38 Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS. General Electric Co.......Schenectady, N. Y. ME Ae ic ere cw cece csss New York. Thropp & Sons, John E.......Trenton, N. J. ENGINE BUILDERS, MARINE. American Ship Building Co........Cleveland. Atlantic Works..........-East Boston, Mass. Chicago Ship Building Co..........Chicago. Chase Machine Co.......-++--..+-+.-Cleveland. Cramp, Wm. & Sons............Philadelphia. Craig Ship Building Co...........Toledo, O. Detroit Ship Building Co.............Detroit. Fletcher, W. & A. Co.........Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Shipbuilding Co....Quincy, Mass. Great lakes Engineering Works.Detroit, Mich. Fall Bros, 6.54 <i e sess s sess. « Philadelphia. "Lockwood Mfg. Co... ...+--Kast Boston, Mass. Maryland Steel Co.......Sparrows Point, Md. Mietz, Aug...... bepees sear tecas New. York. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co........ .-Milwaukee. Mosher, Chas. D..... Sebewes «e.e-New York. Moulton Steering Engine Co....... New York. Newport News Ship Building Co........ zs Sah 6 cece eee .eee--Newport News, Va. New York Shipbuilding Co....Camden, N. J. Nortnwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co... Dr gecens oss. Duluth, Mich. Quintard Iron Works Co...........-New York. Roach's Ship Yard.............--Chester, Pa. Sheriffs Mfg. Co............-.... Milwaukee. Superior Ship Building Co....Superior, Wis. Thropp, J. E. & Sons Co...... Trenton, N. J. Teout, Ho Goce. cc. so. cc tee ess. s ss Bultalo. id ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, ETC. Cory, Chas. & Son................New York. Marine Mfg. Supply Co............New York. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND . SUPPLIES. Kieley & Mueller ................New York. Lunkenheimer Co. ...............Cincinnati. hwest Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co... . onus : Deiutir, Minn. ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, : CONSULTING. Hynd, Alexander .................Cleveland. Hunt, Robt. W. & Co................Chicago. Kidd, Joseph..................Duluth, Minn. Mosher, Chas, Do. .56.66.50ss-s00. New York. Nacey, James ....6.6 cesses sess. Cleveland. Roelker, H. B. i. cc.33. 00sec New York. Wood, W. J. ......seeeeseeeeeee-Chicago. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS, Greacen-Derby Engineering Co............. So Perth Amboy, N. J." ee Walee Cl C2. os. ohroys N.Y. FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL OR ELECTRIC. General Electric Co.......Schenectady, N. Y. FORGES. : Sutton Co, Cb... ccc cseesss-s Toledo, O. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PROPELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETC. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co...Cleveland. Fore River Shipbuilding Co.....Quincy, Mass. Macbeth Iron Co.................+Cleveland. ; FLUE WELDING. . Mix, S. SONS. 2050s s cece cece ss. Cleveland. FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL DEALERS, Hanna, M. A. & Co...............Cleveland. Ironville Dock & Coal Co..........Toledo, O. Parker Bros. Co., Ltd...............Detroit. Pickands, Mather & Co............Cleveland. Pittsburg Coal Co.................Cleveland. Smith, Stanley B., & Co.............Detroit. The Marine REVIEW FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental Iron Works..........New York. GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co..New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase Machine Co........--..+...Cleveland. GAUGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. : Lunkenheimer Co. ...«...0+++-+.~Cincinnati, GAUGES, WATER. Lunkenheimér Co... .6 ssc ccece Cincinnati, O. GENERATING SETS. General Electric Co...........Schenectady, N. Y. GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph..Jersey City, N. .J GRBASE EXTRACTORS. Greacen-Derby Engineering Co.......-..00+ Cee ecleccesceecee cee es Perth Amboy, N. J. HAMMERS, STEAM. Chase Machine Co.....a......+-+..Cleveland. HEATING APPARATUS. Stitton Co., C, B..........-.......- Loledo, O; HOISTS FOR CARGO, BTC. American Ship Building Co........Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. (Inc.).... Melle geese ee ces ec. Cleveland, Chase Machine Co................Cleveland. Dakel Engine Co. . 