30 TRE MARINE REVIEW LAUNCHING OF THE HARVEY D. GOULDER. The steamer Harvey D. Gould- er, building at the Lorain yard ofthe American Ship Building Co. for Mr. Vienry A. Hawgood, w as launched at noon on Saturday last and was. chris- tened by Miss Al- dyth O. Hawgood, the daughter of Mr. Arthur A. Hawgood, in the presence of an un- usually... aire.c party. . The -day was a, perfect, one and the launch one of the most successful that MISS ALDYTH O. HAWGOOD. has taken place at this yard, The-guests were taken to the ship yard on special cars and were returned to the Clifton Club where luncheon was served. The spacious dining room of the large club was_beauti- fully decorated for the occasion. President Wm. Livingstone of the Lake Carriers' Association acted as toastmaster. Mr. Livingstone read letters of regret from Mr, Eugene Tyler Chamberlain, commissioner of navigation, Senator Jacob H. Gallinger of New Hampshire, Mr. T.:T. Morford of Buffalo, and Mr. Harry Coulby of Cleveland. Mr. Livingstone then read a little poem written by Mrs. Harvey D. Goulder, which elicited great applause. MR. HARVEY D. GOULDER. 2 : THE LAUNCHING PARTY ON THE STAND,