"TAE. MarRINE. REVIEW 37 WANTED and FOR SALE Department. PROPOSALS. U. S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich., March 10, 1906 Sealed proposals for dredging Rouge River, Mich., will be received here until3:00 P. M., April 10, 1906, and then publicly opened. Infor- mation furnished on application. CHARLES KELLER, Capt., Engrs. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Second Hand Two only, 9x14, Davenport Locomotives. 25 four yards one way dump cars, of "Ryan and McDonald" mfr. All in good con- dition. The feo. Worthington Co. Cleveland, Ohio. Lighter For sale, 51 ft. long, 18 ft. beam, 5 ft. deep; two years old, in good condition. WILL. J. SCOTT, Marine City, Mich. Tug for Sale A harbor and towing tug; engines 20 by 22; draft 6 ft. forward, 1o ft. aft. The boiler, hull and house brand new. In perfectly. good condition, ready for im- mediate service. The Ford River Lumber Co., Wells, Mich. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. One combination Clamshell and Dipper Dredge. Machinery for clamshell dredge. A dipper dredge partly burned. Deck scOW I1I12x32x9. Tug--14x16. Several | dredge dippers. Three 100 yd. dump scows. Miscellaneous appliances. Office with, safe and fixtures, all to be closed out cheap. CARKIN, STICKNEY & GRAM, DETROIT, MICH. Steamer for Sale. Steamer W. J. Carter. 121 ft., beam 28 ft. Size of engine 15-- 28x26, Steeple compound. Light draft and lighton fuel. Capacity over 300 M lumber. Address W. J. GREENWOOD, Pt. Colborne, Ont., or]; B. Hall; Ast, Butfalo, N.Y, For Sale. Steamer Columbia, length 115 ft., beam 21 ft. Steamer Crescent, length 80 ft., beam 16 ft. For further information apply to C. A. Webb, Traverse City, Mich. ; A Bargain. Steamer EH. F. Gould, length 137 ft., width 28 ft ,depth 8 ft. 5 in , tonnage 261 tons. Boiler, engine and hull in gord condition. First-cliss, complete sand pumping outfit now installed on boat, will sell with boat if so desired. Apply JOHN M. McKERCHEY, Detroit, Mich. For Sale. Five Scotch Boilers, allowed 160 lbs. steam. Good as new. ERIE MA- CHINERY CO, 729 Garfield Bldg,, Cleveland, O. Length of hull | WANTED Wanted at Once A first class Ship Hull Draftsman ; one with experience in construction of lake vessels. State experience. Apply COLLINGWOOD SHIPBUILDING CO., Collingwood, Ont., Can, | Wanted. to purchase Tow Barge having carrying capacity of 800M lumber. Must be in good condition and light draft. Address F. E. Hall, Trenton, Ontario. | Wanted Ore tow barge about 500 to 7oo tons capacity on Io ft. draft. Send full par- ticulars and cash price. Capt. Vict Robinson, Chatham, Ontario. Wanted. - Wanted to charter, with option of pur- chasing, a propeller or side wheel steamer 120 to 130 ft. keel, 5 to 5% ft draft. Ca- pacity 200 passengers and §0 to 60 tons freight. Address TURBINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Hamilton, Canada. WRECKING. Wrecking. The powerful ice-breaker Algomah lies at dock at St. Ignace under constant steam ready for a call on the lakes at any moment. ISLAND TRANSPORTATION CO., St. Ignace, Mich. IL. R. Boyton, Mgr. THAT'S OUR BUSINESS cline' BOATS. Selling, Chartering If you desire to charter, sell or buy let us help you. CHICAGO STEAMER EXCHANGE, No. 2 Rush Street. Long Distance 'Phone Cent. 5046. CHICAGO. - A Handy Little Chart of the Great Lakes Mounted on Linen. 10%X15 INCHES. Price Postpaid, 25 cts. Clearly showing every port on the Great Lakes from Clayton to Duluth. It is small enough to fold up and carry in the coat pocket or pigeon hole of a desk, and is also very suitable for framing. With this little chart near at hand, you save the trouble of stepping to a chart case and taking out a great big three-foot square chart that is awkward to handle. The Most Accurate Small Chart Ever Published. THE MARINE REVIEW, - - FOR SALE BY CLEVELAND.