"TRE Marine REVIEW 37 WANTED and FOR SALE Department. PROPOSALS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. PROPOSALS FOR TWO SNAGBOATS,--U. For Sale. A Bargain. S. Engineer Office, Vicksburg, Miss., Jan. 8, 1906. . Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for construction and delivery of two steel snagboats will be re- ceived here until 12 noon, standard time, March 10, 1906, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. G. M. Hoffman, Capt. Engineers. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. One combination Clamshell and Dipper Dredge. Machinery for clamshell dredge. A dipper dredge partly burned. Deck scOW II2x32x9 Tug--14x16. Several dredge dippers. Three 109 yd. dump scows. Miscellaneous appliances. Office -- with safe and fixtures, all to be closed out cheap. CARKIN, STICKNEY & CRAM, DETROIT, MICH. For Sale Two sand suckers, with patent unload- ing scows, tugs, etc. Also improved dock property and shops. Address, Osborn & Co. Duluth, Minn. For Sale. Five Scotch Boilers, allowed 160 lbs. steam. Good as new... ERIE MA- CHINERY . CO:, 729 Garfield Bidg., Cleveland. O. FOR THE Estb. 1828 {f ARE ACCEPTED BY THE LEADING REGISTER OF SHIPPING. GREAT LAKES. 820-822 Perry-Payne Building, ° GREAT LAKES REGISTER CLASSIFICATION OF STEEL AND WOODEN VESSELS. COMBINED AND ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH ~ BUREAU VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. : O BEFORE AND S OF GREAT LAKES REGISTER G te ceceerel UNDERWRITERS OF AMERICA AND EUROPE. VESSELS BUILT UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF ITS SURVEYORS WILL RECEIVE SPECIAL RATING, peachy ALSO BE PUBLISHED IN BUREAU VERITAS INTERNAT ---- PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. ----_--_--$---------------------- GREAT LAKES REGISTER SURVEYORS ARE ESTAB- LISHED AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL PORTS ON THE ------ 5 SURVEYOR GENERAL, F. D. HERRIMAN, CLEVELAND, O. Square fire box marine boiler. Bui't 1898, 8 ft. 6 in. wide, 13 ft. long. Al- lowed 130 lbs. pressure. American in- spection. 'For further particulars apply to F. E. HALL, Trenton, Ont., Can. For Sale Cheap. Schooner Minnie Slauson, rate A2 and in good condition. Address all communi- cations to CAPT. L. E. LARSON, Manitowoc, Wis. Tug for Sale A harbor and towing tug; engines 20 by 22; draft 6 ft. forward, 10 ft. aft. The boiler, hull and house brand new. In perfectly good condition, ready for im- mediate service. The Ford River Lumber Co., Wells, Mich. Small Steam Barge for Sale. We offer for sale at a bargain, a Steam Barge, carries 250 tons, Address HOLMES BROS , Redwood, N. Y. For Sale. LUMBER CARRIERS Steamer Sachem, 650,000 ft. Barge Geo. B. Owen, 1,000,000 feet, light draft. For further information apply to L.$. SULLIVAN, Toledo, Ohio. Estb. 1896 REPRESENTED BY GHARLES KE. PECK, Steamer E. F. Gould, length 137 ft., width 28 ft ,depth 8 ft. 5 in , tonnage 261 tons. Boiler, engine and hull in gocd condition. First-cless, complete sand pumping outfit now installed on boat, will sell with boat if so desired. Apply JOHN M. McKERCHEY, Detroit, Mich. Wanted. TUG BOILER for 14x14 engine not less than 125". HARBOR TUG in good condition, 18 x 18 or better. DUMP SCOWS, GRAVES & STEPHENS, 17 Commercial Bank Bldg., Cleveland, O. Wanted. Wanted to charter, with option of pur- chasing, a propeller or side wheel steamer 120 to 130 ft. keel, 5 to 5% ft draft. Ca- pacity 200 passengers and 50 to 60 tons freight. Address TURBINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, : Hamilton, Canada. WRECKING. Wrecking. The powerful ice-breaker Algomah lies at dock at St. Ignace under constant steam ready for a call on the lakes at any momert. ISLAND TRANSPORTATION CO., St. Ignace, Mich. JL,.R. Boyton, Mgr, « WILLIAM A. PRIME, CHAS. E. & W. F. PECK, Insurance Brokers. Average Adjusters. ESTABLISHED 1870. NEW YORK, 58 William Street, BOSTON, I53 Milk St. BUFFALO, 906 The Fidelity Bldg. CLEVELAND, !107-8 Williamson Bldg. CHICAGO, II115-16 Royal Insurance Bldg. GCG. T. BOWRING & CO., (Insurance) LTD., 5 and 6 Billiter Ave., LONDON, and at '""LLOYD'S"' LONDON. HULLS and GARGOES. We place insurances in the most advantageous markets, employ- ing, in theinterest of ourclients and with equal facility,all Foreign and Home companies, at the best procurable rates and terms. We Represent Only the Assured. The Blue Book of American Shipping, Marine Directory of the World, $5.00 i Practical Marine Engineering By PROF. W. F. DURANT For Marine Engineers and Students, with aids for applicants for marine engineers' license. THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland PRICE $6.00 FOR SALE BY