"TAE MARINE. REVIEW 41 nn mmm Hyde Windlasses and Capstans | | | | | Selected for the Minnesota and Dakota of the Great Northern 8 Steamship Co.'s fleet--the largest vessels ever built in the United States. They are also being in- 2 stalled on nearly all of the vessels now building for the Navy Depart- ment, Revenue Cutter ' service, Lighthouse Board and the United States Coast Survey. Reason--Their Superionity | Steamship Minnesota equipped with Hyde Windlass and Capstans. | Send for Ilustrated Catalog. ; , | HYDE WINDLASS COMPANY BATH, MAINE Ceo. a McCurdy Kune OE co. 169 Jackson Boulevard 0 IRON STEEL CHICAGO ILLINOIS act os Cleveland, Ohio. INSURANCE | = HULLS and CARGOES The Water Light Self-Igniting Inextinguishable For Life Saving Salvage Distress Signal Submarine Repairs and General Construction. Illumination. Send for Simple. Patentees and Manufacturers DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING | AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS THE MARINE TORCH CO. BALTIMORE, MD. ed by The British Board of Trade, either of Life Buoy Lights or Deck Flare. Especially approv