TAE Marine. REVIEW '19 A NEW FRENCH WATER-TUBE MARINE BOILER A water-tube marine boiler of French design is shown in the accompanying illustration. This boiler was designed by Normand & Co., of Havre France. In reality there are two boilers which are so built that they occupy the space usually taken by a single boiler, thus effecting a great saving of space and allowing economy in operation, as one boiler can be shut down when but little power is desired. Furthermore, it is not necessary to put the entire boiler out of service in order to repair a bursted tube or injury due to any other accident. In the illustration the upper drums are designated by A and B and the lower drums by C and D. These drums receive the ends of the tube clusters. The down flow water tubes are shown at E, while the upflow occupy the space shown by the dotted lines J. The front ends of the upper and lower drums of the respective boilers are connected by hollow ee Hee el robe ¢ TAT. Oe ene Sete Sew RSENS err ey rk ee ci co's Va take she cae ee 0 | i WAAL oo _ a | The new White Star liner Adriatic, now in course of con- struction at the shipbuilding yard of Messrs. Harland and Wolff, Belfast, will be the greatest steamer afloat. She is practically and in some respects actually of the measurements of the Baltic, which till now is the largest steamer the oceans of the world have ever seen. The Adriatic differs only in one respect from the Baltic, inasmuch as she has more tonnage, but this does not imply either greater length or greater beam, but consists in deck arrangements. As is well known, the Baltic is a steel twin-screw four-masted steamer of 23,876 gross tonnage, having a length of 709.2 feet, with a beam of 75.60 feet, and depth 52.6 feet, The Manitowoc Dry Dock Co. has received an order to lengthen the side-wheel steamer City of Chicago for the Graham & Morton Line by ae ir. a \ SiS of BT Ne 7X\ / NEW NORMAND FRENCH WATER-TUBE MARINE BOILER. staybolts K.. The fire boxes of the two boilers are arranged side by side but are separated by a vertical wall of fire brick M. If the boiler is to be run under forced draft this vertical wall is built in two parts with an air space between them. The two portions of the boiler are separated as regards feed water and steam generation. Their fire boxes and grates are also separated. The two boilers are provided with a common funnel N and with separate smoke boxes O and P. The hot gases rising from the furnace pass through the tube clusters into the two smoke boxes from whence they escape into the common funnel. The Cunard Steamship Co. have been notified that a diplo- ma of honor, the highest award, has been granted to them for their exhibit of models at the Naval, Shipping and Fish- eries' Exhibition at Earl's Court, London. The White Star line has also been awarded a diploma for a gold medal in re- spect of its exhibits at the same exhibition. The Pacific Steam Navigation Co. who also exhibited models of their steamers, have also-been similarly honored. PERRY BROWN SHEET PACKING Following is a copy of a letter from Chief Engineer J. G. Randall of the steamer City of Erie of the Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co.'s fleet to La Favorite Rubber Mfg. Co., Paterson, N. J. It speaks for itself: "Gentlemen:--In compliance with your wishes regard- ing the Perry brown sheet packing furnished by your company in February 1902, to pack the steam joints on the steamer City of Erie preparatory to her trial of speed and endurance, as compared with the steamer Tashmoo, which took place in June 1902, and resulted in favor of the City of Erie will say, that the Perry brown sheet packing held an important part in this trial, as our suc- cess depended to a great extent on the packing used in our steam joints, and I am pleased to be able to inform you they were perfect and that this same packing, applied more than three years ago, is still in service and doing good work. I do not know what better recommendation anyone could ask for than this."