TAE MARINE REVIEW 15 The navigation season for Duluth-Superior harbor aggregates only eight months per annum while at ocean ports navigation is carried on for twelve months. Considering the mean monthly freight movement during the season of navigation, Duluth-Superior harbor practically stands next to New York. The navigation season covered a third of 254 days, or from April 8 to Dec. 18. The following table gives a description, quantity and value of the commerce of Duluth-Superior har- bor for the last year: RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS WITH VALUATIONS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR I1905--DULUTH AND SUPERIOR COMBINED. Description of Cargo. Unit. Quantity. oe Valuation. rice. Barley, oats, rye, corn...... Bushels ... 16,808,223 $0.46 $7,731,782 Cement <3 Fish cc Barrels 240,885 1.40 337,239 (Coal,chard Ocoee ste ne Tons! ee. 779,598 6.25 4,872,487 Coal (sOft eos nan cee Perrier 2,827,957 3,65 10,322,043 Coppet cn ices sie ales a Sn sass 19,771 320.00 6,326,720 Bish 2.55 sy see ee re See ees 1,282. 75.00 96,150 Flaxseed) sos 2a eee Bushels . 16,280,817 1.24 20,188,213 Plour . sc eee ee Barrels 4,765,160 4.50 21,443,220 General Merchandise ...... LOUS poets 219,253: = 165.00. 36,177,520 Gravel «465 Sci ee Cu Vds..5 34,275 1.00 34,275 Iron, manufactured ........ LOS fvees 98,159 70.00 6,871,130 Tron. Ore iiss. cee ee ee 15,507,125 2,40 37,217,100 Lath s.asccesc Moe 26,030 © 3.25 84,598 Limestone: 310.3 .c3 cr. a. Tons aa 70,455 1.50 105,683 Logs; pine -.<.3. 0.42.2 Me Pt. 34,285 13.00 445,705 Lumber eo uc eee on ee - Belt 416,211 16.00 6,659,376 Machinery i.e pees F as 506 330.00 166,980 OW ea eee Barrels... 133,388 6.78 900,369 Oil cake xiac co aics eee one oes Tons: ele 10,030 27.00 270,810 POlES oie File Puree a ee fe NOt oe 150,990 1.40 211,386 Salts ers a eee Rarrels ie 396,366 75 297,274 Sand)... ee eee Cas Wdsex, 24,444 75 18,333 Shingles ............. e000. Meee 603,370 2.50 1,508,425 Stone, building ........... Pons wee) 7,930 5.00 39,650 Ties, Rock os few ce sieges ING oe 74,612 42 31.337 Wheat .... cesses eeeeee -°Bushels ... 27,733,263 95 26,346,600 Miscellaneous items not in-Tons ..... 7,925 1,000.00 7,925,000 Wool: ce a ee cluded in abovei.... i3.: 122,128 Total valuation so. ose ei ee 196,751,583 COMMERCE OF PORTAGE LAKE SHIP CANAL. . The annual report of Major Charles L. Potter, of the com- merce through the Portage Lake ship canal for 1905 shows that 3,757 vessels of all classes used the canal during the year. The freight transported through it aggregated 2,413,- 445 tons valued at $79,869,500. The increase in freight ton- nage over 1895 is 222 per cent and over 1904, 7.72 per cent. during the year without difficulty. The commerce on Lake Superior is heaviest during July and August, yet more freight went through this waterway during October and November, or in the stormy season, than at any other time, which shows clearly the extent to which these canals are used for refuge. The following table gives the description, quantity and value of the freight carried through the Portage Lake ship canals during 1905: VALUE OF FREIGHT CARRIED THROUGH PORTAGE LAKE SHIP CANALS | DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1905. Description of Cargo. (Ohenke, Quantity. Unit Valuation. rice Cement 323 cess Coe ae Barrels... 63,650 $1.40 $89,110 Coal, hard oie a veut Tons vse. 162,872 6.25 1,017,950 Goals SOlt > soi seca eee ee ae 1,025,994 3.65 3,744,878 COPPeL, cheer at ora Se ee 95,533 320.00 30,570,560 Plaxseed 2 acu cr oles ee ote Bushels 783,522 1.24 971,567 Blout. 2. eiga S e e Barrels: 2... 719,329 4.50 3,236,980 Grains (except flax and WHEAELY ales sie Peres oie Bushels 751,584 -46 345,729 General Merchandise ...... PONS es 176,706 165.00 29,156,490 Iron, manufactured ...... ern 56,835 70.00 3,978,450 Tron vore ce ee. ah 198,281 2.55 505,617 fath Se Thousand . 3,038 3.25 9874 Damestones ss. 5 ee al EONS 0.0 58 34,851 1.50 52,277 Teamber: so virs ove oe M. Ft. B. M. 243,768 16.00 3,900,288 Oul) So ee ee ee Ge at hele ee 36,181 6.75 244,222 Pigs Ons Heo ci ks hese eek eae PONS ac nar 10,984 16.25 178,490 Salt 2G ec ee Barrels. 44. 146,356 7a, » 109,767 Sand: 42.5 0305 dcr e eG Guise Yds... 10,273 75 7,705 Shingles toca. cere ee Thousand . 60,910 2.50 152,275 Stone, building. ..62...22.77 PONS 27 eran 8,651 5.00 43,255 Ties; Re Ries oc a ae Number .. 51,549 42 21,650 IW eat es an Bushels 1,557,049 95 1,479,197 Unclassified e223) (7 ao: TONS. es 6,960 53,169 Total 'valuation. i340 ivee ieee ea 79,869,500 In addition to the above, 9,893,000 ft. B. M. of logs, valued at $128,609, were towed through the canals. The submarine torpedo boats Porpoise and Shark, which have just been thoroughly overhauled at the Brooklyn navy yard, were given an endurance run recently to test their effi- ciency. The Porpoise was commanded by Lieut. Charles C. Nelson, and the Shark by Lieut. Lloyd Shapley. They main- tained an average speed of about 8% knots throughout the run, with a choppy sea and the northwest wind blowing twenty-five miles an hour. : The ship yards at Jacksonville, Fla., are busy in the con- struction of steel barges. The Merrill-Stevens Engineering STEAMER PASSING THROUGH PORTAGE LAKE. The navigation season covered a period of 244 days extending from April 12 to Dec. 11. The average cargo through the canal is steadily increasing in size. In 1892 it was 1,607 tons, in 1895 2,325 tons, in 1897 3,024 tons, in 1900 4,406 tons, in 1903 6,300 tons and in 1905 9,400 tons. Loaded vessels 500 ft. in length drawing 19 ft. passed through the canals From Maj. Charles L. Potter's Report. Co. built eleven steel barges for the Isthmian canal Com- mission. The Southern Ship Building Co. and the South Jacksonville Dry Dock Co. have also orders on their books for barges. The Southern Ship Building Co. is also building a four-masted schooner for the Cook-Cummer Steamship Co., of Philadelphia.