TAE MARINE. REVIEW GREAT LAKES REGISTER FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF STEEL AND WOODEN VESSELS. 39 CH ARLES EK. PEOK, WILLIAM A. PRIME, CHAS. E. & W. F. PECK, Insurance Brokers. Average Adjusters. ESTABLISHED 1870. NEW YORK, 58 William Street, BOSTON, 153 Milk St. BUFFALO, 906 The Fidelity Bidg. CLEVELAND, 1107-8 Williamson Bidg. GHIGAGO, 1115-16 Royal Insurance Bldg. REPRESENTED BY GC. T. BOWRING & CO., (Insurance) LTD., 5 and 6 Billiter Ave., LONDON, and at "LLOYD'S" LONDON. HULLS and GARGOES. We place insurances in the most advantageous markets, employ- ing, in theinterest of ourclients and with equal facility,all Foreign © and Home companies, at the best procurable rates and terms. Estb. 1896 Estb. 1828 {f COMBINED AND ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH BUREAU VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. F We Represent Only the Assured. THE RATINGS OF GREAT LAKES REGISTER GO BEFORE AND ARE ACCEPTED BY THE LEADING UNDERWRITERS OF AMERICA . AND EUROPE. VESSELS BUILT UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF ITS SURVEYORS WILL RECEIVE SPECIAL RATING, AND WILL ALSO BE PUBLISHED IN BUREAU VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. The Blue Book of American Shipping, Marine Directory of the World, $5.00 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. Practical Marine Engineering By PROF. W. F. DURANT For Marine Engineers and Students, with aids for applicants for marine engineers' license. PRICE $8.00 FOR SALE BY THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland GREAT LAKES REGISTER SURVEYORS ARE ESTAB- LISHED AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL PORTS ON THE GREAT LAKES. F. D. HERRIMAN, SURVEYOR GENERAL, 820-322 Perry-Payne Building,. eae CLEVELAND, O. \ Views of New Lake Vessels Excellent photographs of the following vessels which came out during the season of 1905, may be had for $1.00, postage paid. Negative size 8 x 10 inches Ball Brothers : Hoover & Mason Lyman C. Smith Stephen M. Clement George W. Perkins John Stanton Wm. E. Corey Wm. A. Paine Amasa Stone James Davidson Francis L. Robbins Superior Henry C. Frick Geo. H. Russel Sylvania Elbert E. Gary Wm. A. Rogers James P. Walsh Leonard C. Hanna Powell Stackhouse James C. Wallace Frank J. Hecker : Socapa Peter White _For Sale by THE MARINE REVIEW CLEVELAND