yf * ae ue * 24 'TAE Mar INE. REVIEW ~NEW LAKE PORT. The United States Steel Corporation is rapidly creating at the extreme southern end of Lake Michigan in Lake county, Indiana, a new harbor, known as Gary, which will presenting herewith the first comprehensive and authentic plans for the creation of the' new port. These plans in- clude a diagram of the plant of the Indiana Steel Co. " Ge | | : : ye a) Z "ial oe mi ayy | ! ooo hy 7 | : Be | a] Z | 2 I a ee | ZA ee 4 : y A ? y 2 < -- = TT te CC 5 siMiiiTal lcocnencetoen TTT Soo Oo Agence TT itt ii JT TRU A TT el TE RUA TET TOC TV TTY SSN SOM ai ATMA Soa eee LAAIAARA Sa te UU UIA TTT a OS Ail) Oe OTTO au UST TTT TTT TOVOMUTUAMS TTT THAT Tit PLAN OF JHE. CITY OF GARY. eventually become one of the leading, if not the leading, ore receiving ports on the great lakes. The subject is, therefore, one of vital importance to the vessel interests of the great lakes and the Marine Revirw 'takes pride in which the Steel Corporation is building; tion of land upon which the town of G and a general view of the geogr plants in relation to surrounding to the platted sec- ary will be built; aphical location of the wns, The new plant will