Buyers' CORK JACKETS AND RINGS. _ Armstrong Cork Co..Pittsburg, Pa. Kahnweiler's Sons, D....New York. CRANES, TRAVELING. Brown- -Hoisting Machinery CoO...... Se ea Cleveland. DIVING APPARATUS. Piotse, A J. & Son... +. .: Boston. A..New York. -DREDGING CONTRACTORS. Brevitiena @ Bros., G. H... Schrader's Son, Inc., Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.. Mee es hues Buffalo. Great oaices Dredge & Dock' Co.. Oe Chicago. ee ce em wee mee ewe ceo eee eo eee eee eee Pickler Bros. fe Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Hubbell Co., H. W. Saginaw, Mich. A...Cleveland. Smith Co., a Ba One4) » Starke Dredge & Dock Co., Code. .. Milwaukee. A001 ee ese oO We. © 80. bye ee Bulivan, Mise fo ed. Detroit. DREDGING MACHINERY. Quintard Iron Works Co.New York. DRY DOCKS. American Ship Building Co... ..... ee ts atl ay. Cleveland. Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. Buffalo Dry Dock Co... - Buffalo. Rficdgo Ship. Billing Co./..)-4.. ee i a es Chicago, Cramp, Wm. & Sons. . Philadelphia. Detroiy Snip Hullditie Co.0 2 Le a Detroit Great Lakes (ARE te Works.. ee. Detect. Ce ee ee ee ey eee ee www es om ee ee ww we oe 3 age ne Rais. Shis Building Co.. poe es. Newport News, Va. _ Shipowners' Dry Dock Co. Chicago. euperioe Ship Building @o.<.. ..: Oa ee Superior, Wis. Tietjen & Lane Dry Dock *Co:... .. PO eee Hoboken, N. J. DREDGE BUILDERS. Manitowoe Dry Dock Co..:...:... a Oe it Manitowoc, Wis. DYNAMOS. focneeme Miccime: Cow 6 2) ee. Ee a ae She needy, Boy. 'lhrepp & Sons, fokn F...... 02)... We ee hue. Trenton, N., ic _ ELECTRIC HOISTS AND : CRANES. teense Electric Oa el hee Schenectady, We 'ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PFLANIS. - Peers) Liectric Co......,....2...., ee i: '+, oemenectady, N. Y. 'Thropp & Sons, Johuw £2. PRG ae ye, Ferentan,. N. J. _ ENGINE BUILDERS, MARINE. "American Ship Building Rei (st i es ek Cleveland. atiantic Works, East Boston, Mass. Chicago Ship Building Co., Chicago, 7 @Mase Machine Co........ Cleveland, | Cramp, Wm. & Sons, Philadelphia. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit. Fletcher, W. mA £O., Hoboken, N. J: Fore River Shipbuilding BO fio Quincy, Mass. 9PM Pee wesesesas - Loledo. Buffalo Dredging ce Buffalo. TAE MARINE REVIEW ~ Directory of the Marine Trade. ENGINE BUILDERS--Continued. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Pe ee OE, Detroit, Mich. eta Os) ce: Philadelphia. Lockwood Nig. Co... 6.05.62. 60.. 83 i eae eas East Boston, Mass. Maryiana sieel Co... ie eee Sparrows Point, Md. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co., Milwaukee. Mosher, Clas. fe. y i. oy. New York. Newport News Ship Building Co.... ate Newport News, Va. New York Ship Butding Co:,...... Wek rs wu ene Es Camden; N. J. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. (ED REG we ite Duluth, Mich. Quintard Iron Works Co., New York, Roach s. Ship Yard... _ Chester, Pa. mimetiiis. Vile CO. as Milwaukee. Supertor Ship Building Co.......... RO OO ee Superior, Wis. Teroop, 0. bo Bone COL. 6 ok pe ee 1 tenton/; N.. yf, meee i Gee ee, Buffalo. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH CALL BELLS, ETC. Gery, Chas: & Son... ... New York. Marine Mfg. Supply Co., New York. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. ELunkenheimer Co, i..... Cincinnati. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. CG. ee Duluth, Minn. ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. divod.. Alexander: cca. Cleveland. Feat, Robt. W. & Co:...'.. Chicago. Midd, joseph... 2... :: Dultth, Minn. Me@sher.Ghas. Dio... .. New York. Magey, James 2 oa. oe Cleveland. pociker oT. Be. ae New York. PeOeGr WN ioe Liens. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. Greacen-Derby Engineering Co..... ieee rr S. Perth Amboy, N. J. Ross Valve CO. cn es Ttoy, N.Y: Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Oe es New York. FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL OR ELECTRIC. General Electric ve a eae a FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PRO- PELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETC. . Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co.. OF Us be don ok Cleveland. Pore River Shigbudding Co... 0. :.: aaa Cee e ee: Quincy, Mass. FLUE WELDING. Hix's 3S. Sons, 3.04. eek Cleveland. FUELING COMPANIES AND _ COAL DEALERS. Flanna, M, A, Be Co... 2 Cleveland. Ironville Dock & Coal Co., Toledo, O. Parker: 'Bros. Co,, lids, Deicoit. Pickands, Mather. & Co.,. Cleveland. Pittsburg Coal Gol... Cleveland. Smith, Stanley B., & Co., Detroit. FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental Iron Works, New York. Continued. GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co.. New York. Ce ee GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase Machine Cleveland. GAUGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. Eunkenlheimer Co: 2.7... Cincinnati. GAUGES, WATER. : Lunkenheimer Co...... Cincinnati, O. GENERATING SETS. Greiretal: ieee 50.2.6 yee eo Cihomasne ceed »chenectady, JN... Y- GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .: coe... Mi we Jersey . City, -N. 'J. GREASE EXTRACTORS. Greacen-Derby Engineering Co..... Cee: Perth Amboy, N. J. HAMMERS, STEAM. Chase Machine. COs. 3. Cleveland. HOISTS FOR CARGO, ETC. American Ship Building Co... 3.3... oe ee Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co...... ae eg ea Cleveland. Chase Machine +o... >. Cleveland: Dake Engine. Co,;..... Pe eis een ce Grand Haven, Mich. 'General Electric: Co... 6. New York. Hyde Wiidlass: Go... . 2. Bath, Me. Mavine Iron Go..6).0 07... Bay City. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON. Fails Tlotlow Staybolt: Cos... ....00. Oe oe ++..-..Cttyahoga Falls, O, HYDRAULIC DREDGES. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Me ee a a Detroit. HYDRAULIC TOOLS. Weatsons>tillman= Co, The...... ve OP RE OIG Os CLOG @ Walp we he i898: 6.-0 9 eke ICE MACHINERY. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... oa ay rene eid is eee ON hide Detroit. Roelkern hi Be a New York. INJECTORS. Amercan injector -Co.. Detroit. Jee Brog... New York. Lunkenmhetmeéer Co; «2... Cinemnati. Beabestny injector Ca... 650.52... Lo eee ee etrait,, Mich INSURANCE, MARINE. Elphicke, C. W. & Co... -Chigago. Giichtiet. & Co,, C. Pic. Cleveland. Hawgood & Co.,.W. A., Cleveland. pe we Co, Do Pe ee ouluth. Hutchinson & Orme won Cleveland. MeGCarthy, IT: R.......o0 Montreal. Dreturay, Geo. Ty... Chicago. Biitehel Car... Cleveland. Pareer Bros. Co, Lads 7: Detroit. Pece Cac PG Wom... es 6 New York and Chicago. Pigie Ge to,., - F Chicago. Richardson, W. -G..3.,0:. Cleveland. Sullivan, D. Ba Ces iccage.