24 THe MARINE REVIEW LAUNCHING OF STEAMER BRITTANIA. primarily for special winter and heavy ice work aside from the usual excursion business, In designing this steamer several new features have been inaugurated, both in hull design and machinery. The hull forward is cut away and for a distance of 8 ft., 4 ft. above and 4 ft. below the water line, is double plated and double strengthened for a distance of 4o ft. aft of the stem and for this same distance the 6-in. ME J; G. MULLEN. bulb iron frames, which have been used instead of angle frames, are spaced 9 in., while the remainder of the frames -are spaced 18 in, The steamer is 164 ft. between perpendiculars, 180 ft, long, 45 ft. breadth of hull and 17 ft. 6 in. molded depth. Copyrighted, 1906, by Detroit Publishing Co. The beam; over guards is §6 ft. The shell plating by strakes is as follows: A strake 15 lbs.; B strake 13 lbs.; C strake 12.5. lbs.: D strake 12.5 Ibs.; E strake 49 to' 20 lbs.; double forward for ice work and G strake is 20-lb. plating double for ice work. FE and G strakes, upon which the brunt of the burden in the ice will rest, will be triple riv- eted, while all other plating will be double riveted, assur- ing rigidity and strength. The main deck will be of steel, blind punched through- out to provide a safe foothold for passengers. The engine will be of the triple expansion type, with cylinder diameters 20, 32, 50-in. by 36-in. stroke, and a new departure is made in them in that the low pressure cylinder will be in the center, the high-pressure forward and _ the intermediate cylinder will be aft, instead of the usual arrangement of high-pressure forward, intermediate in the center and low< pressure aft. All valves will be driven by link motion and the engine will have both steam and hand reversing gear. The engines will be supplied with steam by two. single ended return tube boilers each 13 ft. 2 in. mean diameter, and 12 ft. long, and each containing two 48-in. Morrison suspension furnaces and 2!4-in. charcoal iron tubes. The boilers are built to withstand a working pressure of 180 Ibs. to the square inch, and will be fitted with the Howden forced draft. Ash guns are provided to dispose of the ashes outboard. : The wheel will be of semi-steel and will be solid, the de- tachable bucket type not being suited for ice work. It will be 11 ft. in diameter with 13-ft. pitch. The shaft will ke 11% in. in diameter. The pump equipment will consist of Dean's independent vertical air pump and condenser fitted' with suitable valves to connect with the trimming tanks or outboard as may be required. The trimming tanks will have independent outlet valves and there will be a special tank for injection water with at least four seacocks all provided with steam jets for removing ice and a connection is made from the air pump delivery into the injection tank. It will be seen that by this arrangement the new boat cannot get stalled in the ice on account of inability to get water for the con- denser, as she is fitted aside from the regular seacocks, with a connection to the waterbottom tanks and_ is always