on Lake Erie, where vessels will be built entirely fon the upper lake trade, and the Bertram yards will be utilized for the building of vessels of canal size, and excursion type steamers for the Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence river trade. The first vessel which the" new owners will build at the Toronto yard will be the new ex- press steamer for the Niagara Navigation Co. The com- bined yards will be under the management of A. Angstrom, formerly with the Bertram Co., but latterly with the Canadian Ship Building Co. COL,.ZOSWALD_S. ERNST. The Quebec Steam Whaling Co. has purchased the steamer Falke in Norway, for whaling purposes in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The Falke was expected to reach Quebec June 15. At a public meeting held in Quebec recently, a resolution was passed favoring the establishment of a direct line of ocean steamers from Quebec to Great Britain, and a com- mittee has been formed to see what can be done: in the way of arranging with some steamship owners for such a service. Merchants and business men of Quebec have petitioned the Dominion government to abolish the.tax of 5 cents per reg- ister ton on shipping at that port. A test has been made in Hamilton, Ont., bay, of a vessel propelled by water, pumped through a_ brass tube running along the full length of the hull. 'On the trial a 45 ft. boat was used, and a 37 H. P. gasoline engine was used to pump the water into the tube in which there is a number of valves. It is claimed that the compression of the water in being forced through the tube makes the vessel move. The inventor is J. Dudley, and the friends who are finding the money propose forming the Hydraulic Navigation So; Companies have been: formed at Horton, N. S., with the title of the Brig Curaco Co., and the Brig G. B. Lockhart WATERWAYS COMMISSION. MR. GEORGE Y. WISNER. Co., respectively, to take over the brig Curaco, and the brig G. B. Lockhart. The first named: company has a capital of $10,000. and the second a capital of $7,500. The directorate in each case is the:same, viz: J.T. and D: ES North, of Hor- tony N.S): G2. B:, Wand Fi Loekhart-of New: York. The. friction .between the Canadian Pacific 'Ry.. officers and the port authorities at St. John, N. B., respecting wharf accommodation have resulted in reports that the railway is about to, develop an independent port of its own at Stockton Springs, Me. Plans have been prepared by an engineer for new- wharves. at St. John, showing an additional 150 ft. of wharf fronts, with sheds and other equipment. The Laird-Paton Co. (Ltd.) has been incorporated at Mon- treal, with a capital of $95,000 to take over the general .con- tracting business heretofore carried on 'by Laird-Paton & 'Son, and boat and canoe*building business carried on by the St. Lawrence Canoe & Boat Co. The provisional directors are "Jas..and 'H..1L°S. 'Paton; W: J. Thompson, J. Stther- land and G. A. Robertson of Montreal. The Transportation Commission has recently: held several