3.05.50. 25. Grand Haven, Mich. General Electric Co...............New York. Georgian Bay Engineering Works........ Sos dese seeees Midland, Ont. Hyde Windlass Co..........++-.-..Bath, Me. @eoeceeerecocene Marine lron' Co. 0. ceeds ieee es eecses Bay City, Mietz; Aug. 6. ccs ccck occa io ccicl New. York. HOLLOW SHAFTINGS, IRON 'OR STEEL. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...Cuyahoga Falls, O. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...Cuyahoga Falls, O. HYDRAULIC DREDGES. Great Lakes Engineering Works..... - Detroit. HYDRAU.IC TOOLS. Watson-Stillman Co., The.........New York. ICH MACHIN ERY. Great Lakes Engineering Works..... - Detroit. Roetker, TH. Bo...) i ees ew York. INJECTORS. American: Injector Co........;...... - Detroit. Veikine BIG8. .. ies asec... New York. Tunkepleimer Co..............,. - Cincinnati. Penberthy Injector Co........ - Detroit, Mich. INSURAN CH, MARINE. Elphicke, C.. W. & Co..........+554 Chicago, Fleming & Co., E. Jeoeeseeecesssee..Chicago, Gilchrist A Co, © PF... --..Cleveland. maweood © Co., W. Als... - Cleveland. Helm & Co., D. ieee pecs vis puss s Duluth. Hutchinson -& Co... ..c.3.. 002: «+..Cleveland, McCarthy, I. Rie. .ics.,, - Montreal. McCurdy, Geo. Lnesseseesseeseeeee «Chicago Mitchell, &.' Co..5.6..,,.,. es ce Claislant cul Bross Co, Eide 6 a 'Detrolt. Peck, Chas. E. & W. F..N cies Prindiville & Co....... oS a Richardson, W. C. Sullivan, Dik ea cet Cleveland, te ee ee ee eeee esses. Chicago. IRON CASTINGS. Sutton Co., C. Bie ee skissss... ss Toledo oO IRON ORE AND PIG IRON, Bourne-Fuller Co. ee eeeseccece -Cleveland Oo Hanna, M. Ak Co... .. Mines i Cleesland. Pickands, Mather & Mises kes Cleveland. te seeeeeeees. Chicago, Continued. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ; ELECTRIC. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co.....St. Joseph, Mich. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armstrong, Cork' Co..... 02.03. - Pittsburg. Drein, Thos. & Son.........Wilmington, Del, Kahnweiler's Sons, D..............New York. LIGHTS, SIDE AND SIGNAL. Russell & Watson ..................Buffalo, \ LOGS. Nicholson Ship Jog Co.....:;. 2 Cleveland. Walker & Sons, Thomas....Birmingham, Eng. Also Ship Chandlers. LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .Jersey City, N. J. LUBRICATORS, Lunkenheimer Co. ...., .. Cincinnati LUMBER. Martin-Barriss Co.....<:....+¢++.«.Cleveland, MACHINISTS. Chase Machine: Co. :......¢..2255, - Cleveland, Hickler Bros.........Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lockwood Mfg. Co........East Boston, Mass. MACHINE TOOLS (WooD WORKING). Atlantic Works, Inc....... «e+ee+ Philadelphia. MARINE RAILWAYS, Hickler Bros..........Sault Ste. Marie, Mich, MARINE RAILWAYS, BUILDERS OF, Crandall & Son, H. I.....East Boston, Mass. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. PORE, MM. Wei ccc ces cccescas: NeW. Vo MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS, American Ship Building Co........Cleveland. Detroit Ship Building Co.............Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works..... - Detroit. METALLIC PACKING. Katzenstein, L. & Co..... eee-eeeeNew York. The National Metallic Packing Co... .Oberlin, O. MOTORS, GENERATORS--ELECTRIC General Electric Co....... Schenectady, N. Y. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Benjamin Farnum How.................. Boston Ritchie, E. S., & Sons......Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS, fiyad; Alexander .................Cleveland. iad. Joseph 27.5... .. -Duluth, Minn. Mosher, Chas. D... «oeeeNew York. Macey, James) 6.8 es --.--Cleveland. MO WV oo hobo kocaccacs bee, «Chicago, OAKUM. Stratford, Oakum Co.......Jersey City, N. J. : OIL ENGINES. ; Meee A New York. OILS AND LUBRICANTS, Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .Jersey City, N. J. Btendard Oil. Co. 6.03 sé esc es ose ca. Cleveland. : PACKING. Peahing Fiok, «....-53.0cesce....New Yous Katzenstein, L. & Co..... See'evs cd New, York. The National: Metallic Packing Co....Oberlin, O. Republic Belting & Supply Co..... Cleveland, O. PAINTS. Baker, Howard H. & Co............-Buffalo. Upson-Walton Co. ................Cleveland. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc............ Philadelphia.