16 TAE MaRINE REVIEW mos G 144' 60) 135" (2! ne 2° +. 2' -- 120 s 60) t6) (2. 15" -- 120 20' Answer 8° 26' 15" = % of a point. Or, thus, : wu" ti" 35 00° = 1 point. -- 2° 48 45" = 14 point. 8° 26' 15" = 3% point. How to start the table of angles: eee. O20. 6 RE ee ee 2 456 AS De i eee os a ae eas .. 8°) 26 15 . re eens to TL ag and sO on the whole way through. The angles corresponding to the names of the points and quarter points in.the ng three quadrants are identical, namely: N by W is N 11° 15! W,-_S by-E is it 15.6, and > oy W is S- 11°15 W, and so on with every point and quarter point of the compass. Note.--If{ you go all the way oon the compass to the right ("boxing the compass") from north, bear in mind that between east and south you must reckon from S towards E instead of E towards S. For example, E 4% S in degrees is Nore 2 46 45 S, but S 87°11 15° E. The same thing is true, between west and north in working continuously to the right. North and south are the zero points and all courses are reckoned from them, toward east and west up to 90°. This is fully explained in Lesson IT, Note.--Here is another way of getting at it. After de- termining the number of degrees, minutes and seconds in a quarter of a point, keep adding the number of degrees and fractions of a degree to a quarter, half, three-quarters, a point, and so on till you get 90°, the required amount. Here is the way to do it: ° 2 48 45° =14-pt. oo ee 48 a 37' 30" Patent. ek 2 48 AS" 8.260 157 ==34-pt. me ta 48 45" ° , uw eee mph + 2° 648" 45" ! = I-pt. , 14° 3° 45" =134-pt. ep 2) 48 45" 167. 62 Go" --114-pt. het +e 48. 45" Io 640' 15 ==13/4-pt. 14-pt. + 2° a 4s" fe) , Mu 30° 00" =2-pt. and so on up to 90°. Learn how many degrees, minutes and seconds in a quarter, half, three-quarter and a whole point. The remainder of them will come to you as you progress and rave occasion to _use them. Examples: 22 sia How many °,', %, '" in % ofa point? Ans. 1° 24 22" 46 How many in 1% of a point? Ans. 4° 13 7" 30". How many in % of a point? Ans. 7° 1' 52" ae How. many in 7% of a point? Ans. 9° 50' 37" How to get them: Dividing 11° 15' by 8 will give the number of °, ', ", '"" in Y%-point. Multiply this by 3 gives it for 3; by 5 ee 5% and by 7 for %. Orn me 7, 7," that equal %-point be added to the °, etc., that correspond to ™%-point will give the °, etc., corre- sponding to 3-point, and so on with the half for 5@; the three-quarters for 7%, etc. From N. to E. Points. Degrees, MO ee a ee aa 0 0° 6c. = 60" Ree ee vA 2 48° 45" Te ee ee oo i 5° 37 ee ee rere i nae Oa ao eae De a oie. I IE* Meee My Be Be ees eae Vas 1a G3: ge" Mm Dy E44 drs So es Iie 1G. Sa. 90" Dy o6 Bs es 134... 19° 41' 1 BOON ee ea 2 a 30° 00" DN Ue eae or ce 2% 28° OF" ap; IN NE ee Ce 2A 325° 18' 25° SUI WA ED eo ee a ee 234 30° 50' 15" Ri Wy oN ee ee ee 3 ae 45 00" NE Oe No ee aA 36) ie 45. Mie Deis aie ap: a2 30" NN aa er ae 334) 42" ti 13" ee se ee ee 4 45. po. = 60° NO ee es A 2 AT" 43 45° Ne Be ea oe ke 4% 50° a 30" We ee Ay 53 20' ie DB by te es 5 EO. 15, 00" Mey 6 eo ch. So. 03' 45" Dre ee ee ce Ol 52 30" NE Dy Ee Cee Bog, Og ak Oa Be eee 6 67" 30° 00" Mee 64% 70° LB ane Ne Be. nee. O12 | 73. O7- = 30" ONE Vo oa, 64. 75" 50° S Re ee i a a AS bo oe ye, oe mi Ae 33° 45° Ne Wi. BA" 22" 20" ee ke Se, 9, 87" ir 15. Poe ge ee 8 90° oo = 00, The above table shows the names of the points and quarter points, number of the points and fractional points in each course, and the angle, or degree divisions, made by each with the meridian North, from North to East on every compass card. This portion of the table is given here merely to assist the beginner. POINTS AND DEGREES OF THE COMPASS. The above picture represents the card of a Mariner's Com- pass together with the degrees and points of the circle. The circumference is marked, commencing with North, from 0° to 360°, continuously to the right--o° and 360° coinciding with each other. The radial lines marked from 1 to 32, rep- resent the full points. The 32d point corresponds to North, or zero being one and the same. 16 points is South, or 180 degrees. The 24th point corresponds to West, or the 270th degree, etc. The inner circle graduated to de- grees corresponds to the usual method of marking the card; namely, N and S 0°, and E and W:<90°. The reverse points are marked alike--N by E, S by W--N by W, S by E, are each marked 11%. These are called the 1 point courses, be- cause they lie one point from the zero, or reckoning points North and South. There are, therefore, 4 of every kind of point courses with the exception of the two meridian courses